Faculty and Staff

Dipl.-Üb.in Eva Nossem

Interreg V A project "European Center of Competence and Knowledge in Border Studies"

UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Building A 5.3, room 2.16
E-mail: e.nossem[at]uni-saarland.de
Phone: +49 681 302 3573

Office hour:

Research and Teaching Interests:

  • Border Studies (Cultural Border Studies, Linguistic Border Studies)
  • Gender & Queer Studies
  • English Linguistics (Sociolinguistics, Critical Discourse Studies)
  • Italian Linguistics (Lexicography, Lexicology)
  • Translation Studies
  • Multilingualism & Plurilingualism
  • Cultural Studies


Current Projects

Dissertation project (in Italian Linguistics):
"'Un dizionario queer: il lessico italiano della non-eteronormatività"

UniGR-CBS Glossary Border Studies
edited by Eva Nossem & Astrid M. Fellner
Planned publication: 2021

Edited volume "Queer, Migration, and Belonging: Assemblages & Intersections"
edited by Astrid M. Fellner and Eva Nossem
Planned publication: Winter 2020/21

Journal Issue "The Biopolitics of Borders in Times of Crisis"
edited by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, and Tetyana Ostapchuk
Thematic Issue of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies series "Borders in Perspective"
Planned publication: Spring 2021

Edited volume "Bordertextures. A Complexity Approach to Cultural Border Studies"
edited by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, and Christian Wille
Planned publication: Fall 2021

Edited volume "Border Languaging: Multilingual Practices on the Border"
Click here for CfP.


Courses Taught

  • winter term 2021-22: "Talking Gender, Talking Race: Introduction to Intersectional Sociolinguistics" - online
  • summer term 2021: "Of Anti-Maskers, Front-Line Workers, and Superspreaders: Critically Analyzing Corona Discourses" - online
  • winter term 2020-21: "Race, Class, Gender and their Intersections: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics" - online
  • summer term 2020: "Linguistic (Super)Diversity in Society: Introduction to Multilingualism" - online
  • winter term 2019-20: "The Borders of Discourse & Discourses of the Border"
  • summer term 2019: "Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis"
  • winter term 2018-19: "Language and Society: The Construction of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Class through (Socio)Linguistic Practices"
  • summer term 2018: "Introduction to Linguistics - General"
  • winter term 2017-18: "Critical Discourse Analysis"
  • summer term 2017: "Intersectional Sociolinguistics"
  • winter term 2016-17: "The Negotiation of Selves in Language, Culture, and Society. Introduction to 3rd Wave Sociolinguistics"
  • summer term 2016: "The Gender(s) of English"
  • winter term 2015-16: "Don't Call Me Names! Language, Politics, and Identity"
  • summer term 2015: "Queering Lexicography"
  • winter term 2014-15: "Language and Gender"
  • summer term 2013: "Moderne Übersetzungswerkzeuge und Fachkommunikation"
  • winter term 2012-13: "Spezielle Fragestellungen der maschinellen und maschinengestützten Übersetzung"
  • summer term 2012: "Moderne Übersetzungswerkzeuge und Fachkommunikation"
  • winter term 2011-12: "Spezielle Fragestellungen der maschinellen und maschinengestützten Übersetzung"




Talks, Guest Lectures, Roundtable Discussions,...

