Gender*Queer*Workshop: Speakers & Performers

Judith Jack Halberstam

Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters (1995), was a study of popular gothic cultures of the 19th and 20th centuries and it stretched from Frankenstein to contemporary horror film. Her book Female MasculinityIn a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives (2005) is a study of queer temporality or queer uses of time and space that are developed in opposition to the institutions of family, heterosexuality, and reproduction. This book devotes several chapters to the topic of visual representation of gender ambiguity as in the emergence of transgender visibility. Halberstam was also the co-author with Del LaGrace Volcano of a photo/essay book, The Drag King Book (1999), and with Ira Livingston of an anthology, Posthuman Bodies (1995). Halberstam just finished a book titled The Queer Art of Failure due out 2011 from Duke University Press.

Halberstam regularly speaks on queer culture, gender studies and popular culture and publishes blogs at

Eveline Kilian

London: Eine literarische Entdeckungsreise (Darmstadt, 2008) (a cultural and literary history of London); GeschlechtSverkehrt: Theoretische und literarische Perspektiven des gender-bendingMomente innerweltlicher Transzendenz: Die Augenblickserfahrung in Dorothy Richardsons Romanzyklus Pilgrimage und ihr ideengeschichtlicher Kontext

Elliat Graney-Saucke


Performance Description:

Sir La Muse, a female (or) bio drag queen, performs exaggerated femininity, in ways a double or more complex drag than from one gender to the other. Using live and pre-recorded voice, performances explore culture, abstract context, illusion, emotions of longing, love and sorrow, held together with humor through exaggeration. Sir La Muse is from Olympia/Seattle USA and is currently based in Berlin, Germany.

Synopsis: Travel Queeries

Travel Queeries is a feature-length documentary film that examines the culture, art and activism of radical queers in contemporary Europe. Through personal interviews, documentation of performances, festivals, multi-media arts and community spaces, the film explores queer as a political identity in 21st century Europe, how language and identities translate over cultural and physical borders.

The film focuses on radical and innovative actions and projects that, through pushing for an alternative to commercialization of gay culture, brings to light queer subculture that operates mostly under the radar of LGBT mainstream. Travel