Faculty and Staff
North American Literary and Cultural Studies
- Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner Professor of North American Literary and Cultural Studies
- Office Administration: Bärbel Schlimbach M.A. North American Literary and Cultural Studies
- Dr. Tobias Schank North American Literary and Cultural Studies
- Dr. Svetlana Seibel North American Literary and Cultural Studies
UniGR-Center for Border Studies
- Dipl.-Üb. Eva Nossem UniGR-Center for Border Studies
DAAD DIES IDC Latin America
- Dipl.-Üb. Eva Nossem DIES IDC LA
- Natalia Villalba Lauer DIES IDC LA
- Myriam Rumler DIES IDC LA
Ukraine Saar Study Bridge
- Dr. Halyna Zaporozhets DAAD Ukraine Saar Studybridge
- Dr. Yuliya Stodolinska DAAD Ukraine Saar Studybridge
Research & Teaching Fellows
- Dr. Svitlana Kot NamLitCult DAAD
- Dr. Olha Polishchuk DAAD
- Prof. Dr. Tetiana Shestopalova NamLitCult
Research Assistants and Tutors
Also in the Field of American Studies
Dipl.-Üb.in Eva Nossem

UniGR-Center for Border Studies
Scientific Coordinator of the UniGR-CBS at Saarland University
Building A 5.3, room 2.16
E-mail: e.nossem[at]mx.uni-saarland.de
Phone: +49 681 302 3573
Office hour:
DIES IDC Latin America
Institutional Coordinator
Research and Teaching Interests:
- Border Studies (Cultural Border Studies, Linguistic Border Studies)
- Gender & Queer Studies
- English Linguistics (Sociolinguistics, Critical Discourse Studies)
- Italian Linguistics (Lexicography, Lexicology)
- Translation Studies
- Multilingualism & Plurilingualism, Border Languaging
- Cultural Studies
- Digital Media & AI
Current Projects
Dissertation project (in Italian Linguistics):
"'Un dizionario queer: il lessico italiano della non-eteronormatività"
UniGR-CBS Glossary Border Studies
edited by Eva Nossem & Astrid M. Fellner
Planned publication of the first entries: 2025, ongoing
Edited Volume Border Languaging: Multilingual Practices on the Border
Planned publication: Summer 2025
Click here for more info.
Edited Volume Bordertextures. A Complexity Approach to Cultural Border Studies
edited by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, and Christian Wille
Planned publication: Summer 2025
Thematic Issue Borders in Crisis: Discursive, Narrative, and Mediatic Border Struggles in Ukraine, Europe, and North America
edited by Astrid M. Fellner, Svitlana Kot, Eva Nossem, and Olha Polishchuk
Thematic Issue of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies series "Borders in Perspective"
Planned publication: Spring 2025
Edited Volume Research Methods in Language, Gender, and Sexuality
edited by Holly Cashman, Mie Hiramoto, and Eva Nossem
Planned publication: 2025
Courses Taught
- winter term 2024-25: “The Politics of Fear and Activism for Future: Political (Critical) Discourse Analysis” - hybrid
- summer term 2024: “AI and Social Media: Critically Analyzing Digital Discourses” - hybrid
- winter term 2023-24: "Exploring sociolinguistics in the age of AI: From Dialect Discrimination and Biased Performances to Simulating Language Change" - hybrid
- summer term 2023: "Multilingualism, Monolingualism, and Everything in Between" - hybrid
- winter term 2022-23: "It’s the End of the World as We Know It: Critically Analyzing Discourses of Crisis" - hybrid
- summer term 2022: "Code-Switching, Translanguaging, Border Languaging: Conceptualizing Multilingual Practices" - hybrid
- winter term 2021-22: "Talking Gender, Talking Race: Introduction to Intersectional Sociolinguistics" - online
- summer term 2021: "Of Anti-Maskers, Front-Line Workers, and Superspreaders: Critically Analyzing Corona Discourses" - online
- winter term 2020-21: "Race, Class, Gender and their Intersections: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics" - online
- summer term 2020: "Linguistic (Super)Diversity in Society: Introduction to Multilingualism" - online
- winter term 2019-20: "The Borders of Discourse & Discourses of the Border"
- summer term 2019: "Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis"
- winter term 2018-19: "Language and Society: The Construction of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Class through (Socio)Linguistic Practices"
- summer term 2018: "Introduction to Linguistics - General"
- winter term 2017-18: "Critical Discourse Analysis"
- summer term 2017: "Intersectional Sociolinguistics"
- winter term 2016-17: "The Negotiation of Selves in Language, Culture, and Society. Introduction to 3rd Wave Sociolinguistics"
- summer term 2016: "The Gender(s) of English"
- winter term 2015-16: "Don't Call Me Names! Language, Politics, and Identity"
- summer term 2015: "Queering Lexicography"
- winter term 2014-15: "Language and Gender"
- summer term 2013: "Moderne Übersetzungswerkzeuge und Fachkommunikation"
- winter term 2012-13: "Spezielle Fragestellungen der maschinellen und maschinengestützten Übersetzung"
- summer term 2012: "Moderne Übersetzungswerkzeuge und Fachkommunikation"
- winter term 2011-12: "Spezielle Fragestellungen der maschinellen und maschinengestützten Übersetzung"
- "Hybrides Placemaking in filmischen Bordertexturen: Les italorrain.e.s und italienische ‘Gastarbeiter:innen’ in Dokumentarfilmen der Großregion." In: Linking Borderlands: Komplexität - Dynamik - Interdisziplinarität. Eds. Sara Bonin, Ludger Gailing, Kirsten Mangels, Tobias Schank, Dagna Zinkhahn-Rhobodes. Baden Baden: Nomos. https://www.nomos-shop.de/en/nomos/title/linking-borderlands-id-118492/.