  • "Corona-Diskurse und sprachliche Grenzziehungen in und um Europa." Talk at the interdiscplinary workshop Pandemisches-Virus - nationales Handeln: "Covid-19" und die europäische Idee (June 11, 2021 - Saarland University, online)
  • "Gay Enough to Stay’: Exposing the Normativity of Western LGBT Terminology in Asylum Processes." Talk at the Lavender Languages and Linguistics LavLang27 (May 21st, 2021 - California Institute of Integral Studies, online).
  • "From Lines to Spaces to Practices to Textures: Thinking and Inhabiting the Border." Talk at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Borderlands Studies (April 17th, 2021 - online).
  • "Gender, Sexuality, Queer, and Language." Keynote at the Seminar Queer Theory, organized by AK Queer UdS; FrauenGenderBibliothekSaar, and Forum Geschlechterforschung (January 23rd, 2021 - online).
  • "Viral Hate: HomoTransphobic Discourses in the Context of Covid-19." Talk at the workshop on Gender and the Covid-19 Pandemic, National University of Singapore (November 20th, 2020 - online).
  • "Sprachwissenschaftliche Border Studies: Von Translation zu Translanguaging." Guest Lecture within the framework of the lecture series Europäische Grenzdiskurse: Ringvorlesung der Europäischen Kulturstudien, Saarland Univeristy (November 16th, 2020 - online).
  • "Linguistic Othering & Scapegoating in Pandemic Times: Blame Games in the U.S. and Europe." Talk at the UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2020 - Distance and Diversity in Times of Crisis: Literary Expressions and Artistic Responses (October 15th, 2020 - online).
  • "Lexicographic De-B/Ordering: Bordertextures and the Assemblage of the UniGR-CBS Glossary Border Studies," Talk at the 6th annual meeting of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bordering Cultures: Everyday Life, Politics, Aesthetics (October 10th, 2020 - online).
  • "Linguistic Rebordering in Pandemic Times," Talk at the Closing Conference of the DAAD Eastpartnership project The Bio-Politics of Borders in Times of Crisis (July 6th, 2020 - online).
  • "Of Saints, Saviors, and Smugglers: Capitane in the Mediterranean," Talk at the UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2019 - Liquid Trajecties: Flight, Mobility, and Migration, Saarland University (November 29th, 2019).
  • "Spreading activation, fuzzy terms, and floating signifiers: The network visualization of the trilingual, multimodal online glossary Border Studies," Talk at the International Congress Borders - Identity - Memory in Media Studies, Tavryda National University Named after Volodymyr Vernadskyi, Kiev (October 4th, 2019).
  • "Linguistic Border Studies," Short Presentation at Sektionentagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft  KWG 2019, Sektion Kulturwissenschaftliche Border Studies, University of Koblenz-Landau (September 24th, 2019).
  • "Femminiello Pride - From Pilgrimage to Protest (and back?)," Talk at Intersections 2019: Stonewall 50 - Getting out of the Gender and Sexuality Box, Saarland University (June 30th, 2019).
  • "Experts or collective intelligence: Queering cultural and linguistic knowledge production in lexicographic reference works," Talk at the Lavender Languages & Linguistics 26, University of Gothenburg (May 2nd, 2019).
  • "Weaving a lexicographic bordertexture: The development and assemblage of a trilingual, interdisciplinary, and multimodal UniGR Glossary Border Studies," Talk at the UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2018 - Cultural Borderlands: Literatures, Film, and Aesthetic Practices, Saarland University (December 8th, 2018).
  • "Das UniGR-CBS Glossar Border Studies als supradisziplinäre Bordertextur," Talk at the UniGR-Center for Border Studies Seminar #2, University of Trier (November 5th, 2018).
  • "Intersections: Migration, Ethnizität, Gender und Sexualität," Talk at the Barcamp Frauen* Saar, Saarbrücken (November 3rd, 2018).
  • "Omo(trans)nazionalismo nei borderlands italiani ed europei," Talk at the Colloquium Series on the Phenomenon of Displacement in Europe Flight - BORDER - Integration, Villa Vigoni, Loveno (October 10th, 2018).
  • "European Homonationalism and Italian Regionalism," Talk at the Association of Borderlands Studies 2018 World Conference, University of Vienna (July 10th, 2018).
  • "Das Weben einer lexikographischen Bordertextur : Entstehung und Aufbau des dreisprachigen, interdisziplinären und multimodalen UniGR-Borderglossars," colloque international Le transfrontalier. Pratiques et transfigurations. Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse (June 28th, 2018).
  • "Queer*ing Translation," summer school Queer Translation: genre et traduction, University of Montreal (June 22nd, 2018).
  • "UniGR-CBS Action 3.2: Glossary Border Studies," Seminar Border Studies #1: Räumliche, soziale und linguistische Grenzen/Seminaire Border Studies #1: Frontières spatiales, sociales et linguistiques, University of Lorraine (June 11th, 2018).
  • "Queer Migrants in the Southern Borderlands," QuIR workshop #5:Migrations: Intersectionality, Queerness, and Diaspora, University of Naples L'Orientale (January 19th, 2018).
  • "Queer qua quer & die Geschichte des Coming Outs," workshop, Zentrum für Schlüsselkompetenzen, Saarland University (January 15th, 2018).
  • "Gender," Roundtable discussion Suppenküche, Sparte4, Saarbrücken (January 14th, 2018).
  • "Omonazionalismo europeo e regionalismo italiano: costruzioni discorsive di "extracomunitario," "clandestino," e "terrone." Talk at the Contact Zones: space, interaction and transformation – Graduate Student Conference “Italian Cultural Studies” 2017, University of Innsbruck (November 30th, 2017).
  • "What is Border Studies? An Introduction to Border Studies from a Cultural Studies Perspective," guest lecture, together with Astrid M. Fellner, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University (October 11th, 2017).
  • "Border Studies and Language," Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University (October 11th, 2017).
  • "Are There Boundaries to Solidarity? Queer Migration, Activism, and Coalitional
    Possibilities in Germany and Ukraine./Есть ли границы у солидарности? Квир-миграция, активизм и сотруднический потенциал в Германии и Украине," together with Astrid M. Fellner, talk at the Queering Paradigms 8: Fucking Solidarity, University of Vienna (September 23rd, 2017).
  • "'How to Tame a Wild Tongue': Translanguaging the Borderlands. Theorizing the Multilingual Literacies of the New Mestiza." Talk at the MIS: Multilingualism as Migration, University of Luxembourg (July 3rd, 2017).
  • "Frocia - un nuovo (post-)queer all'italiana?" Talk at the QuIR workshop #1: Translating Queer Historicities, University of London (June 23rd, 2017).
  • "'For Colored Boys Who Speak Softly.' The Discursive Construction of Non-Western Queerness Through Translanguaging." Talk at the Intersections 2017: Queer/Migration/Legality, Saarland University (June 17th, 2017).
  • "Queer Lexicography: Exposing Power Stuctures in Dictionaries." Talk at the Lavender Languages & Linguistics 24, University of Nottingham (April 30th, 2017).
  • "Discrimination and (Hetero)Sexism in Dictionaries." Talk at the 10th BAAL Language, Gender and Sexuality SIG Meeting: Language, Discrimination and Conflict, University of Nottingham (April 27th, 2017).
  • "The traveling Queer." Talk at the 1st CIRQUE conference: What is new in Queer Studies?, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (March 31st, 2017).
  • "L'eterosessismo nei dizionari italiani." Talk at the conference Il sessismo nella lingua italiana. Trent'anni dopo Alma Sabatini. Linguaggio, diritto, politica e società, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (March 30th, 2017).
  • "Out & about: Geschichte des Coming Outs." Talk at the Aktionswoche ‘Coming Out’, Saarland University (July 7th, 2016).
  • "The Career of Queer." Talk at the IGALA9: Time and Transition Conference, City University of Hong Kong (May 20th, 2016).
  • "Von Sodomiten und Hermaphroditen zu Queer und Gender Bender." Talk at the book presentation Gender überall!? Beiträge zur interdisziplinären Geschlechterforschung. Eds. Astrid M. Fellner, Anne Conrad, Jennifer J* Moos. SOFIE. Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung, Bd. 19. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Verlag 2014. 86-114, FrauenGenderBibliothek Saarbrücken (February 5th, 2016).
  • "Un dizionario Queer - il lessico italiano della non-eteronormatività." Talk at the III. Romanistisch-Linguistisches Netzwerktreffen 2015, Saarland University (July 9th, 2015).
  • "Queering lexicography: Towards a non-heteronormative dictionary." Talk at the SOLLAQI - 1st Symposium on Lavender Linguistics and Queer Idendities, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf (July 3rd, 2015).
  • "Verso una lessicografia Queer: Dizionari e autorità." Talk at the Queer Italian Studies Workshop, University of Birmingham (May 14th, 2015).
  • "Queering Lexicography." Talk at the Conference Queering Translation – Translating the Queer, University of Vienna (March 26th-28th, 2015).
  • "Geschlechterneutrale Sprache." Talk at the FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs) XXth World Congress FIT2014, Berlin (August 5th, 2014).
  • "Chasing files – Gut gespeichert ist halb gefunden." Talk at the FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs) XXth World Congress FIT2014, together with Dirk Ohligschläger, Berlin (August 5th, 2014).
  • "Von Sodomiten und Hermaphroditen bis zu Queer und Gender Bender – Bezeichnungen für Heteronormativitätsflüchtlinge." Lecture given as part of the interdisciplinary lecture series Gender Überall!?, Saarland University (May 8th, 2013).


