American Studies Graduate Forum


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Upcoming Events

Erfolg in Serie is back!!!

Please join us for season XII of Erfolg in Serie:

Marc-Oliver Frisch (Saarland U) will present
The West Wing
Oct. 22, 2024: 7 pm
Kino Achteinhalb (Nauwieserstraße 19)

Entrance free of charge!

Past Events

Here you can find out about the most recent past events (for all past events check our archive).


Lecture Series: Facetten der Vielfalt: Genderforschung und ihre Bedeutung für die Gesellschaft

Ringvorlesung Gender Studies

Nächste Woche: Abschlussveranstaltung, Diskussion und Kunstaktion mit Darja Lindner, Dr. Carola Fricke und Dr. Julia Pierzina

Mittwoch, 24.07.24;18-20 Uhr

Rathaus Festsaal








Lecture Series "Fake, Lüge, Desinformation: Über die Literatur zwischen Fiktion und Täuschung"

Post-Truth, Alternative Facts und Fake News – Amerikanische Literatur in der Trump-Ära
Professorin Dr. Astrid Fellner (Nordamerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)

Montag, 08. Juli 2024, 19 Uhr

Rathausfestsaal (Rathaus St. Johann)

Dieser Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit amerikanischer Literatur in der Trump-Ära und zeigt auf, wie Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller auf die „Unwirklichkeit“ und den post-faktischen Umgang mit der Wahrheit, die die Politik Donald Trumps charakterisieren, und die neue amerikanische Realität nach 2016 reagiert haben. „Fake News“, „alternative Fakten“ und das Verwischen von Fakt und Fiktion haben sowohl zu einer Krise der Repräsentation von „Amerika“ geführt also auch den Zweck von Literatur verändert. So können post-faktische politische Diskurse und die daraus entstehenden „alternativen Fakten“ als Narrative verstanden werden, die das Verständnis von amerikanischer Literatur verändern.

Guest Lecture by Vaida Misevičiūtė

Please join us for the guest lecture Hands on teaching in the era of AI  by Vaida Misevičiūtė 

on Tuesday, June 25th from 4 to 6 p.m.

Online via Teams (QR-Code on poster) or in building A2 2, Room 1.20.1

Indien, Europa, weltweit: Geschichten von moderner Sklaverei und Menschenwürde

Matinée, Talk and Discussion with Dr. Kiran Kamal Prasad

Invisible, but omnipresent: More than 50 million people work and live today worldwide in forced labor, slavery or under conditions similar to slavery. Food, textiles, leather, building materials, IT, jewellery and much more – there is hardly any product from global supply chains that can be used without heavy labor and human rights violations and damage to the environment. And there is hardly a region where modern slavery is not practiced. While the dramatic situation of construction workers in Qatar and the Uyghur textile workers in Xinjiang seems far away, an unimagined exploitation is taking place among other things, on the fruit and vegetable plantations in Italy and Spain, in the textile factories in Southeastern Europe and on large construction sites in Germany, directly in front of our door. Companies are growing into a billion-dollar business from this and as consumers, we have become accustomed to unreal prices. On the other hand, large losses are incurred in the state coffers.

Please join us for this event on Sunday, June 11th at Commune in 66111 Saarbrücken. For more information about the program and topics, please follow this link.

Guest Lecture

Dr. Andrea Průchová Hrůzová (Charles University Prague)
“Racial Capitalism, Gender Stereotypes, and Representational Asymmetry: Migration in Czech Media”
30 April 2024, 6 pm
Further details: see poster.


Guest lecture: Atelier Bordertextures

Dr. Angelos Evangelou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

“Affective Textures: Love as Border-Crossing in Cypriot Poetry and Film”
Friday, 3 May 2024: 17:00-18:30
Building B 3 1, lecture hall I

Online participation is possible, please register at; all informations

Film Screening & Podiumsdiskussion

Filmvorführung des Dokumentarfilm Der Landrat und die lieben Nachbarn (1993)

mit anschließender Podiumsdiskussion mit Siegfried Wack, Christian Fuchs (Regisseur) und Waldemar Spallek, moderiert von Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner und Dr. Tobias Schank

Dienstag, 26.03.2024 um 20 Uhr

Eintritt frei!

Kino Achteinhalb (Nauwieserstraße 19)

BIG Talk — From Border Perplexity to Border Renaissance: A Cultural Rebirth of Borders

with Dr. Astrid Fellner (Head of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies, Saarland University) | Victoria, BC & Zoom | February 27, 2024

In Person: CFGS C168 (Sedgewick Building, University of Victoria) or Zoom. The meeting will take place from 12:00pm to 1:30pm PST / 9.00 pm - 10.30 pm (CET). Register in advance for this meeting here. Registration is free but required.

Neil LaBute's WRECKS

Aufführung von Neil LaBute's WRECKS
mit Peter Wälter
anschließend Publikumsgespräch

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2024, 19 Uhr
Schlosskeller Saarbrücken

Online Lecture Series: Border Realities

Considering the prevailing inflation and commonplace usage of the term "crisis," the lecture series discusses in 2023-2024 situated and critical explorations of crisis from the perspectives of border scholars in geography, political sciences, cultural studies and anthropology. The international speakers will examine the intricate relationship between crisis and borders emphasizing how crises, and discourses about crisis, shape and complexify multiple border realities.

The online lecture series 2023/2024 is organised by the UniGR-Center for Border Studies (University of Luxembourg) and the Centre for Border Region Studies (University of Southern Denmark). The series “Border Realities” are open to the public and is aimed at researchers, students, and the interested public.


Project Presentations

Summer School 2023: Wartime Memories

Thursday, 01. February 2023; 4PM

Campus: Building B3.1 room 2.18

or online

Introduction to Cultural Studies North America / Virtual Canadian Studies

Join us on Thursdays 4-6 pm in building C 5 1 (Musiksaal) for our Canadian Studies lecture series.

Erfolg in Serie: Staffel XI

Erfolg in Serie is back!

Join us Tuesday night at Kino Achteinhalb!

Lecture Fellner @ CEUS Lecture Series

Prof. Fellner will give a lecture in the lecture series "Jenseits der Integration? Formen der Kopräsenz in Europa," organized by CEUS Cluster für Europaforschung. The lecture series takes place on Mondays, 4-6 pm at Musiksaal.

On Monday, 13 November 2023, 4-6 pm, Prof. Fellner will talk about "Mapping Border Crossings: Grenzüberschreitungen, Bordertexturing und Kopräsenz."

Book Launch / Buchpräsentation

Join us for the book launch of Queer, Migration and Belongings (eds. Astrid M. Fellner and Eva Nossem) on Oct. 31, 2023 at 7 pm in FrauenGenderBibliothek.

In der Schriftenreihe SOFIE, einer Publikationsplattform für Geschlechterforschung an der Universität des Saarlandes, ist der neue Band Queer, Migration and Belonging erschienen. Er wird am Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2023, um 19 Uhr in der FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar vorgestellt.

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch und Englisch statt.

(Guest) Lecture Svetlana Seibel

The imagination is at its most powerful and most fragile in writing that could be said to be archaeological, that digs down in the dirt to bring other worlds back to life,” writes Jennifer Wallace in her book Digging the Dirt: The Archaeological Imagination (12). Laura Riding’s novel A Trojan Ending (1937), an important, if today little known,   example of transatlantic literary modernism, is a text that incorporates a fair amount of dirt-digging. The novel, despite its undeniable preoccupation with language as a producer and carrier of meaning, or “truth,” as Ruth Hoberman (1997) convincingly shows, nevertheless accords an important and often complex role to materiality and material remains. The fact that Troy became materially tangible as a result of its identification through archaeology looms large both in the novel’s plot and in Riding’s commentary on her own text. It is hardly a coincidence that the novel was written and published at the time of a renewed archaeological campaign at the site on Hissarlik, the first to be undertaken in the 20th century and the first to be led by an American team of professional archaeologists. So what exactly is the role of archaeological practice and material culture in A Trojan Ending? Can we productively read the novel through the lens of “archaeofiction” (Conkey 2002, 167; Auguscik 2021, 205)? And which implications do these considerations have for the novel’s relationship to temporality? These are the questions that I aim to explore in this talk.

KWG Conference "Popular Cultures"

Annual Meeting of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

The Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (KWG) is holding its annual meeting at Saarland University in Saarbrücken. Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner, in her function as chair of the association, and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jonas Nesselhauf, as the head of the KWG office, are happy and proud to organize and host the conference and to welcome all participants to Saarbrücken.

The topic of the KWG 2023 is "Popular Cultures / Populäre Kulturen."

Check out the program and register here.



27 - 30 September 2023


Saarland University, Saarbrücken


This event is funded by Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (KWG), Saarland University, the Chair of North American Literary and Cultural Studies (NamLitCult) at Saarland University, the German-American Institute Saarland (DAI Saarland), and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).



Performance by Rickerby Hinds

Dreamscape depicts the death and inner life of a young woman, “Myeisha Mills,” who dreams though the impact of the twelve bullets that kill her. A meditation and reimagining of the night of December 28, 1998, when nineteen-year-old Tyisha Miller was shot and killed by four Riverside Police Department officers while she lay unconscious in a car; the play takes a powerfully clear-eyed look at the relationships between race, the body, and violence.

Through Beatboxin’, spoken word and dance the performance is structured around an autopsy report recited by a dispassionate coroner. As each of the twelve bullet wounds is described in horrifying clinical detail—the damage done to the arm, shoulder, scalp, teeth, thigh, neck, back, breast, eye, mouth, skull—Myeisha reminisces about her life, using each body part as a jumping off point. She describes the pleasures of softball, dancing, kissing, and hair styling with sweetness, humor, and all the insight of a nineteen-year-old.

Check out...


Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 8 pm


Saarland University, Campus Saarbrücken, Aula A3 3


This event is funded by the Chair of North American Literary and Cultural Studies (NamLitCult) at Saarland University and the German-American Institute Saarland (DAI Saarland).

KWG Podium Discussion "Popkultur im Saarland"

Kulturräume auf dem Weg aus der Peripherie ins Zentrum

The roundtable on "Popkultur im Saarland: Kulturräume auf dem Weg aus der Peripherie ins Zentrum" ("Pop culture in Saarland: Cultural Spaces on their way from the periphery to the center" is organized within the framework of the annual meeting of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (KWG). The topic of the KWG 2023 is "Popular Cultures / Populäre Kulturen." Check out the program and register here.




Friday, 29 September 2023, 8:30 pm


Kulturgut Ost
An der Römerbrücke 5
66121 Saarbrücken


This event is funded by the Chair of North American Literary and Cultural Studies (NamLitCult) at Saarland University.


Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Studium und Auslandssemester

The last event in our participation in the lecture series "Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Grenzräumen - Herausforderungen und Ressourcen" takes place on Monday, July 3rd.

It is a discussion about "Interkulturelle  Kommunikation in Studium und Auslandssemester" and you as students are invited to participate in the discussion!

There is no registration needed, simply come by at C7.4 room 1.17 at 4:15pm CET!

Upcoming Presentations

On Tuesday, June 27 there are two presentations we would like to invite you to!

15.00-16.00 CET

Astrid Fellner, “Riverine Borders: Undoing Borders in the US-Mexican Borderlands”.
Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 854 3197 4620 Passcode: 2023

18.00-20.00 CET
“Is Don Quixote an American Hero?”
Jorge Latorre, “Don Quixote in American Film”. Discussion with Octavio Solis, author of Quixote Nuevo.
Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 854 3197 4620 Passcode: 2023    

Kulturelle Begegnungen und Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit in internationalen Team-Teaching Projekten

As part of our cooperation with the project "Intercultural Communication in Border Regions," Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner will take part in the lecture series "Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Grenzräumen: Herausforderungen und Ressourcen."

Her talk "Kulturelle Begegnungen und Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit in internationalen Team-Teaching Projekten" will take place Monday, June 19 at 4:15 pm.

UdS Gebäude C7 4, Raum 1.17 

Überraschend Ukrainisch: Gerechtigkeit hat viele Gesichter

Together with FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar, Forum Geschlechterforschung and UkraineFreundeSaar e.V. we will hold an open dialogue on Tag der Offenen Gesellschaft on June 17, 2023 at 15:30 p.m. CET.

The motto of this year's Tag der offenen Gesellschaft is 'fairness' and and we invite you to take part in an afternoon of open conversation with Ukrainian women now living in Saarbrücken. Accompanied by Ukrainian snacks we will discuss how women transform challenges into opportunities, with German-Ukrainian relations at the center of attention. Our Ukrainian guests will bring a unique and precious perspective on everyday topics and we hope for a lively exchange.

Please register via e-mail at


Talk about bell hooks

'Ain't I a woman?' Das Lebenswerk der intersektionalen Feministin, Kulturkritikerin und Autorin bell hooks

Together with FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar and Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Saarland we are happy to welcome Canan Turan for this talk.

Wednesday, June 14 2023, 6 pm

Hybrid in FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar and online. The speaker will join us online. Please register at and mention if you would like to attend in person or online.

Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Mehrsprachigkeit in grenzregionalen Kontexten: Ein Blick in Lehre und Forschung

The next lecture in the project Intercultural Communication in Border Regions takes place Monday, June 12 at 4:15 pm.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Hauman, Dr. Julia Montemayor and Dr. Vera Mathieu (Saarland University) will give the talk "Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Mehrsprachigkeit in grenzregionalen Kontexten: Ein Blick in Lehre und Forschung."

Building C4 7, Room 1.17

Soziale Arbeit in der Großregion am Beispiel des Kinderschutzes und der Kinderrechte

As part of our involvement in the joint project of htw saar and Saarland University "Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Grenzräumen," we are happy to announce the next installment in the lecture series Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Grenzräumen: Herausforderungen und Ressourcen.

On Wednesday, June 7 at 16:15 p.m. CET, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zöller from the department of Social Studies at htw saar will give a talk about "Soziale Arbeit in der Großregion am Beispiel des Kinderschutzes und der Kinderrechte." The event takes place at htw saar, Campus Alt-Saarbrücken room 11.07.07.