- "Introduction: What is Border Renaissance?," by Astrid M. Fellner and Eva Nossem. In: Border Renaissance. BiG_Review vol. 5, no. 1 Special Section. Eds. Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, and Christian Wille. https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/bigreview, p. 68-77.
Border Renaissance. BiG_Review vol. 5, no. 1 Special Section, edited by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, and Christian Wille, published March 2024. https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/bigreview.
- Border Renaissance. BiG_Review vol. 5, no. 1 Special Section, edited by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, and Christian Wille, published March 2024. https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/bigreview.
- "Of Saints, Saviors, and Smugglers: The capitane in the Mediterranean and the Border-Gender-Nexus." In: UniGR-CBS Thematic Issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 9: The Biopolitics of Borders in Times of Crisis (September 1st, 2023). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10523816.
- "Borders, Biopolitics, and Crisis in Europe and North America," by Astrid M. Fellner and Eva Nossem. In: UniGR-CBS Thematic Issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 9: The Biopolitics of Borders in Times of Crisis (September 1st, 2023). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10523816.
- The Biopolitics of Borders in Times of Crisis, edited by Astrid M. Fellner, Eva Nossem, and Tetyana Ostapchuk. UniGR-CBS Thematic Issue Borders in Perspective Vol. 9, published: September 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10523816.
- "Understanding Russia’s War in Ukraine. Borders, Identities, and Boundaries: An Interview with Julia Buyskykh, Alina Mozolevska, and Oleksandr Pronkevich." UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 18. ed. by Astrid M. Fellner, Alina Mozolevska and Eva Nossem. (August 7th, 2023) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8179180.
- "Hybrid Borderlands: On Borders, from Borders – Borderland Experiences in Film," by Tobias Schank, Astrid M. Fellner, Isis Luxenburger, Eva Nossem. In: UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 17: Linking Borderlands: Dynamics of Cross-Border Peripheries. Conceptual and empirical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective (June 27th, 2023). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8032941.
- Queer, Migration, and Belonging: Assemblages & Intersections, edited by Astrid M. Fellner and Eva Nossem. SOFIE Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung Vol. 26. published: May 2023. https://www.comebeck.com/category/sofie-schriftenreihe-zur-geschlechterforschung/.
- "Corona-Diskurse und sprachliche Grenzziehungen in und um Europa." In: Pandemisches Virus – nationales Handeln. Covid-19 und die europäische Idee. Eds. Dominik Brodowski, Jonas Nesselhauf, and Florian Weber. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (2022, 109-122). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-37719-9
- "HomoTransNationalismus in den Borderlands Italien: eine exemplarische Analyse ineinandergreifender Diskurse zu Sexual Citizenship in Italien mit Hilfe des Konzepts der Bordertexturen." In: Flucht - Grenze - Integration. Beiträge ) zum Phänomen der Deplatzierung / Fuga - Confine - Integrazione. Contributi al fenomeno dello spostamento. Eds. Dieter Heimböckel, Nathalie Roelens, and Christian Wille. Bielefeld: Transcript (2020, 67-89). DOI: https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839451175-006
- "Linguistic Rebordering: Constructing COVID-19 as an external threat." In: UniGR-CBS Borders in Perspective Vo. 4: Bordering in Pandemic Times: Insights into the COVID-19 Lockdown (June 25th, 2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-xxxx-b825-a20b
- "The Pandemic of Nationalism and the Nationalism of Pandemics." UniGR-CBS Working Paper. Vol. 8 (April 22nd, 2020) DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-xxxx-1073-4da7/
- "Linguistic Rebordering: Constructing COVID-19 as an external threat." UniGR-CBS BorderObs (April 9th, 2020).