Awards & Grants

  • 2019: GradUSglobal travel grant: Lavender Languages & Linguistics #26, University of Gothenburg
  • 2018: ABS Association for Borderlands Studies 2018 World Conference: grad students - selected papers
  • 2017: GradUSglobal workshop organization grant: Intersections 2017: Queer/Migration/Legality, Saarland University
  • 2017: GradUSglobal travel grant: 10th BAAL LGaS SIG, Lavender Languages & Linguistics 24, University of Nottingham
  • 2016: GradUSglobal travel grant: IGALA 9, City University Hong Kong 
  • 2015: GradUSglobal travel grant: Queer Italian Studies workshop, University of Birmingham
  • 2013-14: Erasmus Mundus Multi II Research Grant, Dept. of English; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 2005-06: Erasmus Exchange Program: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia



Editorial Board Member of the series Cambridge Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality.

Reviewer for the Journal of Borderlands Studies, eds. Sergio Peña and Christophe Sohn, Taylor & Francis.

Reviewer for the Journal of Language and Sexuality, eds. William L. Leap and Heiko Motschenbacher, John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Reviewer for the journal Gender and Language, eds. Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Tommaso Milani, published on behalf of the International Gender and Language Association.

Sworn and publicly commissioned translator and interpreter for German, English and Italian in Saarland, Germany.