Ukraine Fulbright Lectures

The NamLitCult department and UniGr Border Studies are happy to participate in the „Ukraine Fulbright Lectures“ in May/Junemit
All lectures will take place via zoom, for more info contact

Wednesday, 17 May 2023, 4 pm
Isis Luxenburger: „The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)“

Tuesday, 23 May 2023 1 pm
Dr. Tobias Schank: „Bordertexuring the German-Polish borderlands“

Friday, 26 May 2023 4 pm
Bärbel Schlimbach: „From Frontier to Border Studies: Changing Approaches to Borders in the American West“

Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 4 pm
Eva Nossem: „Of Languages and Borders: Staking Out the Field of Border Linguistics”

Monday, 5 June 2023, 4 pm
Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner: „What is border writing?“

Series of Lectures and Panel Discussion

The project Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Grenzräumen, a partner venture of htw saar and Saarland University with participants from the NamLitCult department, are happy to announce their lecture series "Interkutlturelle Begenungen in Grenzräumen: Herausforderungen und Ressourcen". Six lectures with speakers from different schools and institutions will engage in a diverse range of topics.

Tuesday, May 9th, 3 p.m. htw saar Campus Rotenbühl (Auditorium)

"Intercultural Encounters: Border regions, Diversity and Global Citizenship", kick-off panel discussion with

Leszek Drong (Professor of Humanities, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia, Poland)

Jaana Häkli (Senior Lecturer, LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland)

Kerstin Heuwinkel (Professor for International Tourism Management, htw saar)

Claudia Polzin-Haumann (Professor for Romance Linguistics, Saarland University)

Florian Weber (Junior Professor for European Studies, Saarland University)

Mittwoch, 07.06., 16.15-17.45 Uhr, htw saar Campus Alt-Saarbrücken Raum 11.07.07

"Soziale Arbeit in der Großregion am Beispiel des Kinderschutzes und der Kinderrechte", Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zöller (Sozialwissenschaften, htw saar)

Montag, 12.06., 16.15-17.45 Uhr, UdS Gebäude C7 4, Raum 1.17 

"Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Mehrsprachigkeit in grenzregionalen Kontexten: Ein Blick in Lehre und Forschung", Prof Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Dr. Julia Montemayor, Dr. Vera Mathieu (Romanistik, UdS)

Montag, 19.06., 16.15-17.45 Uhr, UdS Gebäude C7 4, Raum 1.17

"Kulturelle Begegnungen und Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit in internationalen Team-Teaching Projekten", Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner (Amerikanistik, UniGr Center for Border Studies, UdS)

Mittwoch, 28.06., 16.15-17.45 Uhr, htw saar (Campus Rotenbühl, Aula)

“Grenzübergreifende Lernformate etablieren – Ansätze und Herausforderungen”, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Jensen, Prof. Dr.  Achim Schröder (Wirtschaftswissenschaften, htw saar), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zöller (Sozialwissenschaften, htw saar)

Montag, 03.07., 16.15-17.45 Uhr, UdS Gebäude C7 4, Raum 1.17

"Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Studium und Auslandssemester", Dr. Elisabeth Venohr (DaF/DaZ, UdS), Dr. Julia Frisch (Stabstelle IKM/DaF, htw saar)

Borders in Crisis: Border Struggles and Border Violence in a Global Perspective (2023)

The 9th Seminar of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies organised by Saarland University will take place on-site (D4.1) and online on the 11th and 12th May 2023.

Find more information and the full program here.

International Summer School 2023: Wartime Experiences

From April 16 to April 24, 2023 Saarland University will be hosting students and faculty members from West Chester University (WSU) in the United States, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University and Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) in Ukraine for an International Summer School where students will engage with the idea of “Witnessing and Documenting Wartime Experiences.”

Find more information here

Movie Screening "Mr. Jones"

Together with Kino achteinhalb we are again happy to show a Ukrainian movie!

Friday, April 28 at 7 pm

Es gibt Gerüchte über eine Hungersnot in den 1930er-Jahren in Moskau, wohin der britische Journalist kommt. Gareth Jones hat schon Hitler interviewt, diesmal geht es um Stalin. Zum Interview wird es nie kommen, aber Jones‘ Kollegen in der sowjetischen Hauptstadt machen Andeutungen. Angeblich tobt in der Ukraine eine gigantische Hungersnot, während das Getreide aus dieser Kornkammer der UdSSR nach Moskau geschickt wird. 
Agnieszka Holland erzählt vom Holodomor, das ukrainische Wort für »Tötung durch Hunger«, dem in den Jahren 1932/33 in der Ukraine bis zu 14 Millionen Menschen zum Opfer fielen. Ein Menschheitsverbrechen, immer noch heftig umstritten in der ukrainischen und russischen Geschichtsschreibung. 

Buy tickets here

"Stop Zemlia" and "Das Hamlet Syndrom" Movie Screening

As part of our ongoing "Filmland Ukraine" cooperation with Kino achteinhalb we will be showing the ukrainian movies "Stop Zemlia" and "Das Hamlet Syndrom":

Stop Zemlia:

Monday, February 27, 7pm with an introduction by Dr. Alina Mozolevska, Petro-Mohyla-Schwarzmeer-Universität, Mykoljiw

Tuesday, February 28, 8pm

Wednesday, March 1, 8pm

Tickets are 4€ and you can get them in advance here

Das Hamlet Syndrom:

Thursday, March 23, 7pm including a discussion with director Elwira Niewiera

Friday, March 24, 7 pm

Saturday, March 25, 7 pm

More info here

Filmland Ukraine

Kino achteinhalb is continuing their screening of Ukrainian movies! All movies start at 8pm and are shown in their original version with german subtitles.

Monday, 30 January: "Nichts über uns: Queere Ukrainische Kurzfilme", free entry with an introduction by Dr. Olga Plakhotnik, Greifswald University.

Monday, 27 February, Tuesday, 29 February and Wednesday, 1 March: Stop-Zemlia

Guest Lecture: Prof. Robert Schwartzwald

We are happy to welcome Prof. Robert Schwartzwald to a guest lecture: "In the Limelight Again: Hosanna, 50 years later, and Michel Tremblay’s La Shéhérazade des pauvres".

Thursday, 26 January 6-8 pm CET

Building B.3.1, room 2.18

Night of the Profs

Night of the Profs is back this January with your professors on the turntables!

Friday, 20 January 2023 at 9:30pm Audimax Foyer (B4.1) Campus Saarbrücken 

At the turntables:
Prof. Dr. Roland Beckmann 
Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner 
Prof. Dr. Moritz Weber 
Prof. Dr. Sven Gottschling mit Co-DJ Philip
Prof. Dr. Karen Lienkamp
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Morana

Tickets will be available starting January 9 in the ASTA building (7€ presale).

Cinédentité: Industrial films from the Greater Region

Four compilations of industrial films from the Greater Region will be shown over the next couple of weeks!

Please note the updated time for Völklinger Hütte!

4 December, 2 pm CET, Liège, Musée de la Vie Wallonne

12 December, 6:30 pm CET, Nancy, La Manufacture, 9 rue Michel Ney (Salle Sadoul, 1st floor)

14 December, 6:30 pm CET, Luxembourg, Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg

31 January, 6 pm CET, Völklingen, Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte

Book Presentation with Juliane Schäuble

Tuesday, 29 November at 6pm CET

Juliane Schäuble, author of Guns'n'Rosé: Konservative Frauen erobern die USA is coming to FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar to present her book in a talk with host Anke Schaefer. You can also catch the event online!


Erfolg in Serie Season X

Erfolg in Serie is back! Join us at Kino achteinhalb to watch and hear about four cult shows, always at 8 pm CET and free of charge!

Tuesday, 15 November 2022: Archive 81 (Isis Luxenburger)

Tuesday, 22 November 2022: Northern Exposure (Carrie Ankerstein)

Tuesday, 29 November 2022: Stranger Things (Tobias Schank)

Tuesday, 6 December 2022: First Kill (Niki Stammwitz)

Don Quixote and the US-Mexican Borderlands

Join us for a tertulia on "Don Quixote and the US-Mexican Borderlands" with Octavio Solis and Professor Oleksandr Pronkevych

Friday, 18 Novermber 2022

5:30 pm CET

Zoom-Registration at

Screening of Ukrainian Movies

Coming soon, the screening of Ukrainian films and documentaries in Kino 8 ½

with English/German introduction and discussion

04.11. 2022 – 19.00 – EARTH (Ukrainian: Земля), a 1930 silent film directed by Alexander Dovzhenko, one of the top ten greatest films of all times by the International Film Critics Symposium.

18.11. 2022 – 19.00 – SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESTORS (Ukrainian: Тіні забутих предків)  – a 1965 film – classic of Ukrainian magical realist cinema directed by Sergei Parajanov.

02.12.2022 – 19.00 – THE GUIDE (Ukrainian: Поводир), a 2014 Ukrainian drama film about an American Boy and a Ukrainian blind bard (kobzar), directed by Oles Sanin.

12.12.2022 – 19.00 –THE EARTH IS BLUE AS AN ORANGE (Ukrainian: "Земля блакитна, ніби апельсин"), a 2020 documentary film about living in the front-line war zone, directed and written by Iryna Tsilyk.

Stand with Ukraine, watch Ukrainian


Lecture Series: Indigene Nationen Nordamerikas: Perspektiven und Einblicke

Together with the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Saarland, we are happy to announce a lecture series containing six exciting events!

Monday, October 18, 6:30 p.m.: ""500 Nations": Kulturen der Native Americans in den USA" by Dr. Heribert Leonardy

Wednesday, October 20, 7 p.m.: "Deutsche "Indianertümelei": Geschichte, Probleme und Chancen" by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Lutz

Tuesday, October 25, 7 p.m.: "„Shadow Catcher“: Edward Curtis, Fotografie und Indigene Nationen" by Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner

Thursday, November 3, 7 p.m.: "Dismantling the Architecture and Refurbishment of Indigenous Trauma" by Red Haircrow

Thursday, November 17, 7 p.m.: "IndigePop: Indigene Popkultur im 21. Jahrhundert" by Dr. Svetlana Seibel

Monday, November 21, 7 p.m.: "Origin Story: The Indigenous Comic Con!" by Dr. Lee Francis IV

Movie Screening: Smoke Signals (1998)

Wednesday, July 6, 2022, pm CET

Kino achteinhalb, Saarbrücken 

Introduction: Dr. Svetlana Seibel, Saarland University

Part of: Indigene Nationen Nordamerikas: Perspektiven und Einblicke

Sie könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein: der unbeholfene Brillenträger Thomas und sein cleverer, gleichaltriger Freund Victor, Spielmacher des ortsansässigen Basketball-Teams. Die beiden Jugendlichen verbindet über ihr Alter und die Tatsache hinaus, daß sie noch nie ihre dörfliche Heimat verlassen haben, noch ein weiterer Umstand: Sie sind Indianer, Bewohner eines Reservates im Bundesstaat Idaho. Außerdem sind beide vaterlos bei Mutter bzw. Großmutter aufgewachsen. Als Victor eines Tages die Nachricht vom Tod seines Vaters in Arizona erhält, verlangt es die Tradition, dass er die sterblichen Überreste zurück in die Heimat holt. Eher widerwillig nimmt er Thomas’ Angebot in Anspruch, gemeinsam auf die Reise zu gehen. Da er pleite ist, bleibt ihm aber nichts anderes übrig; Thomas, von seinen Altersgenossen mitunter als »Medizinmann« gehänselt, scheint nämlich ganz versessen darauf, seine gesamten Ersparnisse in das Unterfangen zu investieren. So kann das Abenteuer seinen Lauf nehmen. In den folgenden Tagen werden sich die beiden jungen Männer nach anfänglichen Hindernissen mehr und mehr annähern und schließlich feststellen, dass ihre Lebenslinien noch enger miteinander verwoben sind, als sie dies bisher vermuteten.
Klassisches Roadmovie, das von einer authentischen Atmosphäre getragen wird und unaufdringlich die Frage thematisiert, ob Schuld vergeben werden kann. Wie entspannt die Filmemacher dabei mit ihrer Herkunft umgehen, spricht von großer Souveränität und macht Hoffnung auf mögliche Potenzen eines indianischen Kinos.
(Claus Löser,

In cooperation with: German-American Institute Saarland, Kino achteinhalb

IRTG Guest Lecture

Gilles Dupuis, Université de Montréal

"From Interculturalism to Transculturalism: Migrant Writings and Transmigrant Identities in Québec Literature"

Monday, July 4, 2022, 4 pm CET

Building B 3.1, Room 2.18

Double Feature Film Screening: GENDERNAUTS and Genderation

GENDERNAUTS - Eine Reise durch die Geschlechter

D 1999, R: Monika Treut, B: Monika Treut, K: Elfi Mikesch, M: Georg Kajanus, Sch: Eric Schefter

87 Min, FSK: 16, OmU, Documentary

Montag, 27. Juni20:00 Uhr

Including a film discussion with Dr. Monika Treut

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner, Nordamerikanische Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften, Universität des Saarlandes und Waldemar Spallek, Kino achteinhalb



D 2021, R: Monika Treut, B: Monika Treut, K: Elfi Mikesch, M: Pearl Harbour, Annette Humpe, Mona Mur, Sch: Margot Neubert-Maric, Angela Christlieb

91 Min, FSK: 0, OmU, Documentary

Dienstag, 28. Juni20:00 Uhr

Inclusing a film discussion with Dr. Monika Treut.

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner, Nordamerikanische Literatur und Kulturwissenschaften, Universität des Saarlandes und Waldemar Spallek, Kino achteinhalb


Kino achteinhalb, Amerikanistik (North American Literary and Cultural Studies), Universität des Saarlandes, Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit Frauen und Familie des Saarlandes, FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar, LSVD Saar, Frauenbüro der Stadt Saarbrücken

Lecture "Perhaps We Too Shall Have a Trojan Ending"

June 27, 2022, 7 pm CET

Rathaus Sankt Johann, Saarbrücken 

"Perhaps We Too Shall Have a Trojan Ending" - Homer in der amerikanischen Literatur

Lecture by Dr. Svetlana Seibel, Saarland University 

In the lecture series

Homer und Homer-Rezeption

Saarbrücker literaturwissenschaftliche Ringvorlesung

Summer term 2022, Monday 7 pm CET

Panel Discussion "Border Realities: Perspectives from Ukraine"

Tuesday June 21, 2022, 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm CET

Saarland University, building C4 7, Room 1.17 and online

Panel discussion from the event series "Krieg in der Ukraine – ein Krieg um ‚Europa‘?“


Dr. Julia Buyskykh, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Dr. Alina Mozolevska, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Pronkevich, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

Dr. Viktor Sklokin, Ukrainian Catholic University


Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner, Saarland University

Interactive Class: How to Write a Thesis Statement

Tuesday, 21 June, 4 pm CET

On Zoom:

Join Dr. Ewa Macura-Nnamdi for an interactive class on "How to Write a Thesis Statement."

