New projects online!
Collaborative Classes
2010: Live(s) on the Mississippi 2
2003: Route 66 and the Desert Southwest
2001: Live(s) on the Mississippi
Classes & Excursions
The heart of our transnational project are the collaborative classes and joint excursions our students participate in. The results of our decade long partnership are visible through the student projects arising from these.
Collaborative Classes
A course at the Saarland University in cooperation with the University of Vienna.
Dr. Astrid Fellner (Saarland U.) and Mag. Klaus Heissenberger (Vienna)
See the course description for more information!
Course combined with an excursion to the U.S.:
Rafting Web 2.0 with Huck Finn: Transatlantic Dialogues on the Mississippi Valley as a Transregional Space
A course at the University of Vienna in cooperation with Saarland University (Germany) and Bradley University Dr. Astrid Fellner (Saarland U.), Dr. Tim Conley (Bradley), and Mag. Klaus Heissenberger (Vienna)
More information to follow soon. See also information on the excursion!
CSI Vienna? U.S. Cultural Exchanges in Austria since the 1980s
A course at the University of Vienna in cooperation with Bradley University and Stanford University Dr. Astrid Fellner (Stanford), Dr. Tim Conley (Bradley), and Mag. Klaus Heissenberger (Vienna)
New: In cooperation with a course at Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA):
CSI Vienna? American Culture in Austria Since the 1980s
Dr. Astrid Fellner, Distinguished Visiting Austrian Chair 2008-2009
"Because It's Cool": Transatlantic Dialogues on "American" and "Austrian" Cultures
A course at the University of Vienna in cooperation with Bradley University. Dr. Astrid Fellner, Dr. Tim Conley, and Mag. Klaus Heissenberger.
"Often Only A Place in the Mind": The Americanness of Popular Culture -- American/Cultural Studies as a Transnational Project.
A course at the University of Vienna in cooperation with Bradley University. Dr. Astrid Fellner, Dr. Tim Conley, and Mag. Klaus Heissenberger.
Joint Excursions
2010: Live(s) on the Mississippi 2: The Mississippi Valley as a Transregional Space
First are online. See also here for the excursion page!
Original Announcement:
An excursion to the U.S. by the University of Vienna in cooperation with Saarland University and Bradley University. Dr. Astrid Fellner, Dr. Tim Conley, and Mag. Klaus Heissenberger
July 24 - August 14, 2010.
Students from the University of Vienna will travel together with students from Saarland University (Germany) and Bradley University (Illinois).
Information event and pre-registration: Dec. 14, 7 p.m., Unterrichtsraum at the Department of English and American Studies. If you've missed this event, see the information posted below and contact klaus.heissenberger@univie.ac.at
Registration process: Mid-January. Detailed Information will be sent out to students who have posted their interest and are our mailing list.
2003: Route 66 and the Desert Southwest
An excursion by the University of Vienna in cooperation with Bradley University. Dr. Astrid Fellner and Dr. Tim Conley
LiveMiss_handout_01.pdf Handout containing highlights of the itinerary.
2001: Live(s) on the Mississippi
An excursion by the University of Vienna in cooperation with Bradley University. Dr. Kurt Mayer and Dr. Tim Conley