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Betreute Staatsexamens-, Bachelor-, Master- und Magisterarbeiten
Geib, Maren. "Exploring Cultural Dynamics in Margaret Atwood’s Speculative Fiction"
Neu, Nicole. “The American Dream in the TV Series Outlander”
Wiesen, János. “Female Lead Characters in the Alien Franchise”
Bös, Arden. “Queer Representation in Children’s Cartoons – How She Ra and the Princesses of Power Negotiates the Politics of Representation/Identity”
Nicolay, Claire. “The New Flaneur: Open City by Teju Cole”
Peters, Laura Vera. “Reclaiming life’s narrative. Overcoming indigenous trauma and the challenges of adolescents in Joan Crate’s Black Apple”
Touschong, Renée. "Docile Bodies in Contemporary Canadian Cultural Productions”
Gottert, Laura. “Avenging Superheroines: The Postfeminist Representations of Female Characters in Films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe”
Hem, Luisa-Marie. “The Twilight Saga: Bella Swan’s Development as a Coming-of-Age Narrative?”
Hemmerling, Nancy. “Monsters in American Children's Literature in the 21st Century”
Knoll, Stephanie Karen. “The Dynamics of Bordertextures in Refugee Writings”
Schimpgen, Michelle. “(Re)forming Identities and (Re)negotiating Home after Dispersion: Generational Differences in Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For and Madeleine Thien’s Certainty”
Scholz, Nina. “Cultural Appropriation in Kathryn Stockett's The Help”
König, Julia. “Comedy as a Tool of Feminism: The Depiction of Women in the TV Series The Marvelous Mrs Maisel”
Laier, Alexandra. “Toronto in Ethnic Canadian Fiction: The Immigrant City as Central Location of Multiculturalism” (Preis beste Abschlussarbeit 2020 im Bereich American Studies: Literatur)
Lang, Jeanette. “Tully: Twenty-First-Century Motherhood on Screen”
Leist, Christina. "Fighting Crime, Supervillains and Heteronormativity: Representations of Queer Superheroes in Media" (Preis beste Abschlussarbeit 2019 im Bereich American Studies: Kultur)
Araj, Samara. "The Power Images. Back to the Walls: Banksy’s Graffiti Art"
Jostock, Lea. "Bewitched - The Representation of Witches in American TV Series"
Laudwein, Julian. "Othering the Post-Apocalypse - A Cultural Studies Approach to AMC's The Walking Dead"
Schmid, Alexander. "The Portrayal of Bipolar Disorder in US TV Shows"
Glaser, Max. "Cultural Diversity in Children's Literature"
Larue, Doménique. "Gendered/Sexed Bodies in Sports"
Müller, Jens. "Women in Road Movies"
Ohlmann, Jana. "Normativity at Stake: Vampires and Gender"
Kirst, Anne-Kathrin. "Building Dystopia in the World of the Hunger Games Trilogy"
Müller, Marc. "Yes We Can Can - The Development of African American Girl Groups in Pop Culture"
Schnur, Susanne. "'... and to suffer the slavery of being a girl' - An Analysis of Gender and Sexuality in HBO's Game of Thrones"
Dörrenbecher, Tanja. "Becoming a Woman in a Men's World: Gender and Society in Tamora Pierce's Lioness and Protector of the Small Series"
Johann, Mathias. "Gay Appeal and Mainstream Productions: How and to What Effect Are Camp Politics Employed in Modern Mainstream Hollywood Musical Film?"