Guest Lecture: Exile Di Brave

June 11, 2022, 11 am CET

live on Zoom

Guest Lecture by Exile Di Brave: "Dancehall as Experience: Artists and Jamaican Popular Culture"

Night of the Profs 2022

Night of the Profs 2022: Party on Campus

Friday, June 3, 2022, 10 pm CET

Foyer Audimax (B4.1), Campus Saarbrücken

Ticket sales at ASTA on campus 10 am - 1 pm (5€)/ at event (8€)

Come along and party with your professors! On the turntables:

22:00: DJ Moh
22:30: Prof. Dr. Moritz Weber
23:15: Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger (Informatik)
00:00: Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner (Amerikanistik)
00:45: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maaß (BWL)
01:30: Prof. Dr. Sven Gottschling (Medizin) mit Co-DJ Philip
02:15: Prof. Dr. Annemarie Matusche-Beckmann (Jura)
03:00: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Lehr (Pharmazie)
03:45: DJ Moh

Project Presentation "Borderland Stories"

May 20, 2022, 9 am - 6 pm CET

live on site @ MUDAM Luxembourg and on-line

"Borderland Stories" meets "Riverine Borders"

Students from the Greater Region (Master in Border Studies and Master in American Studies at Saarland U) and from Ukraine (dept. of philology, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolayiv) present their joint projects which they created within the framework of the EVZ project "Borderland Stories."

The project website and all student projects can be found at

Symposium "Riverine Borders"

May 20, 2022, 9 am - 6 pm CET

live on site @ MUDAM Luxembourg and on-line


Riverine Borders: On Rivers and Other Border Materialities

Waterways are essential components of the living and non-living world. They shape landscapes and serve as demarcation lines – as ‘natural borders’ – between states in many parts of the world. In addition to being lines that separate, rivers and streams are also lines that connect, and borderland territories are often particularly rich places of life, interaction, passage, porosity, cross-pollination and exchange.

Organised in the context of Zoe Leonard’s exhibition Al río / To the River, a series of lectures and the study day Riverine Borders: On rivers and other border materialities will focus on the materiality of these river borders from a territorial, geographical, and political point of view, and also from a metaphorical perspective, as arbitrary places where interests and ideologies overlap and clash.

A number of scholars and researchers in the fields of visual arts, cultural studies, history and geography will consider the riverine border in the North American and European contexts. Their interventions are both part and a continuation of contemporary debates on the status and the (symbolic) meanings of borders. These questions of borders have gained particular momentum in recent decades. The significance of borders as a response to the rise of burgeoning nationalisms or the ongoing migration management crisis in particular, has led to a forced digitalisation of border regimes, an increase in physical and digital surveillance and the multiplication of border installations worldwide.

This programme has been developed in conjunction with Zoe Leonard’s exhibition Al río / To the River (26.02–06.06.2022, Mudam Luxembourg – Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean) in collaboration with partners of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies: University of Luxembourg (Geography and Spatial Planning), Universität des Saarlandes (North American Literary and Cultural Studies) and Universität Trier (Trier Center for American Studies).

Schedule of the study day (20.05.2022):

09h00: Possibility to visit the exhibition, to discover the student project Borderland stories at Mudam Studio, and small breakfast at Mudam Café
09h45: Welcoming and small introduction
10h00: First section on the materiality of the river: Rebekka Kanesu, Dr. Ifor Duncan, Dr. C. J. Alvarez (30 minutes each + discussion)
12h30: Lunch break, possibility to visit the exhibition, and to discover the student project Borderland stories at Mudam Studio
14h00–16h30: Second section on the river as a metaphor: Elisabeth Lebovici & Catherine Facerias, Dr. Daniela Johannes, Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner (30 minutes each + discussion)
17h00: Closing and final discussion

Please refresh the link shortly before the discussion.

Guest Lecture

Carlos Morton (U of California / Santa Barbara)

The Tao of Mestizaje: Multiple Borders, Multiple Bridges

Friday, May 13, 2022: starting 6.30 p.m.

Saarland University, Building B 3 1, Lecture hall I (0.14) or on zoom.

Film Screening & Discussion

Unfortunately, the movie screening/discussion had to be cancelled!

Roundtable Discussion about the War in Ukraine


April 26, 2022, 6 pm CET

live on site @ Aula (bldg. A3 3), Campus, Saarland University

Roundtable Discussion (DE-EN interpretation)

The War in Ukraine - and its consequences for Saarland University | Krieg in der Ukraine – Was bedeutet das für die Universität des Saarlandes?

Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine erschüttert Europa. Dieser Krieg, der sich auch gegen die Europa- bzw. Westorientierung der Ukraine richtet und auf dem Rücken der ukrainischen Bevölkerung ausgetragen wird, scheint dazu zu führen, dass ‚Europa‘ enger zusammenwächst. Zur europawissenschaftlichen Einordnung und Begleitung organisiert die Universität des Saarlandes im Sommersemester 2022 eine Veranstaltungsreihe zum Ukraine-Krieg und dessen Auswirkungen auf Europa.

Am Dienstag, 26. April von 18:15 Uhr bis 19:45 Uhr wird die Veranstaltungsreihe mit einer Podiumsdiskussion in der Aula der Universität (Geb. A3 3) eröffnet. An dieser Diskussion nehmen teil:

  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Schmitt (Universitätspräsident der Universität des Saarlandes)
  • Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner (Universität des Saarlandes)
  • Prof. Dr. Yuliya Stodolinska (Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University)
  • Kateryna Pliss (Studierende, Universität des Saarlandes)
  • Olha Slobodian (Studierende, Universität des Saarlandes)

Moderation: Dr. Johannes Abele
Mit Simultanverdolmetschung dt.-engl.

Die aktuelle Situation und ihre Folgen sowie die identitätsstiftende Funktion von ‚Europa‘ im Ukraine-Konflikt werden in den Folgewochen in weiteren Vorträgen und Podiumsdiskussionen unter anderem aus geschichtlichen, rechtlichen, medialen, ethischen und politikwissenschaftlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet; auch die Rolle des deutsch-französischen Tandems in der europäischen Außenpolitik wird diskutiert.

An der Veranstaltungsreihe beteiligten sich Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Universität des Saarlandes. Zudem sind internationale Gäste eingebunden, darunter auch vom Krieg betroffene Wissenschaftler und Studierende. Der Eintritt zu den einzelnen Veranstaltungen ist frei. Die interessierte Öffentlichkeit ist herzlich eingeladen.

Die Veranstaltungsreihe wird federführend vom Cluster für Europaforschung CEUS in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Europa-Institut, dem Rechtswissenschaftlichen Zentrum für Europaforschung und dem Frankreichzentrum der Universität des Saarlandes sowie dem Center for Border Studies der Universität der Großregion vorbereitet und in Kooperation mit dem EUROPE DIRECT Zentrum der Landeshauptstadt Saarbrücken durchgeführt.

Aktuelle Informationen zur Reihe und zu den jeweiligen Veranstaltungen finden Sie auf der Webseite des Clusters für Europaforschung CEUS.

Guest Lecture: Raúl Krauthausen (in German)


“Dis/Ability als Teil von Diversity”

Raúl Krauthausen

April 4, 2022, 6 pm CET

Online on Zoom @

Dis/Ability als Teil von Diversity

Vortrag und Gespräch: Inklusionsaktivist Raúl Krauthausen zur Frage: Wie halten wir es mit der Inklusion?

‚Diversity‘ benennt ein relationales Konzept, das als Leitmotiv für gleichberechtigte Strukturen in der Gesellschaft steht und sich auf die Zusammensetzung von Teams und Organisationen bezieht. Diversität umfasst verschieden Dimensionen (ethnische / soziale Herkunft, Geschlecht, geschlechtliche Identität, Alter, Religion oder Weltanschauung und Dis/Ability (Behinderung). Bei der Aufzählung dieser Diversitätsdimensionen wird Dis/Ability oft zuletzt genannt, vergessen bzw. unter "etc." subsumiert. Menschen mit Behinderung haben das Recht auf Inklusion und damit auf gleichberechtige Teilhabe und das Einbringen ihrer Perspektiven zu allen Themen, auch im Kontext akademischer Diskurse. Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten mit Behinderung setzten sich dafür ein, dass die Forderung auf eine gleichberechtigte Teilhabe an allen Diskursen auch umgesetzt wird. Eine der bekanntesten Inklusionsaktivisten ist der Autor und Herausgeber Raúl Krauthausen.

Das Graduiertenkolleg IRTG ‚Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces‘ lädt am Montag den 04. April (18:00-19:00 Uhr s.t.) zum Gastvortrag und Gespräch mit Raúl Krauthausen zum Thema "Dis/Ability als Teil von Diversity" ein. Im Mittelpunkt seines Vortrages stehen folgende Fragen:

  • Was bedeutet es, wenn Dis/Ability als Teil von Diversity nicht mitgedacht wird?
  • Wo finden sich weiterhin Exklusionsmechanismen und wie kann diesen - jenseits von Lippenbekenntnissen - konstruktiv begegnet werden?
  • Wer hat das Mandat, wenn es um Belange von Menschen mit Behinderung geht? Warum werden z.B. Wohngruppen von Menschen mit Behinderung in aller Regel von Menschen ohne Behinderung geleitet?

Im Anschluss an den Vortrag wird es die Gelegenheit für Fragen und Kommentare geben. Das IRTG Diversity lädt alle Interessierten herzlich zum Vortrag ein! Ausdrücklich möchten wir auch Studierende und Forschende mit Behinderung oder Beeinträchtigung zu einer Teilnahme an diesem Vortrag einladen und bitten darum, vorab Erfordernisse zur Barrierefreiheit mitzuteilen.

Die Veranstaltung ist hochschulöffentlich und findet online statt (Zoom). Bitte melden Sie sich unter folgendem Link an:

Lecture: "Sisterhood is Powerful": Feministische Klassiker aus den USA

Prof. Fellner will give a lecture on feminist literature in the US. The lecture will be in German.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

6.30 p.m. (online)

Meeting-ID: 858 7067 3954

Von Kate Chopin und Charlotte Perkins Gilman zu Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie und bell hooks: Die USA sind für feministische Literatur und die Geschlechterforschung ein zentraler Ort. Es gibt eine Reihe spannender feministischer Schriftstellerinnen und Feministinnen, die die Gleichberechtigung vorangetrieben und die vielfältigen Formen der Diskriminierung aufgezeigt haben. Dieser Beitrag unternimmt den Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme und zeigt auf, inwiefern sich „feminist power“ in den USA entwickelt hat.

Organisiert vom Deutsch-Amerikanischen Institut Saarland. In Kooperation mit NamLitCult und der FrauenGender Bibliothek Saar. Unterstützt vom Auswärtigen Amt.

UniGR-CBS Conference: Border Renaissance: Recent Developments in Territorial, Cultural, and Linguistic Border Studies

Upcoming Conference

Border Renaissance: Recent Developments in Territorial, Cultural, and Linguistic Border Studies

UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Check out the conference webpage for all news and the program:

February 04-05, 2022

on-line and on-site

Register here:

The Maple Movies Festival Tour 2021/22

Join us for the next movies within this year's Maple Movies Festival Tour stop in Saarbrücken:

Indigenous Shorts Program: (Hi)Stories We Tell

CDN 2018-2020

Thursday, February 10, 2022, 8 p.m.

Screenings of original version with subtitles.

Kino Achteinhalb (Nauwieserstraße 19)

Click here for info on upcoming movies within this series.

Guest Lecture: Prof. Dr. Birte Nienaber


“Third-Country National Labour Workers' Mobility to and inside Europe During the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Prof. Dr. Birte Nienaber (University of Luxembourg)

January 27, 2022, 3:30 pm CET

Online on Zoom @
Meeting-ID: 825 0324 0436, Kenncode: Qxd2kx

Guest Lecture Dr. Alina Mozolevska

Guest Lecture

Dr. Alina Mozolevska (Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University)

"Empowering the Voiceless in Contemporary Political and Media Discourse."

25 January 2022 - 2:15 pm CET

live on Zoom:

Guest Lecture: Dr. des. Leonie John


“Pacific Memories and Entanglements in Maori Literature”

Guest lecture in the lecture series "Memories of Diversity, Diversity of Memories"

Dr. des. Leonie John, a.r.t.e.s. Kolleg Köln

January 05, 2022, 10 am 

Online on TEAMS@

Guest Lecture: Dr. Sakiru Adebayo


“Reflections of Postcolonial Memory”

Guest lecture in the lecture series "Memories of Diversity, Diversity of Memories"

Dr. Sakiru Adebayo, University of British Columbia

December 15, 2021, 10 am

Online on TEAMS@



Guest Lecture: Dr. Katharina Motyl


''Traumatic Memory in Arab American Literature on the Global ‘War on Terror''

Guest lecture in the lecture series "Memories of Diversity, Diversity of Memories"

Dr. Katharina Motyl, University of Mannheim

December 8, 2021, 10 am

Online on TEAMS@



Erfolg in Serie Staffel IX: Amerikanische TV Serien als Gesellschaftsdramen

Alle Veranstaltungen jeweils Dienstag, 19.30 Uhr im Kino Achteinhalb, Nauwieserstraße 19, Saarbrücken.

Eintritt frei.


07 December 2021

Pose (2018-2021)

Creators: Steven Canals, Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy

Referentin: Astrid M. Fellner (UdS)


Pose is a period drama that focuses on ballroom culture and queer/trans culture in New York City in the late 1980s. Reclaiming the heritage of LGBTQ people of color, it focuses on the competitive relationship between ball houses Abundance and Evangelista. Picking up the thread where Jennie Livingston’s Paris is Burning (1990) left off and offering a powerful queer/trans of color perspective to Judith Butler’s treatment of this documentary in her Bodies that Matter (1993), Pose, with its trans cast and crew, helps boost trans visibility and representation on TV.


Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner is Chair of North American Literary and Cultural Studies at Saarland University. She is Vice-President of the German Association for Cultural Studies (KWG). Her main research areas are Latinx Studies, Border Studies, Gender/Queer Studies, and Popular Culture.


