Oleksandr Pronkevich, PhD
Oleksandr Pronkevich, Dr., is a professor at the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, and the dean of the Faculty of Philology. He is an alumnus of Fulbright Scholar Academic Exchange Program and Spanish Agency on International Cooperation Program and a visiting professor at Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA (2011). Oleksandr Pronkevich participated in research projects financed by governments of Spain, Poland, Germany, and Ukraine. He is the author of 150 papers and 9 books about World Literature, Spanish literature and culture, and Spanish-Ukrainian cultural dialog.
Classes Taught
Introduction to Cultural Studies (Literature and Identity)
Literature and Film: Theory of Adaptation
World Lit of the 19th and 20th Centuries
Teaching Interests
Digital Humanities
Project Related Publications
Pronkevich, Oleksandr (2020): “Las imágenes de España y de Ucrania en las prácticas, ideológicas y artísticas de la primera ola de emigrantes ucranianos en Madrid”, Itinerarios, No 31, pp. 113-132.
Pronkevych, Oleksandr (2020): „Serhij Borščevs´kyi: Literarische Übersetzung zwischen geistigem Widersand und interkulturellem Dialog“. in: Blondzhende Stern. JÜDISCHE SCHRIFTSTELLERINNEN UND SCHRIFTSTELLER AUS DER UKRAINE ALS GRENZGÄNGER ZWISCHEN DEN KULTUREN IN OST UND WEST, Herausgegeben Kerstin Schoor, Ievgeniia Voloshchuk, Borys Bigun, Wallstein Verlag GmbH, 2020, 271-291.
Pronkevich, Oleksandr (2020): Las ideas de José Ortega y Gasset y la crítica del populismo ucraniano en el libro Notre Dame D’Ukraine por Oksana Zabuzhko en: Populismo y propaganda: entre el presente y el pasado, ed. Łukasz Szkopiński, Agnieszka Woch, Universidad de Łódź, Facultad de Filología Instituto de Estudios Románicos, p. 75-86.
Pronkevich, Oleksandr with Shestopal, Olga (2018): “Ukrainian Students in Spain after World War II”, Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal, No 5, pp. 117–132.
Pronkevich, Oleksandr (ed.) (2018) : Literator-intelectual u migratsiynykh protsesakh: vyklyky pamiati ta identychnosti (Writing Intellectual in Processes of Migration: Challenges to Memory and Identity), Mykolayiv, ChNMU imeni Petra Mohyla Press, 180 p.
Pronkevich, Oleksandr (2018) ; “Miguel de Unamuno u vugnanni: ekzystentsiyno-khudozhniy vymir opratsiuvannia emigratsiynoiy travmu” (“Miguel de Unamno in Exile: Existential and Artistic Demension of Emigration Trauma”), in: Literator-intelectual u migratsiynykh protsesakh: vyklyky pamiati ta identychnosti (Writing Intellectual in Processes of Migration: Challenges to Memroy and Identity),ed. Oleksandr Pronkevich Mykolayiv, ChNMU imeni Petra Mohyla Press, pp. 120-144.
Pronkevich, Oleksandr (2018) : “What Makes Don Quixote an American Hero?“ in: (Pop) Cultures on the Move: Transnational Identifications and Cultural Exchange Between East and West. Ed. by Astrid M. Fellner, Tetiana Ostapchuk, Bärbel Schlimbach. SARAVI PONTES– Beiträge zur internationalen Hochschulkooperation und zum interkulturellen Wissenschaftsaustausch Herausgegeben von Astrid M. Fellner, Roland Marti, Christoph Vatter, Elisabeth Venohr Band 8. – universaar Universitätsverlag des Saarlandes Saarland University Press Presses Universitaires de la Sarre. Pp. 87–105.
Pronkevych, Oleksandr (2017) : “Pysannia ponad krodomamy u “Memuarakh korovy” Bernardo Achagy” (“Writing Across Borders in Bernardo Atxaga’s Memorias de una vaca”, Naukovi pratsi ChNMU imeni Petra Mohyly, v. 301, issue 289, Filologia. Literaturoznavsto, pp. 73–77.
Pronkewycz, Oleksandr (2016) : „Sowiecka nostalgia” i nowy rosyjski imperializm w kontekście teorii pokoleń. In: Posttotalitarny syndrom pokoleniowy w literaturach słowiańskich Europy Środkowej, Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej końca XX-początku XXI wieku w świetle studiów postkolonialnych, red. nauk. A. Matusiak, Poznań-Wrocław 2016, Wydawnictwo Bonami, ss. 135 – 164.
Pronkevich, Oleksandr (2015) : Strategies of Memory in Obabakoak by Bernardo Atxaga and Obaba by Montxo Armendáriz. – in: Christoph Vatter, Oleksandr Pronkevych (eds.) Film and Cultures of Memory. Universaar Universitätsverlag des Saarlandes Saarland University Press Presses Universitaires de la Sarre. Pp. 83 – 102.
Research Interests
Spanish literature