- "Queer, Frocia, Femminiellə, Ricchione et al. – Localizing 'Queer' in the Italian Context." In: Gender/Sexuality/Italy G/S/I 6 (August 2019).
- "Balibar: Europe as Borderland." [English] Entry in the UniGR-CBS Knowledge and Documentation Center (2018).
- "Balibar: Europe as Borderland." [French] Entry in the UniGR-CBS Knowledge and Documentation Center (2018).
- "Balibar: Europe as Borderland." [German] Entry in the UniGR-CBS Knowledge and Documentation Center (2018).
- "The Politics of (Dis-)location: Queer Migration, Activism, and Coalitional Possibilities." Gramma: Journal of Theory and Criticism, Vol. 25 (2018), together with Astrid M. Fellner. https://doi.org/10.26262/gramma.v25i0.6591
- "Der seltsame Fall des italienischen 'gender'." Zibaldone: Zeitschrift für italienische Kultur. 2018
- "Queering Lexicography: Balancing Power Relations in Dictionaries." In: Queering Translation – Translating the Queer. Theory, Practice, Activism. Eds. Klaus Kaindl and Brian Baer. New York: Routledge (2018, 172-187)
- "Hetties, queens, and fag hags - ironic name giving in LGBTIQ+ discourse." degenere: Journal of Literary, Postcolonial and Gender Studies. (December 9th, 2016)
- "Die Macht der Wörterbücher: Autorität und dominanter Diskurs." Fachzeitschrift des Bundesverbands für Übersetzer und Dolmetscher MDÜ 5/16 (November 2016), 26-29
- "Queers of Color-Identitäten auf der Flucht." Blog entry, together with Astrid M. Fellner. waswerdenwirwerden.de; (October 21st, 2016)
- "Es geht auch anders." Fachzeitschrift des Bundesverbands für Übersetzer und Dolmetscher MDÜ 5/15 (journal of the German translators' and interpreters' association BDÜ), together with Myriam Caminiti. (December 2015): 32-37.
- "Potere e autorità nei dizionari." In: Gender/Sexuality/Italy G/S/I 2 (July 2015).
- "Geschlechterneutrale Sprache." Man vs. Machine. The Future of Translators, Interpreters and Terminologists. Proceedings of the XXth FIT World Congress Vol I. Eds. Wolfram Baur et al. Berlin: BDÜ Weiterbildungs- und Fachverlagsgesellschaft mbH 2014. 453-462.
- "Chasing Files." In: Man Vs. Machine. The Future of Translators, Interpreters and Terminologists. Proceedings of the XXth FIT World Congress, Berlin 2014. Vol. II. Eds. Wolfram Baur, Brigitte Eichner, Sylvia Kalina, Norma Keßler, Felix Mayer, Jeannette Ørsted. Together with Dirk Ohligschläger. Berlin: BDÜ Fachverlag 2014. 901-908.
- "Von Sodomiten und Hermaphroditen bis zu Queer und Gender Bender – Bezeichnungen für Heteronormativitätsflüchtlinge." In: Gender überall!? Beiträge zur interdisziplinären Geschlechterforschung. Eds. Astrid M. Fellner et al. SOFIE. Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung, Vol. 19. St. Ingbert: Röhrig 2014. 86-114.
- "Sprachliche Heteronormativität und mögliche Überwindungsstrategien." Fachzeitschrift des Bundesverbands für Übersetzer und Dolmetscher MDÜ 6/13 (journal of the German translators' and interpreters' association BDÜ) (December 2013): 10-16.
Talks, Guest Lectures, Roundtable Discussions, Posters...