ASGF 2021 "Border Close-ups"

"Border Close-ups: Film and Everyday Lives in the Borderlands"

UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2021

December 3-4, 2020   |   on-line

In cooperation with the UniGR-Center for Border Studies, the IRTG 1864 "Diversity," and the German-American Institute Saarland, the Chair of North American Literary and Cultural Studies at Saarland University (UdS) will hold a 3-day American Studies Graduate Forum that invites advanced Master students, doctoral candidates, as well as junior and senior scholars to present their current work-in-progress in a workshop-style setting. The forum will offer participants a chance to discuss their research with peers as well as with more advanced scholars.

This year’s contributions include several papers on the construction, representation, and assessment of borderlands in film, as well as presentations from Master Students of the multilateral, transnational, interdisciplinary project Borderland Stories (a collaboration of Saarland University and Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine), sponsored by EVZ foundation, keynote addresses by Laurence McFalls (Université de Montréal) and Markus Heide (University of Hildesheim), and a round-table discussion with filmmakers Andreas Voigt, Barbara Etz, Constantin Iskra, and Kamil Bembnista.

  • 3 December (9am – 7pm)
  • 4 December (9.45am – 7.30pm)

Please find more information, including the conference program, our book of abstracts, and the registration link here.

Guest Lecture: Rhea Maria Dehn Tutosaus

Körper als Bordertextur

Rhea Maria Dehn Tutosaus, M.A., Technische Universität Darmstadt

01. Dezember 2021, 17:00-18:30 Uhr

Online, Zoom

Randa Maroufis Kurzfilm Bab Sebta (2019) inszeniert die spanisch- marokkanische Grenze der Enklave Ceuta als langsam ausgeführte Choreographie täglichen Agierens und grenzüberschreitender zyklischer Bewegungen. Besonders sichtbar in diesemReenactment sind die Porteadoras. Frauen, die sich Waren und Textilien um den Körper binden, bis sich ihr Umfang verdoppelt, oder sich als Paket auf den Rücken schnüren, um sie über die Grenze zu schmuggeln. Die Grenze materialisiert sich in den Körpern, wie es Gloria Anzaldúa (1987) einführte. Sie schreibt sich in das Fleisch ein, in jede Schicht des beweglichen weiblichen Körpers und wird wortwörtlich von den Frauen getragen. Der Schmuggel wird in der Videoarbeit zu einem ästhetischen Prozess des Faltens und Umwickelns, der kontinuierlichen Ent/Grenzung, in welchem sich Körper und Grenze über das Textile im Agieren der Porteadoras miteinander verweben.

Organisiert von der interregionalen Arbeitsgruppe „Bordertexturen“ im Rahmen des UniGR-Center for Border Studies.


Weitere Informationen:

Twitter @bordertextures

Guest Lecture: Dr. Hanna Teichler 


“Transoceanic Spaces as Memory Regions”

Guest lecture in the lecture series "Memories of Diversity, Diversity of Memories"

Dr. Hanna Teichler, Goethe University Frankfurt

December 1, 2021, 10 am

Online on TEAMS@








Erfolg in Serie Staffel IX: Amerikanische TV Serien als Gesellschaftsdramen

Alle Veranstaltungen jeweils Dienstag, 19.30 Uhr im Kino Achteinhalb, Nauwieserstraße 19, Saarbrücken.

Eintritt frei.


30 November 2021

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018-2020)

Creator: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa

Referentin: Svetlana Seibel (UdS)


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina premiered on Netflix in 2018, a much-anticipated release in which the audience invested great expectations. Created by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, the show is based on an Archie Comics comic book series of the same title, also written by him. At the same time, however, the new series has entered a much-beloved franchise established by the 90s sitcom Sabrina, the Teenage Witch that set the tone for the Sabrina storyworld and influenced its reading for a generation of viewers, which had an impact on the show’s reception. Yet Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is not so much a remake of the 90s version as it is a reinterpretation of the entire storyworld as a dark coming-of-age story. Interviews with the show’s cast and creative team as well as the promotional teaser material released in advance of the show stipulated a series that has closer ties to the horror tradition of the 60s and 70s than to teenage comedy, which is evident not only in the show’s storylines, but also in its visuals and aesthetic. In addition, the show stands out by virtue of its eclectic engagement with the topic of witches and witchcraft, in terms of historical events such as the Salem witch panic of 1692 as well as contemporary occultism and lore based on the ideas of Wicca and their ties to discourses on gender, sexuality, and social justice. Although generally well-received, particularly in its first two seasons, the show also garnered considerable criticism, especially for its unexpected and problematic finale. These and other aspects of the show will be the subject of this talk.      


Dr. Svetlana Seibel is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair of North American Literary and Cultural Studies at Saarland University and an adjunct lecturer at the American Studies Institute at the University of Konstanz. She studied North American Literary and Cultural Studies, British Literary and Cultural Studies, and Classical Archaeology at Saarland University. She completed her PhD on the topic of Indigenous popular culture as a member of the International Research Training Group “Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces.”


Guest Lecture: Prof. Dr. Lynn Itagaki


“Relocation, Internment, Concentration Camps: Multidirectional Memories of Japanese Americans during WWII”

Guest lecture in the lecture series "Memories of Diversity, Diversity of Memories"

Prof. Dr. Lynn Itagaki , University of Missouri

November 24, 2021, 10 am.

Online on TEAMS@










Guest Lecture: Jens Temmen

Jurisdictional Incongruences and Flexible Imperial Borders: An American Studies Perspective

Jens Temmen, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

15 November 2021, 4:30pm
Online, Zoom

Recent scholarship in American studies has centered the ways in which US imperialism today and in the past is characterized by the flexible reshaping of the allegedly rigid notions of territory, sovereignty, jurisdiction - a reshaping that frames the US as a semi-permeable and multilayered space that enables the expansion of its borders and colonial rule while simultaneously curbing postcolonial resistance within this space (cf. Temmen; cf. Goldstein). This notion of a strategic jurisdictional incongruence in the US context touches upon the very foundations of the model of the Westphalian nation-state. Based on this research, my contribution to the Atelier Bordertextures aims at exploring how flexible territoriality applies to other (post)colonial contexts such as Germany or the European Union and, for example, their discursive framing of migrant transit centers inside and outside European territory (cf. “Fiktion der Nichteinreise“).

Organized by the interregional working group “Bordertextures” (UniGR-Center for Border Studies)



Erfolg in Serie Staffel IX: Amerikanische TV Serien als Gesellschaftsdramen

Alle Veranstaltungen jeweils Dienstag, 19.30 Uhr im Kino Achteinhalb, Nauwieserstraße 19, Saarbrücken.

Eintritt frei.


16 November 2021

Love, Death & Robots (2019 –)

Creator: Tim Miller

Referentin: Isis Luxenburger (UdS)


The adult animated Netflix anthology series Love, Death & Robots (since 2019) unites stand-alone episodes of animated shorts. These independent episodes are produced by different animation studios from all over the world and have different directors. They vary strongly in runtime and style but all of them present either a utopian or a dystopian setting—can be characterized as science-fiction. Within the sci-fi genre, many links to other works can be found—reaching from recent Disney/Pixar productions like WALL•E (2008) over Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) back to Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927). While some episodes contain implicit or explicit social criticism, others are merely meant to entertain, to explore the medium of animated film or to stand for themselves as works of art. While the format of very short individual and fully independent episodes seems like an invitation to binge-watch Love, Death & Robots, many episodes—as animated shorts—offer food for thought, creating a contradiction. Hence, despite this invitation, the series also questions the commonplace practice of non-stop consumption of streamed series without taking time to digest and reflect the cinematic input.

Isis Luxenburger is a doctoral researcher in the International Research Training Group “Diversity. Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces” at Saarland University, the University of Trier and the University of Montreal. Her research interests include the cultural studies of (industrial) films and, in general, investigating research subjects rooted in other disciplines—especially Film Studies, Game Studies, Border Studies and Translation Studies—from a Cultural Studies perspective. She is currently working on her interdisciplinary dissertation project on the mediation of industrial culture in films on the heavy industry in the Canadian province of Quebec and the Greater Region Saar-Lor-Lux.


Erfolg in Serie Staffel IX: Amerikanische TV Serien als Gesellschaftsdramen

Alle Veranstaltungen jeweils Dienstag, 19.30 Uhr im Kino Achteinhalb, Nauwieserstraße 19, Saarbrücken.

Eintritt frei.


09 November 2021

The Terror (2018-2019)

Creators: David Kajganich, Max Borenstein and Alexander Woo

Referent: Marc-Oliver Frisch (UdS)


In May 1845, an expedition under the command of Captain Sir John Franklin, consisting of 134 men aboard two ships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, set sail from England. Its objective: to find the Northwest Passage through the Arctic. By October 1846, the ships were trapped in the ice. By May 1848, Franklin himself was dead and Erebus and Terror had been abandoned by their crews. And by 1852, both vessels and the men that had sailed upon them had vanished. In the following years, the remains of several of the sailors were found, but it was not until 2014 and 2016 that the wrecks of the ships were located. What happened to the expedition remains largely unknown and has been a subject of speculation. In 2018, the critically acclaimed first season of the American television series The Terror, developed by screenwriter David Kajganich and based on a 2007 novel by Dan Simmons, offered a fictional account of the expedition’s fate. Starring Jared Harris, Tobias Menzies, Adam Nagaitis, and Nive Nielsen, The Terror combines classic horror and adventure tropes into the chilling, often literal dissection of the Franklin expedition as Western civilization in a nutshell – or two nutshells, as it were: a civilization that stops at nothing to indulge its imperialist ideology, seeks to defy the forces of nature even in the face of certain doom, and finally turns on itself when there is nothing else left to devour.

Marc-Oliver Frisch is a freelance critic and translator and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of North American Literature at Universität des Saarlandes.




IRTG Guest Lecture: Johan Schimanski

IRTG Guest Lecture

Prof. Dr. Johan Schimanski (University of Oslo)

"Border Traumas, Aesthetics, and Memory"

Taking as its departure point the use of photographs in a novel by Swedish author Johannes Anyuru, this lecture examines the role of border traumas and memory objects in migration literature with help of border aesthetics. We ask whether published narratives of migrant border-crossing may involve the longer, ‘despectacularizing’ temporalities of cultural memory in diasporic and multi-generational contexts.

Johan Schimanski is Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Oslo and at present Guest Professor of Border Studies at Saarland University. Recent publication include Grenzungen: Versuche zu einer Poetik der Grenze (2020) and, edited with Jopi Nyman, Border Images, Border Narratives (2021).

Guest Lecture in the Lecture Series "Memories of Diversity, Diversity of Memories" (Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner / Dr. Magdalena Pfalzgraf)

November 3rd, 2021 - 10 am CET

live on MS Teams:



Gastvortrag Dr. Ulrike Spring

Guest Lecture

Dr. Ulrike Spring (University of Oslo)

"Diskursive und andere Grenzen zwischen Europa und der Arktis um 1900"

25. Oktober 2021 - 16:15 CEST

live on MS Team. Anmeldung:


Dr. Ulrike Spring, Historikerin an der Universität Oslo, trägt am Montag, den 25. Oktober 2021 um 16 Uhr im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung der Europäischen Kulturstudien: "Europa: Konzepte und Narrative" vor zum Thema "Diskursive und andere Grenzen zwischen Europa und der Arktis um 1900".

Webinar-Reihe "Best-Practice E-Learning an der UdS"

Webinar-Reihe "Best-Practice E-Learning an der UdS" am Dienstag, 19.10.21 16:00 Uhr via MS Teams.

Zum Thema "Digitale Lehre an der UdS: Lehrkonzepte Fakultät P " haben wir folgende Dozierende für Sie gewinnen können:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner

Erfahrungen aus dem internationalen Lehrprojekt mit der Ukraine: "Cultural Encounters in Europe: An International Borderland Stories Media School.“

Dr. Nele Hartung

"Das Online-Spiel“ - (k)ein gutes Beispiel für Online-Lehre?

Mit Fleißix, Kontrollix und Jurix zur Prüfungsleistung ohne 100%ig auf die Technik angewiesen zu sein.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jonas Nesselhauf (Fachrichtung Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften)Erfahrungen mit unterschiedlichen Formaten der digitalen Lehre über „Moodle“ und „Teams“.

Im Anschluss an die Vorträge ist noch Zeit für Diskussionen eingeplant und um sich über unterschiedliche Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Gerne können auch allgemeine Fragen zur Digitalisierung und zur digitalen Lehre angesprochen werden.

Wenn Sie Interesse haben, daran teilzunehmen, können Sie sich über folgenden Link am Dienstag, den 19.10.21 16:00 Uhr via MS Teams einwählen:

Podiumsdiskussion in Verbindung mit 2 Ausstellungen zu 9/11

Donnerstag, 9. September 2021, 18:30 Uhr

Vortragssaal der Modernen Galerie im Saarlandmuseum (Bismarckstraße 11–15, 66111 Saarbrücken)

Eintritt frei, Voranmeldung notwendig (Details s.u.)

Es sind inzwischen zwei Jahrzehnte vergangen, seit die Bilder der verheerenden Terroranschläge des 11. September 2001 über die Mattscheiben unzähliger Fernsehapparate auf der ganzen Welt flimmerten: Die brennenden Türme des World Trade Centers in New York City, das beschädigte Pentagon in Washington D.C. und der rauchende Krater auf einem Feld in Pennsylvania haben sich in das kulturelle Gedächtnis eingebrannt, und sind zum Symbol einer Zeitenwende in der jüngeren Weltgeschichte geworden.

Viele der gesellschaftlichen, militärischen oder kulturellen Folgen von 9/11 sind überhaupt erst Jahre später deutlich geworden und lassen sich nun mit zeitlicher Distanz einordnen und aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven diskutieren — etwa die Wirkung der Anschläge als globales Medienereignis, die sozialen oder politischen Paradigmenwechsel der „post-9/11“-Ära oder die patriotisch geprägte Erinnerungskultur in den USA.

Auf dem Podium und mit dem Publikum diskutieren:

•    Astrid M. Fellner, Professorin für nordamerikanische Literatur und Kultur an der Universität des Saarlandes (UdS)
•    Reinhard Karger, Augenzeugenfotograf und Unternehmenssprecher Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)
•    Bruno von Lutz, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Instituts Saarland (DAI)

•    Michael Mezödi, Geschäftsführer Radio Salü

Die Podiumsdiskussion begleitet als Finissage das Ende der Ausstellung „9/11: Vom Ereignis zum Gedächtnis“ mit zahlreichen Augenzeugenfotografien von Reinhard Karger und läutet zugleich denBeginn einer neuen Ausstellung im Deutschen Zeitungsmuseum in Wadgassen ein: Dort werden ab dem 10. September zahlreiche Titelseiten zu den historischen Ereignissen des 9. Novembers (1918, 1923, 1938, 1989) und des 11. Septembers 2001 zu sehen sein.