Krill, Marcel. "'Tú no eres nada de dominicano ... I am Dominican, I am': The (De-)Construction of Masculinity and Identity in Junot Díaz's The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao"
Winter, Alice. "Queering the Caribbean: The Breaking of Sexual Silence and the Challenging of Indo-Trinidadian Gender Ideologies in the Works of Shani Mootoo"
Graziano, David. "The Evolution of World Building in Contemporary Fantasy Fiction"
Hein, David. "The Transcendentalist Construction of Identity in J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye"
Jakob, Deria. "Idle No More: A Modern Grassroot Movement"
Zeimet, Lisa. "In the Shadow of the Towers: Trauma, Memory, and Commemoration of 9/11 in Don DeLillo's Falling Man and Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"
Gadacz, Sandra. "Wearing Heavy Boots in Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close in Comparison to Daldry's Film Adaptation"
Masloh, Julia. "Diaristic Accounts: Female Presence and Beat History Writing"
Rebold, Julia-Maria. "From Rags to Riches: Representations of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, T.C. Boyle's The Tortilla Curtain and Sam Mendes' American Beauty"
Schiefner, Michael. "Trauma and Its Impact - A Study of American World War I Literature"
Anken, Katja. "Living in Two Worlds: How Autism Has Been Portrayed in American Movies from 1989 - 2010"
Raber, Julia. "The Depiction of Irishness in Farrell's Young Lonigan, McCourts's Angela's Ashes and McCann's 'Sisters'"
Schmitt, Melanie. "Coming of Age in Chinese American Fiction: Mona in the Promised Land and Girl in Translation"
Vogt, Jennifer. "The Image of Vampires in the TV Series The Vampire Diaries"
Battista, Eva. "Postmodern Aesthetic Practices in American Music Videos"
Diehl, Norman. "The 'Noble Savage' and the 'Primitive Mind': The Depiction of North American Indigenous Tribes in Literature"
Hackert, Andreas. "Law and Order Means Im Namen des Gesetzes - On the Relation of 'Appropriations' Across Borders"
Lewis, Irene. "Identity Construction in Cuban-American Literature"
Manz, Mario. "The Motif of the Double in American Gothic Literature"
Kempf, Celine. "Maintaining Ambiguity: Dreams in Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace and its Television Miniseries Adaptation"
Ninnig, Jonas. "Horrible Science, Science of Horror: Evaluating H.P. Lovecraft’s Science Fiction"
Coombes, Melanie. “Dyslexia – An Attempt to Solve the Riddle”
Ewen, Kevin. “Masculinities in Contemporary Western Movies”
Germann, Ann-Kathrin. “Representation of Violence in Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men”
Haßdenteufel, Nadine. “‘You told him what he wasn’t, but you didn’t tell him what he was’ Crossing Identities in Adichie’s Americanah”
Kraemer, Annika. “‘For God and Country’: Americanness in Bioshock Infinite”
Kuhn, Anna-Selina. “The Emily Dickinson of the 21st Century: Apple TV+’s Dickinson” (Preis beste Abschlussarbeit 2020 im Bereich American Studies: Kultur)
Mattos, Catharine-Ann. “Intersectional Identities and Oppression: The Color Purple by Alice Walker”
Schwindling, Manuela. “Navigating Identity: Discourses of Nonbinary Gender Identities in I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver”
Walle, Kathrin. “Postfeminism in The Bold Type”
Becker, Tatjana. "Mythology Retold: The Importance of Mythology in Modern American Children’s Literature"
Degel, Jana. "The Past, the Present, and the Future: A Woman’s Place in The Handmaid's Tale" (Award for Best Final Thesis 2018: Literature)
Grandjean, Marc. "Alienation in Sam Esmail’s TV series Mr Robot"
Lindinger, Felix. "A Modernized Hero's Journey: A Revised Monomyth in the TV shows Rick and Morty and Community"
Matheis, Annika. "Race, Gender & Identity in Beyoncé's Visual Album" (Award for Best Final Thesis 2018: Culture)
Raubenheimer, Nina. "Masks of Femininity – Characterizations of Women in Tennessee Williams' Works"
Sardoschau, Goran. "A Raisin the Sun: Housing and Segregation on the Theatre Stage"
Schmid, Laura. "Coming-of-Age in a Dystopian Society: Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games and Veronica Roth's Divergent"
Aydoslu, Sirma. "Then and Now: Representations of African-Americans in The Cosby Show and Empire"
Brück, Kim J. "A New Normal for Queer Characters on American Television? Intersecting Identitites on Shadowhunters, Sense8 and Brooklyn Nine-Nine"
Behr, Lukas. "Racist Commercials: The Effect of Racial Stereotypes in American Commercials"