- “Hybrides Placemaking in filmischen Bordertexturen:Les italorrain.e.s und italienische „Gastarbeiter:innen“ inDokumentarfilmen der Großregion” Book Presentation Linking Borderlands, ed. by Sara Bonin et al. (November 20, 2024, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder - online)
- “Heteroimperialism, Pinkwashing, and the War in Ukraine.” Talk at the Symposium The Return of Imperial Borders? Practices, Representations, Contestations (November 05, 2024; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main)
- “AI Across Borders: Integrating AI-Based Text Generators into University Teaching.” Joint talk together with Astrid M. Fellner and Yuliya Stodolinska at the Jubilee International Conference “Communications, Media, and Education in the Paradigm of New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence” (October 24, 2024, Sofia Univeristy St. Kliment Ohridski - online)
- “Bloody, Bloody Border: De-Bordering in Pop Songs.” Talk at the Conference (De)Constructing Borders in Borderlands Studies: 1st Congress of the Researchers of Borders and Borderlands
(September 16, 2024, University of Wrocław) - "Bordertexturing as a disruptive research perspective for sensing/making sense of borderlands in times of perplexity." Talk at the LISER Conference on Disruptive Borderlands (September 04, 2024, University of Luxembourg)
- “Intercultural Communication: warm-up activity,” “Border Art/ivism,” “Border and Pop Culture,” Workshop & Lectures at UNITA Borders (July 14-19, 2024, University of Turin)
- “Expertise and training workshop for the professionalization of digital teaching.” Saarland Ukraine Studybridge Workshop; DAAD Ukraine Digital (July 12, 2024, Saarland University)
- “Gender und Queerforschung in Nordamerika.” Guest lecture together with Astrid M. Fellner as part of the Lecture Series Facetten der Vielfalt (summer term 2024, Saarland University)
- “Bordertextures and the Sensing and Making Sense of the Border.” Talk at the Annual Conference of the Association for Borderlands Studies 2024 (April 04, 2024, San Antonio, Texas)
- “Closing a Loophole and Unveiling Canada’s Unconscious: The Roxham Road Border Crossing.” Talk at the Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien Borders – Migration – Mobility (February 18, 2024, Grainau)
- “Border Linguistics.” Guest lecture as part of the lecture Introduction to Border Studies from a Cultural Studies Perspective, Dr. Oksana Starshova (February 09, 2024 - Petro Mohlya Black Sea National University, online)
- "Bloody, Bloody Border: The Iconization and Politization of the Border in Pop Songs." Joint talk together with Astrid M. Fellner at the KWG conference on Popular Cultures (30 September, Saarland University)
- "Artificial Intelligance in Higher Education: Challenges of the Future." Joint talk together with Astrid M. Fellner and Yuliya Stodolinska at the DEFEP conference (20 September 2023, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University - hybrid)
- "Digital Border Studies." Poster session at the opening of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Societal Computing (I2SC) (8 September 2023, Saarland University)
- "Border Artivism." Joint seminar together with Astrid M. Fellner at the Erasmus BIP UNITA Summer School "Borders" (20 July 2023, Università degli Studi di Torino)
- "Borderlanguaging: Multilingual Practices on the Border." Lecture at the Erasmus BIP UNITA Summer School "Borders" (20 July 2023, Università degli Studi di Torino)
- "Summer School Wartime Experiences," together with Svitlana Kot and Astrid M. Fellner. Presentation of Best Practice Example at the DEFEP Study Visit (13 July 2023, Saarland U)
- "AI Across Borders: Integrating ChatGPT into Teaching," together with Svitlana Kot. Presentation of Best Practice Example at the DEFEP Study Visit (13 July 2023, Saarland U)
- "Of Languages and Borders: Staking Out the Field of Border Linguistics." Talk for the Ukrainian Fulbright Circle (31 May 2023, Kyiv - online)
- "Thousands Are Sailing: The Representation of (Liquid) Borders in Pop Songs." Talk at the Border Seminar of the International Border Studies Center (23 May 2023, University of Gdansk)
- "Border Studies Konzepte und Theorien der kulturwissenschaftlichen & sprachwissenschaftlichen Border Studies." Talk at the BiP Summer School Germanistik, Prof. Miedema. (18 April 2023, Saarland U)
- "Gender & Diversity Management." Roundtable at the DAAD DIES International Deans’ Course Latin America (28 March 2023, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires)
- "LGBT Discourses and the War in Ukraine." Talk at the Lavender Languages and Linguistics #29. (11 March 2023, Boise State University, Idaho - hybrid)
- "Bordertextures and the Textu(r)al Cohesion of the Border." Talk at the Association for Borderlands Studies ABSWorld 2023 Borders, Edges and Interfaces. (February 13th, 2023 - Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Eilat)
- "Borders under Fire: Critically Analyzing Shifting Media Discourses of the Border." Talk at the international conference Memità 2022 Les médias : le quatrième pouvoir ? Identité, mémoire et patrimoine. (December 9th, 2022 - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour)
- "Going Multi-Modal in Border Studies," together with Astrid M. Fellner and Tobias Schank. Guest Lecture within the framework of the lecture series Going Digital! Europas Kulturen und die Herausforderung von KI und Digitalisierung (November 28th, 2022 - Saarland University, online)
- "Borders and Diversity." Opening statement as part of the roundtable Post-pandemic Diversity: The Comeback of Borders and the Reframing of Mobility and Migration. IRTG Closing Conference: Post | Diversity - Researching Diversity in the Atlantic World (September 10th, 2022 - Université de Montréal)
- "Queer Border Languaging." Keynote Lecture, Lavender Languages and Linguistics #28 (May 23rd, 2022 - Università di Catania, hybrid)
- "Eva Nossem, Universität des Saarlandes & Lingotransfair." Wissenschaft und Praxis - Romanist:innen im Beruf (January 4th, 2022 - Saarland University, hybrid)
- "From #NoMoreDeaths to #LeaveNoOneBehind: Hashtags in Solidarity Activism in the Borderlands." Talk at the international conference Memità 2021: Border-Crossing attraverso approcci interdisciplinari e Media Studies (November 12th, 2021 - University of Palermo, online)
- "Multilingual Communication in the Workplace." Guest lecture as part of the lecture International Business Communication, Dr. Yuliya Stodolinska (October 30th, 2021 - Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, online).