Weitere Informationen zum Projekt:

Hinweise: Bitte beachten Sie im Vorfeld die jeweils gültigen Sicherheits- und Hygienehinweise, die auf der Website des Saarlandmuseums abrufbar sind: Aufgrund der Zugangsbeschränkungen und Abstandsregeln ist eine kostenfreie Anmeldung über ein Online-Formular notwendig:

Populism Guest Lecture: Simon Strick

Populism Guest Lecture

Dr. Simon Strick (Freie Universität Berlin)

"Populism is over. Digital Fascism and Trump's Afterlives"

July 21st, 2021 - 6:15 pm CET

live on zoom:


This talk argues that the concept of populism, insofar as it is used to describe rightwing opinionmongering on digital platforms, is no longer useful to describe the amorphous actors, algorithmic strategies or neofascist swarm-movements of the present. Analysing so-called memetic warfare, their exploitation of digital attention economies, and the affective strategies of the alt-right, this talk calls for a granular perspective on the contemporary far right. Rather than presenting a top-down authoritarian mindset or digital crowds seduced by aspiring totalitarians, the vernacular fascisms thriving in digital networks constitute bottom-up movements and user-driven dynamics: leaderless, volatile, consumer-oriented and embedded into the ordinary digital lifeworlds afforded by social media. This talk will present an affective model to think about contemporary rightwing agitations and movements, and argue for cultural studies as a prime methodology to explain the current turn to what I call "reflexive fascism".

Simon Strick is a scholar of Cultural, Media and Gender Studies. He received his phD from Humboldt University with a thesis on pain, sentimentalism and biopolitics; the book American Dolorologies was published with SUNY Press in 2014. He has held positions at Humboldt University, Paderborn University, JFK-Institute Berlin, ZfL Berlin and the University of Virginia.  In 2018 he received a grant by the VW-Foundation for his research project Feeling (Alt)Right: Affective and Identity Politics of Online Extremism. The monograph Rechte Gefühle: Affekte und Strategien des digitalen Faschismus is published by transcript in May 2021. He currently works at the ZeM Brandenburg. Together with Susann Neuenfeldt and Werner Türk, he founded the performance group PKRK, which is active in Berlin theatres since 2009.


Guest lecture as part of the lecture series "Populism," organized by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, Luitpold Rampeltshammer, Thomas Schmidgall, and Erich Steiner. Please register here:

Lecture Series on Populism

Lecture Series "Populism – Semantic Dimensions, International Perspectives, and Political Realities"

Populism Lecture Series (in DE, EN, FR)

in cooperation with Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen (ZelL)

"Populism – Semantic Dimensions, International Perspectives, and Political Realities"

online & on-site (Filmhaus, tbd depending on the current health situation)

Please register here:

Erfolg in Serie: Staffel VIII


Talk by Bärbel Schlimbach

Monday, 19 July 2021, 8 pm CEST

Kino Achteinhalb

Fargo is a crime drama anthology series with four seasons so far, the latest of which started to air in the U.S. end of September 2020. The first season premiered in 2014 on FX and was loosely based on the 1996 film Fargo directed by the Coen Brothers. Joel and Ethan Coen act as executive producers for the series along with Noah Hawley who is also the lead writer for all seasons. Typically for an anthology series, each season narrates a concluded story, set in a different time and location. Each season features a different cast of characters, although there are some characters who show up in several seasons which allows for interconnections between the different seasons. Although season 2-4 are not directly based on the movie Fargo, they convey intertextual/interfilmic references to several Coen Brothers movies. Among other aspects, my presentation will investigate these interconnections between movies and series, look at the genre »crime drama« and try to find explanations why this is one of the most popular genres. Moreover, I will consider possible functions of the black humor which is an essential feature of the series. 

more info:



Film Screening


Film Screening with Introduction (in German) by Dr Svetlana Seibel.

Friday, 16 July 2021, 8 pm CEST

Kino Achteinhalb

(the movie is screened in the original version with subtitles)

Die unglaubliche aber wahre Geschichte der Grizzlies wurde an Originalschauplätzen und mit Laiendarstellern aus der Region verfilmt. Das Ergebnis ist ein inspirierendes Drama, das bei allem ansteckenden Optimismus nicht die realen Hintergründe beschönigt. ( 
Die Schüler, alle Inuit, waren anfangs skeptisch, als Russ Sheppard, ein Lehrer mit einem einjährigen Vertrag aus dem Süden, zu ihnen kam. Erschüttert vom Tod einer seiner Schüler hatte Sheppard begonnen, seiner Klasse Lacrosse nahezubringen. Während diese anfänglich Widerstand leisteten, näherten sich die Schüler nach und nach dem Sport an und gründeten ihre eigene Lacrosse-Mannschaft, das Team „Grizzlies“. Mit der Unterstützung der gesamten Stadt durften Sheppard und das Team bei der nationalen Lacrosse-Meisterschaft in Toronto teilnehmen. Trotz einer Niederlage erkannten die Schüler den Geist der Gemeinschaft. 

more info:


Populism Guest Lecture: Giorgia Bulli

Populism Guest Lecture

Dr. Giorgia Bulli (Università di Firenze)

"Rhetoric or reality? Populist parties between communication overpromising and policy making"

July 14th, 2021 - 6:15 pm CET

live on zoom:


In September 2018, four months after the creation of the first coalition in Italy between the right wing populist Lega (League) and the “pure populist” Movimento Cinque Stelle (M5S - Five Star Movement), the then speaker of the M5S, and Minister of Labour Luigi Di Maio announced the “abolition of poverty”. The resounding statement was pronounced from the balcony of the seat of the Italian government and received an extraordinary media coverage. The declaration announced the new economic course of the Italian government and the introduction of the new "citizens' income" provisions. After less than one and a half years, the coalition with the Lega collapsed, the "citizens’ income" norms can hardly be described as implemented, and the two parties are now supporting the new Cabinet led by Prime Minister Mario Draghi that followed the coalition between the M5S and the Partito Democratico (PD) established after the end of the “pure populist coalition.” The example above can be considered as the representation of the endemic crisis of political representation affecting Italy, as well as other European and non-European countries. Yet, it also can be understood as a typical manifestation of the populist overpromising strategy and of the difficulties that populist parties encounter when they face the passage from opposition to government. Starting from the scientific frameworks adopted to interpret populism and its relationship with the current forms of political communication, the talk will deal with the following questions: i) can populism be described as a communication strategy? ii) how does the populist rhetoric intercept the legitimation crisis that affects contemporary democracies? iii) how far are populist parties able to keep their promises in the policy making when they are in power, and how do they describe their political action in symbolic terms?

Giorgia Bulli is Lecturer in “Political Communication” and “Discourse Analysis” at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence, where she teaches “Political Communication” and “Discourse Analysis”. She is the author of publications in the field of poulist and right-wing parties and movements.


Guest lecture as part of the lecture series "Populism," organized by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, Luitpold Rampeltshammer, Thomas Schmidgall, and Erich Steiner. Please register here:

Populism Guest Lecture: Till van Rahden

Populism Guest Lecture

Prof. Dr. Till van Rahden (Université de Montréal)

"Democratic Vistas: Transatlantic Anxieties in an Age of Populism"

July 7th, 2021 - 6:15 pm CET

live on zoom:


After the Cold War ended, liberal democracy was taken for granted. Now it is in crisis: many citizens distrust parliamentary politics, the people's parties all over Europe are losing members and votes, Twitter and Instagram are crowding out public debates and civility. To invoke Walt Whitman is to challenge the sense of despair that informs recent conversations. “Democratic Vistas”, penned in 1870, against the background of the American Civil War, articulated a conception of democracy as a way of life. It “is only of use there that it may […] come to its flower and fruits in manners, in the highest forms of interaction between men, and their beliefs—in religion, literature, colleges, and schools—democracy in all public and private life.” Like Whitman, I will argue that it might prove useful to explore what keeps democracies alive. Postwar Germany’s democratic miracle provides us with a fascinating case study to think about democracy as a way of life and to better understand the cultural foundations of democracy in aesthetics and everyday life. I contend that no matter how stable a democratic government might appear to be, without forms and spaces that allow for democratic experiences in everyday life it will wither away.

Till van Rahden teaches modern European history at the Université de Montréal where he held the Canada Research Chair in German and European Studies from 2006 to 2016. Since January 2021 he is also a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the “Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften,” an Institute for Advanced Studies of the Goethe University. In 2018, he was a LFUI-Guest Professor at the University of Innsbruck, and in 2016, he held fellowships at the “Leibniz Institute for European History” and the “Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen.” He specializes in European history since the Enlightenment and is interested in the tension between the elusive promise of democratic equality and the recurrent presence of moral conflicts.In 1993, he received an M.A. in American history from The Johns Hopkins University, and in 1999, he completed his dissertation at the University of Bielefeld which received the “Fraenkel Prize in Contemporary History” and was published as Jews and other Germans: Civil Society, Religious Diversity and Urban Politics in Breslau, 1860-1925 (The University of Wisconsin Press, 2008). He has co-edited Juden, Bürger, Deutsche: Zur Geschichte von Vielfalt und Differenz 1800-1933 (Mohr Siebeck, 2001), Demokratie im Schatten der Gewalt (Göttingen, 2010), Autorität: Krise, Konstruktion und Konjunktur (Fink, 2016); Emanzipation und Recht: Zur Geschichte der Rechtswissenschaft und der jüdischen Gleichberechtigung (Klostermann, 2021). Recent publications include: “Lumpen sammeln: Siegfried Kracauer und die Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts,” in Historische Zeitschrift 307 (2018), pp. 319-340, Demokratie: Eine gefährdete Lebensform (Campus, 2019), Vielheit: Juden und die Ambivalenzen des Universalismus seit der Aufklärung (Hamburger Edition, 2022).


Guest lecture as part of the lecture series "Populism," organized by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, Luitpold Rampeltshammer, Thomas Schmidgall, and Erich Steiner. Please register here:

Vortrag: Rebellion der Jugend: Ist amerikanische Populärkultur (noch) cool?

Vortragsreihe Amerikanische Populärkultur

Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner

Die Protestbewegungen und Gegenkulturen der 60er Jahre haben auf allen Gebieten der Kunst, Kultur und Gesellschaft in Europa ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Wo etwa Jugendkulturen sich formieren, Subkulturen sich wandeln oder Gender-Identitäten sich destabilisieren, dort kommt den aus den USA importierten kulturellen Texten, Bildern, Stilen und Praktiken nach wie vor eine entscheidende Rolle zu. Wird Populärkultur von der heutigen Jugend aber immer noch als „amerikanisch“ und „cool“ wahrgenommen? Gibt der Ausdruck ‚Cool’ als Indikator der Stärke des Affekts immer noch Auskunft über den transatlantischen Bogen, den kulturelle Texte, Musik, Produkte und Praktiken in lokalen Aneignungsprozessen in Europa durchlaufen?

Montag, 05. Juli 2021, 18:30 CET , Meeting-ID: 811 3065 1635

Organisation: Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Saarland (DAI Saarland), Kooperationspartner: Auswärtiges Amt

Vortragsreihe "Amerikanische Populärkultur"



UniGR-Center for Border Studies Guest Lecture: Daniela Johannes

UniGR-Center for Border Studies Guest Lecture

Dr. Daniela Johannes (West Chester University of Pennsylvania)

"Dust and Death: Politics of Nature at the U.S.-Mexico Border"

June 29th, 2021 - 4:15 pm CEST

live on zoom:


Dust and death coexist in the Mexico-U.S. border region, a desert landscape that has become a signifier for remoteness, fear and fatality. This presentation draws attention to the agency of the Sonoran desert environment as a crucial aspect of U.S. securitization that begins a “nature politics” mode of sovereignty, a politics that controls death by natural causes as a way of conserving the life of the nation; this modern sovereignty finds ways of excluding bodies that are deemed unassimilable or unqualifiable for the nation without undertaking responsibility for deaths or disappearance. In this presentation I first show how the state in its nature politics relies on the presumably fixed equation of illegal-equals-brown-equals-deserving of death, to then exemplify representations of nature politics in literary accounts and determine whether literature holds the capacity contest the discourses of sovereign power by denouncing and dismantling official discourses.

Please register here:


Dr. Daniela Johannes |

Eva Nossem | | Tel.: +49 681 302-3573.

Erfolg in Serie: Staffel VIII

Don't miss Dr. Svetlana Seibel's presentation on Bones.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021, 8 pm CEST

Kino Achteinhalb

You'll need a negative coronatest to get in and please register in advance!

PS Corona Discourses: Guest Lecture Stodolinska

Populism Guest Lecture

Dr. Yulia Stodolinska (Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University)

"Corona Discourses in the US: Multimodal Representation on University Websites"

June 26th, 2021 - 2:15 pm CET

live on zoom:


Guest lecture as part of the Proseminar "Of Anti-Maskers, Front-Line Workers, and Superspreaders: Critically Analyzing Corona Discourses," organized by Eva Nossem. Please register here:

Populism Guest Lecture: Ruth Wodak

Populism Guest Lecture

Prof. Dr. Ruth Wodak (Lancaster University)

"The Politics of Fear. The shameless normalization of far-right discourse"

June 16th, 2021 - 6:15 pm CET

live on zoom:


Many context-dependent socio-political, economic, cultural, and historical factors, apart from the performance of allegedly charismatic leaders, lead to the rise of the populist farright, supported by conservative mainstream parties and the (social) media (Bevelander & Wodak 2019). Recently, huge scandals (such as in Austria – “Ibizagate”; Wodak 2019) illustrate that formerly taboo subjects and expressions in mainstream discourse are being accepted more and more (‘normalization’) and  have become part and parcel of mainstream politics. Such normalization goes hand in hand with a certain shamelessness’: the limits of the sayable are shifting regarding both the frequency of lies (Block 2019) and the violating discourse and politeness conventions – as well as regarding repeated attacks on salient democratic institutions. Discursive strategies of provocation, blame avoidance, denial, Manichean division, victim perpetrator reversal as well as eristic argumentation and conspiracy theories dominate official communication, accompanied by ever more nativist nationalism and the racialization of space.