Dannhäußer, Kim Loris. "Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump's Racial Statements"
Fuchs, Tim. "'Things losing shape': Morality and fate in No Country for Old Men"
Huckert, Mathias. "Sympathy for the Devil: Morally Ambiguous Characters in AMC's Breaking Bad" (Award for Best Final Thesis 2017: Culture)
Junkes, Dominic. “Express yourself – Voguing as a form of sociocultural protest”
Kontschenko, Eugen. "'Have I seen this before?' – Intertextuality in contemporary US film and TV"
Moneva, Petya. "Success and Failure of the American Dream: The Representation of the American Dreamer in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby"
Müller, Melanie. "The Construction of Identity in Colum McCann's Transatlantic" (Award for Best Final Thesis 2017: Literature)
Petri, Nathalie. "Leisure Culture and the New World of Post-Apocalyptic Imagination on TV"
Leßle-Noll, Jennifer. "'Let Me Entertain You' – Politics, Citizenship, and Popular Culture in the Early 21st Century" (Award for Best Final Thesis 2016: Culture)
Von Linde-Suden, Leonie. "New York Re-IMAGE-ined: A Comparative Reading of Paul Auster's City of Glass and Paul Karasik's and David Mazzucchelli's Graphic Adaptation" (Award for Best Final Thesis 2016: Literature)
Ben Rajeh, Nesrin. "Orange is NOT the New Black – The Depiction of African American Women in the Hit Show Orange is the New Black"
Sena Küffner, May Concepcion. "Breaking Borders: Reflections on the Filipino/a Immigrant Experience in Jessica Hagedorn's The Gangster of Love"
Lang, Meike. "Postfeminism in Fifty Shades of Grey"
Martin, Michaela. "Gender in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games Trilogy"
Stern, Olga. "Punk is dead!? The Difficulty of Defining Punk"
Venn, Wolfram. "Literature for Specific Purposes? Robert A. Heinlein's Juveniles: Limitations and Opportunities"
Bauer, Teresa. "Popular Trash or an Authentic Representation of the US American Way of Life? The Constructed Reality in Today's Reality TV Series Keeping up with the Kardashians and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"
Bost, Bianca Astrid. "Heteronormativity and US TV Shows"
Fani, Shiva. "Express Yourself: How Madonna Blurs the Boundaries of Gender and Sexuality"
Heib, Andrea. "Post 9/11 America: Representations of National Trauma in Showtime's Homeland"
Heinrich, Sarah. "The Depiction of Slavery in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained"
Latic, Anita. "The Myth of Success in Breaking Bad: The Rise and Fall of Walter H. White"
Thome, Julia. "The Designated 'Other': Muslim Americans in a Post-9/11 Context and H. M. Naqvi's Home Boy"
Weyland, Anne. "'But ... you're just a girl': Construction of Female Identity in Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Barra, Esther. "How I Met Your Mother on the Internet"
Konrad, Sarah. "The Significance of Class, Gender and Ethnicity in the Media Coverage of the Case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn"
Schneider, Klara. "Border Fictions: Thomas King's "Borders" and Guillermo Verdeccia's Fronteras Americanas"
Seibert, Johanna. "'Let's Get Liberated': Feminist Politics and Queer Subtexts in AMC's Mad Men"
Steitz, Selma. "The Road to Self-Acceptance: The Representation of Intersexuality in Jeffrey Eugenides' Middlesex and Kathleen Winter's Annabel"
Weiß, Verena."Charles Brockden Brown and the Emergence of the American Gothic"
Hannig, Mariekje. "Revival of the Gothic? The 21st-Century Vampire in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga"
Kartheus, Wiebke. "Jacob Lawrence in the 1950s: Aesthetics and Contexts"
Zobiak, Denise. "Twist through the Ages:The depiction of Sethe's contortion of the Medea Experience in Toni Morrison's Beloved"
Leonie Groen. "The Romantic Cycle - How Heteronormativity is Perpetuated by Two Popular Series"
Amiraliyeva, Aida. “Negotiating Belonging: An In-Depth Analysis of Transnational Identity Expression in German Repatriates' Literature Through the Prism of Migratory Experiences, Integration Approaches, and Social Transformation” (MA Border Studies)
Bailey, Marie-Anne. “Lessons from Nature: An Ecofeminist Analysis of Delia Owens’ Where the Crawdads Sing"
Rücker, Lena. “Gendergerechte Sprache im Schulkontext: Ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich anhand qualitativer Interviewanalysen” (MA Dt-frz. Studien)
Schmid, Laura. "The Depiction of Women’s Oppression in Speculative Fiction: Could This Happen Today?"