In this vein, I claim that such rejection of dialogue relates to a ‘post-shame era’ rather than merely to a ‘post-truth era’ (e.g., Scheff 2000; Hahl et al 2018). For example, normalizing the assessment of migrants and refugees (all labeled as “illegal migrants”) as a threat to inner security, a burden on the welfare state and education system must be perceived as an international development – generally instrumentalizing a “politics of fear” and reinforcing a “coarse civility” [rohe Bürgerlichkeit] (Heitmeyer 2019; Wodak 2021).


Guest lecture as part of the lecture series "Populism," organized by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, Luitpold Rampeltshammer, Thomas Schmidgall, and Erich Steiner. Please register here:

Erfolg in Serie: Staffel VIII

We're back!

Don't miss Isis Luxenburger's presentation on Modern Family.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021, 8 pm CEST

Kino Achteinhalb

You'll need a negative coronatest to get in and please register in advance!


Don't miss Dr. Lisa Johnson's introduction to If Beale Street Could Talk.

Wednesday, 09 June 2021, 8 pm CEST

Introductory talk in German, followed by screening of the original version of the film (English).

Kino Achteinhalb

You'll need a negative coronatest to get in and please register in advance!

Populism Guest Lecture: Julia Roth

Populism Guest Lecture

Prof. Dr. Julia Roth (Universität Bielefeld)

"Right-Wing Populism and Gender (Not Only) in the USA"

June 9th, 2021 - 6:15 pm CET

live on zoom:


In current struggles over cultural hegemony, right-wing populist discourse is marked by an omni-presence of topics related to gender and sexuality. With particular focus on actors in the USA and the Americas, the talk thus discusses the ways in which diverse actors of what will be called the ‘right-wing populist complex’ use gender in order to catapult a variety of arguments into the public sphere. Suggesting a first set of Right-Wing Populist Patterns of Gendering, the talk pursues the question how seemingly emancipatory arguments function in right-wing populist discourse, especially in performing a modernization paradigm, while simultaneously, and in often paradoxical ways, promoting a program of re-traditionalization. Therefore, often, gender arguments – like the sexual freedom of  “autochtonous” women – are used to justify anti-immigration and racist politics, most famously Donald Trump with his claim to keep the “Mexican rapists” out of the US through his wall. One’s own society can thus be depicted as “already fully emancipated” in contrast to the alleged “backward” social order of (immigrant) Others. Through this ethnosexist twist, the talk argues that gender provides right-wing populist discourse a useful tool for affectively bridging seemingly paradoxical arguments around belonging, access to resources and welfare, anti-immigration and demography, and transferring them onto the gender hierarchy. Simultaneously, following the populist logic of polarization, feminists, gender scholars and LGBTQI activists are turned into “internal enemies” who allegedly provide a threat to children and the heteronormative family. Since they presumably keep the “right” women from reproducing, feminists and “gender ideology” are furthermore made responsible for endangering the (reproduction and homogeneity of) the nation and thus turn into an existential threat.

Julia Roth is Professor of American Studies with a focus on Gender Studies and Inter-American Studies at Bielefeld University, Germany. Previously, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the research project "The Americas as Space of Entanglements" in Bielefeld and in the interdisciplinary network " - Interdependent Inequalities in Latin America" at Freie Universität Berlin, as well as a lecturer at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Universität Potsdam, and Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico. Her research focuses on postcolonial, decolonial and gender approaches, intersectionality and global inequalities, anti-racist feminist knowledge from the Caribbean and the Americas, gender and citizenship, and right-wing populism and gender. In addition to her academic work, she organizes and curates cultural and political events (e.g., the theater festival “Women/Images of the Americas on the Move" in Berlin 2010; 2014 and 2016 BE.BOP - Black Europe Body Politics with Alanna Lockward, "De-Heimatize Belonging" at the Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin).  


Guest lecture as part of the lecture series "Populism," organized by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, Luitpold Rampeltshammer, Thomas Schmidgall, and Erich Steiner. Please register here:

Populism Guest Lecture: Paula Diehl

Populism Guest Lecture

Prof. Dr. Paula Diehl (Universität Kiel)

"Populismus und Massenmedien" (in German)

May 19th, 2021 - 6:15 pm CET

live on zoom:


Wie erklärt sich, dass der Populismus so viel Aufmerksamkeit in den Massenmedien bekommt, und welche Konsequenzen hat dies für die Demokratie? Und was sind die Folgen? Ein wichtiger und doch weniger beachteter Faktor für den Erfolg des Populismus liegt in seiner Medienkompatibilität. Wer populistisch agiert inszeniert sich als schrille Gestalt, bricht mit Tabus und produziert Skandale. Populismus weckt Emotionen und dramatisiert Zusammenhänge, die zugleich als Schwarz-Weiß-Malerei präsentiert werden. Dadurch haben politische Akteure, die sich des Populismus bedienen, höhere Chancen, Medienaufmerksamkeit zu erzeugen. Es geht hier um eine systemische Begünstigung der populistischen Logik durch die Massenmedien. Dies kann auch im Fall des Rechtspopulismus beobachtet werden.

Paula Diehl ist Professorin für Politische Theorie, Ideengeschichte und Politische Kultur an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel und assoziierte Professorin von Sciences Po in Paris. Unter anderen war sie Gastprofessorin an der Washington University (St. Louis), Sciences Po (Paris), École des Hautes Études, and Institute for Advanced Studies (Bologna). Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Demokratietheorie, Populismus, Politische Inszenierung und politische Repräsentation. 


Guest lecture as part of the lecture series "Populism," organized by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, Luitpold Rampeltshammer, Thomas Schmidgall, and Erich Steiner. Please register here:

IRTG Guest Lecture: Lee Francis

IRTG Guest Lecture

Dr. Lee Francis IV

"Indians in Space: Native Americans and Indigenous Representations in Sci-Fi and Pop Culture"

May 17th, 2021 - 6 pm CET

live on zoom:


Dr. Lee Francis 4 (Pueblo of Laguna) is the Head Indigenerd and CEO of Native Realities, the only Native and Indigenous pop culture company in the United States with the hope to change the perceptions of Native and Indigenous people through dynamic and imaginative pop culture representations. He has been published in multiple publications ranging from poetry to short stories. His first comic book Sixkiller which debuted June 2018 and Ghost River, which was published in 2019, have both been lauded throughout the US and abroad. He is a strong advocate for Native youth, with a focus on community literacy and entrepreneurship. He lives in Albuquerque with his family.

IRTG Guest Lecture: Benjamin Hoy

IRTG Guest Lecture

Dr. Benjamin Hoy

"Reaching into the Heavens: Creating the Canada-U.S. Border"

May 14th, 2021 - 5 pm CET

live on zoom:


Between 1775 until 1939 Canada and the United States set out to build an international border across Indigenous lands. Federal administrators used deprivation, starvation, and coercion to displace Indigenous communities and undermine their conceptions of territory and sovereignty. The border they created never aimed to treat people equally. Instead, Europeans, African Americans, Chinese, Cree, and Haudenosaunee all experienced the border closure process at different times and in different ways. By reconstructing and mapping the spread of federal power across a continent, this talk showcases how regional conflicts, political reorganization, and social upheaval created the Canada-US border and remade the communities who lived in its shadows. 

Benjamin Hoy is an Associate Professor of History and the director of the Historical GIS Lab at the University of Saskatchewan. He has published on a wide range of topic including Indigenous history, borderlands, game-based learning, Indigenous representations in board games, and extradition policy. His first book, A Line of Blood and Dirt: Creating the Canada-United States Border across Indigenous Lands, examines the creation and enforcement of the Canadian-United States border between 1775 and 1939 and its impacts on the Indigenous residents whose land the border was created across.

Populism Guest Lecture: Arlie Russell Hochschild

Populism Guest Lecture

Prof. Dr. Arlie Russell Hochschild (University of California, Berkeley)

"The Surprising Journey of Grievance"

May 12th, 2021 - 6:15 pm CET

live on zoom:


In the talk I would like to explore the “journey” of a grievance. Based on the reports of ardent Louisiana Trump supporters whom I’ve followed over a long period of time, I trace the various steps through which grievance can be transformed from

  1. a local complaint to
  2. a publicly legitimized grievance, mobilized by Donald Trump to
  3. a legitimized and empowered grievance (at the time of January 6th, 2021)
  4. de-legitimized (at the time of Trumps second impeachment) to
  5. a state of de-mobilization  or re-assembly. There has been, for example, a decline in one right wing group, the KKK, but a rise in  another, the Three Percenters.

In this period of fractionalization, some believers intensify their anger and paranoia while others to varying degrees detach from their grievance. Can we think of these five stages as ways of holding grievance, and therefore as modes of emotion management in a changing context of feeling rules? 

Arlie Russell Hochschild is a professor (emerita) at the Sociology Department and the Graduate School of the University of California, Berkeley, USA. She has become widely known to a German readership through her book "Strangers in Their Own Land (2016)", translated into German by Ulrike Bischoff and published as "Fremde in ihrem Land. Eine Reise ins Herz der amerikanischen Rechten" (Campus). Work on the book took her to Louisiana during 5 years of intensive interviews with Tea Party enthusiasts. These encounters brought to light  feelings of frustration, exclusion and antagonism towards the state and its "elites" - part of the emotional "deep story" of the political Right in the US. This perceived reality is an important factor to be aware of, particularly in the context of any attempts at overcoming the extreme divisions of (US-)culture. Arlie R. Hochschild's recent sociological work has focused on various areas of culture, politics and emotionality. Further topics include the structure of families, public and private culture, global developments in care work and  in social psychology more widely. She is a prominent social scientist, and above all one who is willing and uniquely able to enter into dialogue with people beyond academia.


Guest lecture as part of the lecture series "Populism," organized by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, Luitpold Rampeltshammer, Thomas Schmidgall, and Erich Steiner. Please register here:

Live Chat - Master in Border Studies

Online Event for Prospective Students

Live Chat - Master in Border Studies

May 10, 2021 - 4:00 pm CET

in English, German, and French

live on Zoom:


Borders are now more important than ever. Why not study Border Studies?! Join us online to find out more about our trinational & trilingual Masters in Border Studies. Here is your opportunity to talk to your future teachers who will tell you about our unique program and answer any questions you may have.

For further information see

Applications for our MA Border Studies program 2021 are open until:

  • May 7, 2021 for non-EU students
  • June 15, 2021 for EU students.


Vortrag: Western

Faszination und Problematik eines „typisch amerikanischen“ Genres

Vortrag Bärbel Schlimbach:

Western: Faszination und Problematik eines „typisch amerikanischen“ Genres

Western gelten als „typisch amerikanisches“ Genre, das zunächst in der Literatur, später als Film und Fernsehserie äußerst populär war. Seit den 1960er Jahren wurde das Genre immer wieder für tot erklärt, doch trotzdem entstehen weiterhin Western. Mein Vortrag führt in typische Merkmale ein, thematisiert Aspekte, die heute kritisch gesehen werden müssen, beleuchtet aber auch, warum weiterhin eine Faszination besteht und das Genre heute noch produktiv (und innovativ?) sein kann.

Mittwoch, 14. April 2021, 18:30 CET

Zoom: ; Meeting ID: 878 7268 0394

Organisation: Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Saarland (DAI Saarland), Kooperationspartner: Auswärtiges Amt

Vortragsreihe "Amerikanische Populärkultur"

weitere Informationen:

Eröffnungsvortrag der Reihe "Arbeit - Industrie - Alltag"

"Der Mensch 'am Tor zur Blut sprühenden Hölle'. Die Darstellung von Arbeitern und Alltag der Völklinger Hütte im Film"

Eröffnungsvortrag der Öffentlichen Ringvorlesung "Arbeit - Industrie - Alltag. Kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherungen an die Industriekultur im Saarland."

Isis Luxenburger, M.A.

"Der Mensch 'am Tor zur Blut sprühenden Hölle'. Die Darstellung von Arbeitern und Alltag der Völklinger Hütte im Film"

Die Völklinger Hütte war schon immer ein faszinierendes Motiv – nicht nur für Kunst und Fotografie, sondern auch für den Film. Anhand von sieben ausgewählten Filmbeispielen (1935-2019) wird die Darstellung der Völklinger Hüttenarbeiter und ihres Alltags in den Bewegtbildern des letzten Jahrhunderts untersucht. Dabei werden Bezüge zwischen den Filmen beleuchtet und die Entwicklung der Darstellung des Menschen „am Tor zur Blut sprühenden Hölle“ nachgezeichnet. Anschließend sollen die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung vor dem Hintergrund von Filmwissenschaft, Industriekultur und Kulturwissenschaft in einem größeren Kontext verortet und diskutiert werden.

Donnerstag, 15. April 2021, 18:15 Uhr | MS Teams

Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung von Zertifikat Industriekultur - Kulturmanagement; Bachelor Optionalbereich und Historische Anthropologie / Europäische Ethnologie

BMBF Verbundvorhaben "Linking Borderlands: Dynamiken grenzregionaler Peripherien", Teilprojekt "Hybrid Borderlands"

Um an der Ringvorlesung teilzunehmen, senden Sie einfach eine formlose Email an .

Border Realities Lecture Series / RV Europäische Grenzdiskure

Judith Kohlenberger: Beyong Push and Pull: (Flucht)migration als Verteilungsfrage am Beispiel des Herbst 2015

Border Realities Guest Lecture within the framework of the UdS lecture series "Europäische Grenzdiskurse", in cooperation with UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Border Realities

Judith Kohlenberger: Beyong Push and Pull: (Flucht)migration als Verteilungsfrage am Beispiel des Herbst 2015 (in German)

November 30, 2020 - 4-6 pm CET

live on MS Teams. Please contact Dr. Stephanie Blum to register


Gastvortrag von Dr. Judith Kohlenberger
(Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)


Während Europäer*innen Personenfreizügigkeit im Schengenraum genießen und (pre-COVID) mit wenigen Auflagen und häufig visafrei in die meisten Länder der Welt reisen können, fristen Millionen Vertriebene in Flüchtlingslagern in Entwicklungsländern ihr Dasein. Schätzungen der UNHCR zufolge sind rund 40 % aller Geflüchteten in Camps untergebracht, in ländlichen Gegenden sogar um die 80%. In absoluten Zahlen ist die transnationale Mobilität in Europa zwanzigmal höher als in Afrika, trotz der wesentlich größeren Bevölkerung des südlichen Kontinents. Mobilität ist also eine Verteilungsfrage. Auch der Zugang zu (irregulären) Fluchtmöglichkeiten, vulgo Schleppern, ist im Kern eine ökonomische Frage: Wer über die nötigen Mittel verfügt, um sich die nicht nur gefährliche, sondern auch teure Reise von Syrien, Afghanistan oder Pakistan nach Europa leisten zu können, hat höhere Überlebenschancen als jene, deren Erspartes lediglich für Binnenmigration im Kriegsland reicht.
Basierend auf Daten aus dem Displaced Persons in Austria Survey (DiPAS), eine der europaweit ersten Studien zum Fluchtherbst 2015, geht der Vortrag auf zentrale Dynamiken im Bereich der Fluchtmigration und des globalen Grenzmanagements ein. Welche Rolle spielen finanzielle Ressourcen für die Menschen der großen Fluchtbewegung? Wie selektiv wirken Bildung und Kapital, und welche Folgen hat das für Aufnahmeländer? Welche Forderungen ergeben sich daraus für das derzeitige Grenzmanagement auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene?

Dr. Judith Kohlenberger ist Kulturwissenschafterin und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Sozialpolitik der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Sie forscht zu Migration, Flucht und Integration und leitet derzeit das Forschungsprojekt WIN zur sozialen Inklusion geflüchteter Frauen.

For further information see

Lecture series: Get in the Game

This winter semester:

Lecture series:

Get in the Game: Berufsbilder in der Gamesbranche

Wednesday 6 pm

Border Realities Lecture Series

Julia Schulze Wessel: Über Grenzen. Wie Geflüchtete demokratische Ordnungen herausfordern

Border Realities Guest Lecture, in cooperation with UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Border Realities

Julia Schulze Wessel: Über Grenzen. "Wie Geflüchtete demokratische Ordnungen herausfordern" (in German)

November 26, 2020 - 4-6 pm CET

live on Zoom, click here to register


Gastvortrag von PD Dr. Julia Schulze Wessel
(anDemos - Institut für angewandte Demokratie- und Sozialforschung e.V.)


Obwohl politische Ordnungen ohne Grenzziehungen nicht gedacht werden können, gehören sie dennoch bislang nur selten zu den Themen politischer Theoriebildung. Vor allem in den Zeiten einer begrenzten Nationalstaatlichkeit haben sie lange Zeit den Rahmen vorgegeben, in dem über zentrale politische Begriffe wie Freiheit, Gleichheit oder auch wohlfahrtstaatliche Solidarität nachgedacht und diskutiert worden ist. In ihrer Selbstverständlichkeit blieben sie meist unsichtbar. Grenzen werden jedoch
spätestens dann sichtbar, wenn sie verletzt werden – dafür kann das Jahr 2015 paradigmatisch stehen. Heutige Grenzverletzer*innen, wie Geflüchtete und (andere) undokumentierte Migrant*innen verweisen dabei auf tiefgreifende Transformationen der Grenze, die in den letzten Jahrzehnten vollzogen worden sind. Grenzen können nicht mehr als statische Linien verstanden werden, die feste Orte der Kontrollen haben. Grenzen zeichnen sich vor allem durch ihre Beweglichkeit und Ortlosigkeit aus, die konstitutiv für die heutige Flüchtlingsfigur sind.

PD Dr. Julia Schulze Wessel ist Geschäftsführerin und Vorstandsmitglied von anDemos - Institut für angewandte Demokratie- und Sozialforschung e.V. in Dresden. Davor hatte sie Lehrstuhlvertretungen (Politische Theorie) an den Universitäten Leipzig und Dresden inne. Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören Demokratietheorie, Grenzen der Demokratie, Partizipation und (Staats-)Bürgerschaft sowie Politische Theorie des Flüchtlings.

For further information see

Lecture Series on Populism

Massimiliano Demata: Discourses of Brexit and Post-Brexit. National Identity and Nativism

Populism Guest Lecture, in cooperation with Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen (ZelL)

Border Realities

Massimiliano Demata: "Discourses of Brexit and Post-Brexit. National Identity and Nativism"

November 26, 2020 - 12-2.00 pm CET

live on Zoom


Guest lecture by Prof. Massimiliano Demata, PhD
(University of Turin)

Drawing from the vast and ever-increasing textual (including visual) production regarding the Brexit referendum and its aftermath, Massimiliano Demata will analyse the most important discourse topics and strategies underlying the political and media narratives around Brexit in the light of a critical approach to
discourse analysis.

Prof. Massimiliano Demata is Associate Professor of English Linguistics at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin, Italy. He is originally an Oxford graduate and was a Fulbright Scholar at Yale and Indiana University. In 2019-20 he was a visiting professor at Saarland University with a fellowship awarded by DAAD. His main specialisation is Critical Discourse Analysis, focusing specifically on the use of language for ideological purposes in politics and the media in the UK and the USA.

For further information please contact

ASGF 2020 "Distance and Diversity"

"Distance and Diversity in Times of Crisis: Literary Expressions and Artistic Responses"

UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2020

October 15-17, 2020   |   hybrid: on-line and on-site

In cooperation with the German-American Institute Saarland, the Chair of North American Literary and Cultural Studies at Saarland University (UdS) will hold a 3-day UdS American Studies Graduate Forum (on-site and online) that invites advanced Master students, doctoral candidates, as well as junior and senior scholars to present their papers in a workshop-style setting. The forum will also offer participants a chance to discuss their research with peers as well as with more advanced scholars. This year, we invite submissions dealing with issues of diversity, distance, and crisis.

The UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2020 offers a setting in which a decidedly humanities-driven, cultural studies and literature studies approach to issues of distance and diversity in times of crisis will be discussed. Focusing on literary and artistic expressions of and reactions to various forms of crises, ecological crises as well as health crises, this workshop seeks to highlight cultural representations that call for gender and racial equity, and a commitment to LGBTIQ issues.

We are very happy and honored that 3 renowned keynote speakers have accepted our invitation:

  • Takeo Rivera (Boston University): “The Raced Interface: Tao Lin, Tan Lin, and the Racialization of Affective Distance”
  • Phillip Ayoub (Occidental College): “When States Come Out: Movements & the Diffusion of LGBTI Rights in Europe and North America”
  • Susanne Hamscha (Fulbright Europe): “From A Distance: Feminist and Disability Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic”

The preliminary program will be online soon! Stay tuned!

For further information see ASGF2020.

Closing Conference 2020

"Border Nightmares, Border Dreams: The Bio-Politics of Borders in Times of Crisis"

Closing roundtable of the DAAD Eastpartnership (2018-2020) project

"Border Nightmares, Border Dreams: The Bio-Politics of Borders in Times of Crisis"

July 6, 2020   |   9:30 am-12:00 pm; 1:00 pm-4:00pm CET

Roundtable discussion between scholars from Saarland University and Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

live on Zoom, click here to register


In 2018 two groups of scholars from Saarland University (Germany) and Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (Ukraine) initiated the project “The Bio-Politics of Borders in Times of Crisis.”
Three years into our project, we can definitely say that the borders are still in crisis. At the moment we are all witnessing the process of closing borders because of the coronavirus pandemic going hand in hand with other threats such as economic crises, social inequality, migration, populism, and nationalism, the erosion of democracy, disinformation, terrorism, and cyber security.
What can participants of two research groups bring to the table from their investigations to battle new challenges? What did they work on and what are their findings? What are the future prospects of Border Studies in Europe and Ukraine? Which new topics might be of common interest? How does distant teaching and learning transform the idea of a border? What are the new interpretations of isolation and distance?

For further information see

Border Realities Lecture Series

Claudia Polzin-Haumann: Sprachenwirklichkeiten im Grenzraum: Politiken und Praktiken

Border Realities Guest Lecture, in cooperation with UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Border Realities

Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann: "Sprachenwirklichkeiten im Grenzraum: Politiken und Praktiken" (in German)

July 6, 2020 - 4-5:30 pm CET

live on Zoom, click here to register


Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann
(Universität des Saarlandes)

Der Beitrag thematisiert das Spannungsfeld von Sprach(en)politiken und sprachlichen Praktiken, das besonders in Grenzräumen manifest wird. An ausgewählten Beispielen wird gezeigt, wie Politiken auf europäischer, nationaler und regionaler Ebene ineinandergreifen, um auf dieser Grundlage das komplexe Verhältnis von Sprachenpolitik und alltäglicher Praxis der Nachbarsprache besonders im Saarland und in Lothringen zu beleuchten. Abschließend werden weiterführende Überlegungen formuliert.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann ist Professorin für Romanische Sprachwissenschaft und Vizepräsidentin für Europa und Internationales an der Universität des Saarlandes. Sie arbeitet zu synchroner und historischer französischer und spanischer Sprachwissenschaft, unter anderem in den Feldern Sprachpolitik, Sprachpflege, Mehrsprachigkeit und
Interkomprehension. Unter ihrer Leitung entstand das Sprachenkonzept Saarland 2019, das für die Mehrsprachigkeit im Saarland und das schulische Sprachenlernen richtungsweisend ist.

For further information see

Border Realities Lecture Series

Kirsten Sandrock: Der Brexit und seine Grenzen

Border Realities Guest Lecture, in cooperation with UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Border Realities

PD Dr. Kirsten Sandrock: "Der Brexit und seine Grenzen" (in German)

June 29, 2020 - 4-5:30 pm CET

Roundtable discussion in German and French

live on Zoom, click here to register


Gastvortrag von PD Dr. Kirsten Sandrock
(Georg-August Universität Göttingen)

Grenzen sind ein zentrales Brexit-Thema. Konzepte des rebordering und debordering waren ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Referendumskampagne in 2016 und bestimmen seitdem maßgeblich die Verhandlungen mit der EU. Der Konflikt um die Grenze innerhalb Irlands zeigt, wie stark die Thematik historisch verankert ist. Die demokratische Entscheidung von 51.9% der Wählerinnen und Wähler stellt nicht nur das Vereinigte Königreich sondern auch Irland und die gesamte EU vor die Herausforderung, die Grenzproblematik friedlich und dauerhaft zu lösen um ein Aufkeimen möglicher Konfliktherde zu vermeiden.
Der Vortrag diskutiert Grenzwirklichkeiten und Grenzfiktionen des Bexit. Er führt ein in die vorherrschenden politischen Grenzdiskurse und zeigt, wie Grenzen in zeitgenössischer Kunst und Kultur verhandelt werden. Anhand von Beispielen aus Literatur und Medien, Populärkultur und Installationskunst wird deutlich, dass Grenznarrativen im Vereinigten Königreich hoch emotionalisierend sind und stark mit ökonomischen, territorialen und nationalen Debatten um Ressourcen verknüpft sind. Kunst und Kultur bieten Raum für öffentliche Debatten über Dynamiken des rebordering und debordering im Vereinigten Königreich und eröffnen mitunter neue Perspektiven auf die Grenzthematik in ungewissen Brexit-Zeiten.

PD Dr. Kirsten Sandrock ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Seminar für Englische Philologie in Göttingen und derzeit Gastprofessorin am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik der Universität Wien. Als Literaturwissenschaftlerin mit Schwerpunkten auf britischer und transatlantischer Literatur interessiert sie sich unter anderem für das Verhältnis zwischen Literatur, Kultur und Politik sowie für Grenznarrativen in unterschiedlichen Medien und Genres.

For further information see

IRTG Guest Lecture

Travel and Transformations: Investigating Transcultural Memory in Anglophone Literatures

IRTG Guest Lecture

Dr. Nadia Butt

"Travel and Transformations: Investigating Transcultural Memory in Anglophone Literatures"

June 22nd, 2020 - 4 pm CET

live on zoom:


This talk is part of the IRTG 2020 Spring Lecture Series, a series of transatlantic online talks on the topic of Memories of Diversity - the Diversity of Memories. Dr. Nadia Butt will give her talk on "Travel and Transformations: Investigating Transcultural Memory in Anglophone Literatures."

IRTG Guest Lecture

IRTG Guest Lecture

Michela Baldo

"Queering Food, Home and Memory in Italian-Canadian Women’s Writing"

June 8th, 2020 - 4 pm CET

live on zoom:


This talk is part of the IRTG 2020 Spring Lecture Series, a series of transatlantic online talks on the topic of Memories of Diversity - the Diversity of Memories. Michela Baldo will give her talk on "Queering Food, Home and Memory in Italian-Canadian Women's Writing."

Michela Baldo is an honorary fellow in Translation Studies at the University of Hull and holds a PhD in translation Studies from the University of Manchester. Her research revolves around two strands. One is the written and audio-visual translation into Italian of Italian-Canadian works. On the topic she has published various articles and authored a book, Italian-Canadian Narratives of Return: Analysing Cultural Translation in Diasporic Writing (2019). Her second strand of research concerns Italian queer drag performances and the role of translation in Italian queer transfeminist activism. On this topic she has published various articles and coedited a book, Il re Nudo. Per un archivio drag king in Italia (2014). She has also co-translated into English with Elena Basile the book Queer Theories, by Italian scholar Lorenzo Bernini, and is now coediting a special issue of TIS (Translation and Interpreting Studies) on translation and LGBTQ+ activism.

The IRTG at Saarland University is happy to welcome Michela Baldo, PhD, as an IRTG visiting scholar in June/July 2020 (COVID-19 permitted).

Live Chat - Master in Border Studies

Online Event for Prospective Students

Live Chat - Master in Border Studies

June 4, 2020 - 11:00 am CET

in English, German, and French

live on Zoom:


Borders are now more important than ever. Why not study Border Studies?! Join us online to find out more about our trinational & trilingual Masters in Border Studies. Here is your opportunity to talk to your future teachers who will tell you about our unique program and answer any questions you may have.

For further information see

The deadline for application for the Master in Border Studies is June 18, 2020.

"Border Realities in the Greater Region in Pandemic Times," Roundtable discussion on 5/28, 4-5:30 pm

Border Realities Guest Lecture, in cooperation with UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Border Realities

"Border Realities in the Greater Region in Pandemic Times"

May 28, 2020 - 4-5:30 pm CET

Roundtable discussion in German and French

live on Zoom, click here to register


Die COVID-19-Pandemie und die ergriffenen Maßnahmen haben das Zusammenleben der Menschen schlagartig verändert. Besonders in den europäischen Grenzregionen zeichnen sich Konsequenzen ab, in denen im März 2020 Grenzübergänge geschlossen, Grenzkontrollen verstärkt und die Einreise deutlich eingeschränkt wurden. Vor allem in der Großregion mit ihren EU Binnengrenzen mit Deutschland, Frankreich, Belgien und Luxemburg wurden diese Akte staatlicher Souveränität schnell spürbar. Die neuen Grenzwirklichkeiten standen hier im Widerspruch zu den eng verflochtenen Lebenswelten und zertrennten die bereits als selbstverständlich geglaubten grenzüberschreitenden Beziehungen.
Das Rundtischgespräch greift die Erfahrung der geschlossenen Grenzen in der Großregion auf und will sie rückblickend kritisch und ausblickend produktiv diskutieren. Dafür werden Alltagsrealitäten und Protestinitiativen diskutiert, grenzüberschreitendes Krisenmanagement und politische (interregionale) Abstimmungsprozesse bis hin zur Frage, wie die Zukunft der grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation mit oder nach COVID-19 aussehen soll.