Servello, Giuseppina. “Living in “Borderlands”: Embracing Hybrid Identities in Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments”
Matheis, Annika. “Sneakers in the Circuit of Culture: The Nike Air Max as a Cultural Artifact”
Mattausch, Laura. “On the Threshold to an even Gloomier World? The (Re-)Negotiation of Alternative Border Imaginations in Indigenous and Afrofuturistic Cultural Productions” (MABS)
Rehberger, Irina. “The Detroit-Windsor Borderland in the Age of Prohibition” (MABS)
Riesco Camino, Daniel. “The US Media Industry and Star Trek”
Tajeddini, Shahrzad. “Crossing the Borders of the Self: A Case Study of Border Identities in Iranian American Young Adult Fiction”
Fuchs, Tim. "From Fiction to Science: Depictions of Artificial Intelligence from 1818 to 2020"
Müller, Melina. “Countering the Post-9/11 Rise of Islamophobia: A Critical Stance on the Orientalist Discourse in Bayoumi and Hamid”
Stammwitz, Niki. “Clawing at Borders, Leaving the Shadows – Negotiating Whiteness, Epistemic Disobedience and US American Identity in Jurassic World”
Hess, Ramona. "Lokale Narrative – zivil-militärische Verflechtungen - globale Verwobenheit: Bordertexturen des 'Garnisonsstädtchens' Baumholder” (MA Border Studies)
Junkes, Dominic. “American Nightmare: Understanding Hegemonic Masculinity as the Muted Link between Gun Violence and Columbine”
Kelley, Megan. “Queer and Postcolonial Identities in the Work of Achy Obejas”
Kontschenko, Eugen. “The Black Guy Doesn’t Die First Anymore: Changes in Representation of Black Americans in Horror Films”
Sena Küffner, May Concepcion. “Invisible No More: Pinayism and Pin@y Recognition in M. Evelina Galang’s Angel de la Luna and the 5th Glorious Mystery”
Bier, Lydia. “Grenzen und Grenzziehungen - Eine kritische Diskursanalyse rechtspopulistischer Rhetorik in Deutschland und Frankreich im Rahmen der EU-Wahlen 2019” (MA Border Studies)
Wörz, Judith. “Geflüchtete als politische Subjekte im deutsch-europäischen Migrationsregime: Eine Betrachtung am Beispiel von künstlerischen Aktionen von Geflüchteten in Deutschland” (MA Border Studies)
Spoo, Yannick. "Women in Game of Thrones: Empowering Female Characters in Fantasy"
Thomé, Julia. "Finding Their Mothers' Gardens: The Representation of Women in Alice Walker's Fiction"
Reutler, Maike. "'But What Is Happiness? It's the Moment Before You Need More Happiness!' (De-)Constructing the American Dream in AMC's Mad Men"
Frisch, Marc-Oliver. "'The Institutionalization of Anti-Institutionality': The American Short Story in the Age of Creative-Writing Program"
Joppich, Alexander. "Nonconformity on American Television"
Weyer, Hubertus. "Border-Crossings in Recent American Short Stories"
Fuhrmann, Kerstin. "The Woman in the Wilderness: Catharine Parr Traill The Backwoods of Canada and Letitia Hargrave The Letters of Letitia Hargrave"
Kahveci, Özlem. "Slave Narratives of Douglass and Stowe"
Koch, Susanne. "Social Criticism and the Use of Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Work"
Reinhard, Ann-Kristin. "The Roaring Twenties: A Generation Lost in Contradiction between Prosperity and Depression"
Zeybel, Svetlana. "Tales from the Human Path: Humanness, Spirituality and the Fantastic in Recent American Vampire Literature"
Bieker, Ruben. "The Leader and the Diplomate: A Comparison of the Writings of William Bradford and Roger Williams"
Doudouktsidou, Katerina. "California and the American Dream"
Fries, Kathrin. "Memory, Trauma and the Exposure to 9/11: Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremly Loud and Incredibly Close"
Horbach-Montout, Katharina. "The Wounds of Colonial Past: Rape in Tomson Highway's The Rez Sisters and Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing"
Bodenröder, Anja. "Women in the Novels of Robertson Davies"
Schröter, Daniel. "Through the Scope of a Soldier: The Depiction of War by Vietnam War Veterans"