  • Patrick Barthel, Vizepräsident der Universität Lothringen für deutschfranzösische Beziehungen und Leiter des deutsch-französischen Zentrums Lothringens (CFALor)
  • Martina Kneip, Mitinitiatorin der Initiative „Schengen is alive“ und Direktorin des Centre Européen Schengen
  • Philipp Krämer, Vertretungsprofessur für Sprachgebrauch und Sprachvergleich (Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Viadrina-Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION)
  • Florian Weber, Jun.-Professor für Europastudien, Schwerpunkt Westeuropa und Grenzräume (Universität des Saarlandes, UniGR-Center for Border Studies)
  • Astrid M. Fellner, Professorin für Nordamerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft (Universität des Saarlandes, UniGR-Center for Border Studies)
  • Christian Wille, Grenzraumforscher und Leiter des Netzwerks UniGR-Center for Border Studies (Universität Luxemburg)

Das Rundtischgespräch ist öffentlich und richtet sich an Studierende, Wissenschaftler*innen und Praktiker*innen der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit.

Eintritt frei, Arbeitssprachen Deutsch und Französisch (ohne Verdolmetschung).

Anmeldung erforderlich:

Diskussionsrunde im Rahmen der interregionalen Vortragsreihe „Grenzwirklichkeiten: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven in ungewissen Zeiten“ (2019-2020).

  • Dr. Christian Wille (Universität Luxemburg),
  • Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner (Universität des Saarlandes),
  • Dipl.-Üb. Eva Nossem (Universität des Saarlandes),
  • Dr. Anett Schmitz (Universität Trier)

For further information see

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

NamLitCult Guest Lecture, in cooperation with UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Yosimar Reyes

"We Never Needed Documents To Thrive"

May 22nd, 2020 - 18-20 pm CET

live on Zoom, click here to register


Yosimar Reyes is a nationally-acclaimed Poet and Public Speaker. Born in Guerrero, Mexico, and raised in Eastside San Jose, Reyes explores the themes of migration and sexuality in his work. The Advocate named Reyes one of "13 LGBT Latinos Changing the World" and Remezcla included Reyes on their list of "10 Up And Coming Latinx Poets You Need To Know." His first collection of poetry, For Colored Boys Who Speak Softly… was self-published after a collaboration with the legendary Carlos Santana. He is a LAMBDA Literary Fellow as well as the recipient of the Undocupoets Fellowship. Reyes previously served as Artist-in-Residence at the media and culture organization, Define American. Reyes has toured and presented at university campuses across the United States. He is currently working on his one-man show, "Prieto," to premiere in the near future. Reyes holds a B.A in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University.

IRTG Visiting Scholar

IRTG Visiting Scholar

Ewa Macura-Nnamdi (University of Silesia, Poland)

Ewa Macura-Nnamdi is assistant professor at the Institute of Literary Studies (University of Silesia, Poland). She holds a doctorate in English literature (New Woman fiction of the late-Victorian period). Currently, her main research interests include postcolonial Anglophone literatures of Africa and African diaspora, postcolonial theories as well as refugees and migration in cinema and literature. She has published articles on, among others, Dambudzo Marechera, Rawi Hage, Abdulrazak Gurnah and Omar Khadr. Her recent publications include “Mouthwork” (ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature) and “Omar Khadr, Guantánamo and Carceral Gastronomy” (European Journal of English Studies). She has just been awarded a research grant from the National Science Centre for her project on Fictions of Water: Refugees and the Sea.

Prof. Ewa Macura-Nnamdi will join the IRTG Diversity and North American Literary and Cultural Studies in Saarbrücken in January/February. During her stay from January 26 till February 16, 2020, she will give a lecture on “Fictions of Water: Refugees and the Sea” on February 4, 2020.

IRTG Guest Lecture

IRTG Guest Lecture

Ewa Macura-Nnamdi (University of Silesia, Poland)

"Fictions of Water: Refugees and the Sea"

February 4th, 2020 - 18-20 pm

Saarland University, bldg. A5 3, 2.03


This talk is about Ewa Macura-Nnamdi's current project tentatively titled Fictions of Water: Refugees and the Sea which aims to examine the aesthetic and political dimensions and effects of the relationship between refugees and the sea as it is represented in selected postcolonial literary and cinematic texts of the 21st century. In this talk she will briefly sketch the methodological underpinnings of her research, namely, some of the most important assumptions and lines of inquiry of oceanic studies, on one hand. On the other, she will discuss/present some of the primary texts, literary and cinematic, in an attempt to unpack the encounter between the sea and the refugees and delineate the theoretical and interpretative aims of the project.

Atelier Bordertextures

Guest Lecture Atelier Bordertextures

Luca Greco (Université de Lorraine)

"Borders as Assemblages: Some Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives"

Februar 6th, 2020 - 4 - 6 pm

Saarland University, Building A 5 3, room 2.03

Vorlesungsmarathon 2019

In der diesjährigen Vorweihnachtszeit lädt euch der AStA am 11.12. ab 10 Uhr morgens zum Vorlesungmarathon ein!

Die Reise durch die Fachrichtungen unserer Universität führt euch durch ein buntes Sammelsurium unserer Fachrichtungen. Selbstverständlich ist der Eintritt frei und es erwarten euch leckere Getränke, Snacks und Speisen zur Erquickung der Physis.

Los geht der Tag mit Herrn Gluting aus der Mediävistik und seinem spannenden Vortrag über "Das deutsche Sprachsystem - ein historischer Abriss" - Wer Ihn kennt, weiß, dass Sprachgeschichte auch humorvoll sein kann. Im Anschluß dürfen Frau Diester-Haaß (Geographie), Frau h.c. Chiusi (Rechtswissenschaft), Herr Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Schmidt (Rechtsmedizin), Frau M.A. Froese-Kuhn (Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit), Frau Savelkouls und Herr Rainer Hartz (Studentenwerk / Kulturwissenschaft), Frau Stephanie Blum (Germanistik), Frau Catani (Germanistik), Frau phil. Schäfer (Sportwissenschaft) und Frau Fellner (Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Anglophone Kulturen) einen Mix aus Wissen und Spannung verbreiten.

Den krönenden Abschluss dieses breitgefächerten Tages bildet ab 20 Uhr ein kritischer Vortrag von Wolfgang M. Schmitt zum Film "Die Feuerzangenbowle" und dessen Aufführung. Selbstverständlich wird die namensgebende Bowle kostenlos ausgegeben solange der Vorrat reicht.

Arte Fronterizo - Performance-Kunst an der U.S.-Mexiko Grenze; Frau Fellner

Vollständiges Programm:


AStA Homepage


Erfolg in Serie VII

The final talk will be by

Svetlana Seibel



Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2019
7.30 p.m.

Kino Achteinhalb (Nauwieserstraße 19)

ASGF 2019: Liquid Trajectories

American Studies Graduate Forum 2019 - Liquid Trajectories:Flight, Mobility, and Migration

29-30 November 2019

For more infos see ASGF 2019: Liquid Trajectories!


Erfolg in Serie VII

The next talk will be by

Latifah Cengel


Seven Seconds

Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2019
7.30 p.m.

Kino Achteinhalb (Nauwieserstraße 19)

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

Prof. Dr. Paul Morris (Université de St. Boniface / Winnipeg)

"Canadian Multiculturalism"

Thursday, 4 July 2019
12 - 2 p.m.

Building B 3 1, Lecture hall I


IRTG Visiting Scholar

IRTG Visiting Scholar

Dr. Tetiana Ostapchuk (Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine)

Tetiana Ostapchuk is an Associate Professor of Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. She teaches courses in Literary Theory, Comparative Literature, Theory and Practice of Translation, and ESL. She earned her PhD from the Shevchenko Institute of Literature, the National Academy of Sciences in 2005. She actively participates in Ukrainian and International conferences, workshops and schools. In 2007/08, she was the Fulbright Scholar at the Pennsylvania State University; in 2016 she participated SSASA Symposium on “Images of America: Reality and Stereotypes” (Salzburg); in 2017 she presented lectures “The image of Ukraine in American Popular Culture” in the frame of Erasmus+ KA 107 Mobility Program in Cadiz University, Spain. Her publications include articles in the fields of Ukrainian American literature, Diaspora Studies, and Memory Studies. She has also been an organizer of the number of conferences, the latest among them is the international workshop “B/Orders of Ukrainian Diasporas Cultural Representations” launched by by the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe at the University of St. Gallen and hosted by Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. She is a co-editor and one of the contributors to the book “(Pop) Cultures on the Move: Transnational Identifications and Cultural Exchange Between East and West” (Saarbrücken, 2018). She will join the IRTG Diversity in Saarbrücken from 24 June-7 July 2019.


Intersections 2019 - Stonewall 50: Getting out of the Gender and Sexuality Box

12-30 June 2019

Film screenings, talks, lectures, workshops, and a performance!

For more infos see

Atelier Bordertextures

Guest Lecture Atelier Bordertextures

Markus Heide (Uppsala University)

"Border Aesthetics: Visibility and Invisibility at the US-Mexico Divide"

June 26th, 2019 - 4 - 6 pm

Saarland University, Building A 5 3, room 2.03

IRTG Guest Lecture

IRTG Guest Lecture

Dr. Tetyana Ostapchuk (Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine)

"Displacement Experiences and Changes of Identity in Irene Zabytko’s When Luba Leaves Home"

June 25th, 2019 - 12-2 pm

Saarland University, bldg. A2 2, 2.02

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

Dr. des. Sabrina Mittermeier (University of Augsburg)

"Seeing Ourselves in Other People - LGBT* Representation on Screen"

June 19th, 2019 - 4-6 pm

Saarland University, bldg. A5 3, 2.03

--- as part of Intersections 2019 ---

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

Prof. Bronwyn Winter (The University of Sidney, AUS)

"Feminist utopias and dystopias: the future is now?"

June 11th, 2019 - 12-2 pm

Saarland University, bldg. A2 2, 2.02

IRTG Visiting Scholar

IRTG Visiting Scholar

Prof. Lynn Mie Itagaki (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA)

Lynn Mie Itagaki is Associate Professor of English and Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA. Her research focuses on interracial ethics, comparative race studies, women of color feminism and twentieth- and twenty-first-century U.S. literature by writers of color. She recently published a book that examines the post–civil rights era in terms of the 1992 Los Angeles crisis, Civil Racism: The 1992 Los Angeles Rebellion and the Crisis of Racial Burnout, and has published articles and reviews in African American Review, Amerasia Journal, Feminist Formations, MELUS and Prose Studies. Her next book projects examine the aesthetics and politics of the media bystander in the post-9/11 era and race and economics in literature after the Great Recession. She will join the IRTG Diverstiy at Saarland University May to June 2019.For more information on Lynn Mie Itagaki, see:


IRTG & CEUS Guest Lecture

IRTG & CEUS Guest Lecture

Prof. Lynn Mie Itagaki (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA)

"Fleeing Bodies and Fleeting Performances: Race, Memory, and Migration at US and EU Borders"

June 6th, 2019 - 4-6 pm

Saarland University, bldg. A5 3, 2.03


NamLitCult Guest Lecture

NamLitCult Guest Lecture

Jennifer Volkmer, M.A. (LMU Munich)

"Women Love that Shit" - Women-Centered Road Movies Challenging the Male Gaze

May 27th, 2019 - 2-4 pm

Saarland University, bldg. B3 1, HS3 (0.12)


With women increasingly entering formerly predominantly male areas, such as politics and police departments, the film industry caught up in 1991 with two female protagonists in the male-coded genre of road movies. In this talk, I will be embedding the movie in its historical context, draw parallels to the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003), and discuss how the male gaze applies to these, and other TV shows and movies. In doing so, I will focus on how these female protagonists are perceived in the world they act in, especially in relation to the male characters, as well as look at how these women use violence and why, as opposed to the violence enacted by men in these stories. I will also discuss the Bechdel-Wallace test and examine the relationships between different women, including both rivalries and supportive bonds. Furthermore, I will address the development of the roles of women in film and television, and how the male gaze has been challenged and the options and limits of doing this.


IRTG Guest Lecture

IRTG Guest Lecture

Dr. Lee Francis (IndigeCon, Native Realities Press)

"Native Americans in Popular Culture and the Rise of the Inidigenerd!"

May 23rd, 2019 - 12-2 pm

Saarland University, bldg. B3 1, 0.14

For more info on Lee's guest lecture click here.


IRTG Visiting Scholar

IRTG Visiting Scholar

Dr. Lee Francis (Laguna Pueblo, USA)

Lee Francis IV is currently the CEO of Native Realities, the only Native and Indigenous pop culture company in the United States. Native Realities is also the host of the Indigenous Comic Con and Red Planet Books and Comics. Native Realities has published 9 titles to date with more on the way. The hope is to change the perceptions of Native and Indigenous people through dynamic and imaginative pop culture representations. Dr. Francis is also the writer for Sixkiller and the upcoming Ghost River: An Account of the Paxton Massacre in Pennsylvania. He previously served as the Executive Director of the Pueblo of Laguna Education Foundation and the Youth Development Coordinator for Laguna Partners For Success. In his career, Dr. Francis has had the distinct pleasure to work as a classroom instructor at Laguna-Acoma High School, the University of New Mexico, and the Native American Community Academy. In 2014, he received his PhD in Education from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. His work as a poet and scholar has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. He will join the IRTG Diversity in Saarbrücken from 22-25 May 2019.


Soldier Songs

Musiktheater von David T. Little
Europäische Erstproduktion

15. März 2019, 19.30 Uhr
16. März 2019, 19.30 Uhr
24. März 2019, 19.30 Uhr

Alte Feuerwache (Saarbrücken)

Am 16. März findet nach der Vorstellung ein Publikumsgespräch mit dem Komponisten David Little und Prof. Fellner statt.

Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Stück.


Night of the Profs 2019


Click here for all past events.