- "Border Linguistics." Guest lecture as part of the lecture Introduction to Border Studies from a Cultural Studies Perspective, Dr. Oksana Starshova (October 25th, 2021 - Petro Mohlya Black Sea National University, online).
- "Linguistic Borderlandscapes." Guest lecture as part of the lecture Introduction to Border Studies from a Cultural Studies Perspective, Dr. Oksana Starshova (September 27th, 2021 - Petro Mohlya Black Sea National University, online).
- "Corona-Diskurse und sprachliche Grenzziehungen in und um Europa." Talk at the interdiscplinary workshop Pandemisches-Virus - nationales Handeln: "Covid-19" und die europäische Idee (June 11, 2021 - Saarland University, online)
- "Gay Enough to Stay’: Exposing the Normativity of Western LGBT Terminology in Asylum Processes." Talk at the Lavender Languages and Linguistics LavLang27 (May 21st, 2021 - California Institute of Integral Studies, online).
- "From Lines to Spaces to Practices to Textures: Thinking and Inhabiting the Border." Talk at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Borderlands Studies (April 17th, 2021 - online).
- "Gender, Sexuality, Queer, and Language." Keynote at the Seminar Queer Theory, organized by AK Queer UdS; FrauenGenderBibliothekSaar, and Forum Geschlechterforschung (January 23rd, 2021 - online).
- "Viral Hate: HomoTransphobic Discourses in the Context of Covid-19." Talk at the workshop on Gender and the Covid-19 Pandemic, National University of Singapore (November 20th, 2020 - online).
- "Sprachwissenschaftliche Border Studies: Von Translation zu Translanguaging." Guest Lecture within the framework of the lecture series Europäische Grenzdiskurse: Ringvorlesung der Europäischen Kulturstudien, Saarland Univeristy (November 16th, 2020 - online).
- "Linguistic Othering & Scapegoating in Pandemic Times: Blame Games in the U.S. and Europe." Talk at the UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2020 - Distance and Diversity in Times of Crisis: Literary Expressions and Artistic Responses (October 15th, 2020 - online).
- "Lexicographic De-B/Ordering: Bordertextures and the Assemblage of the UniGR-CBS Glossary Border Studies," Talk at the 6th annual meeting of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bordering Cultures: Everyday Life, Politics, Aesthetics (October 10th, 2020 - online).
- "Linguistic Rebordering in Pandemic Times," Talk at the Closing Conference of the DAAD Eastpartnership project The Bio-Politics of Borders in Times of Crisis (July 6th, 2020 - online).
- "Of Saints, Saviors, and Smugglers: Capitane in the Mediterranean," Talk at the UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2019 - Liquid Trajecties: Flight, Mobility, and Migration, Saarland University (November 29th, 2019).
- "Spreading activation, fuzzy terms, and floating signifiers: The network visualization of the trilingual, multimodal online glossary Border Studies," Talk at the International Congress Borders - Identity - Memory in Media Studies, Tavryda National University Named after Volodymyr Vernadskyi, Kiev (October 4th, 2019).
- "Linguistic Border Studies," Short Presentation at Sektionentagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft KWG 2019, Sektion Kulturwissenschaftliche Border Studies, University of Koblenz-Landau (September 24th, 2019).
- "Femminiello Pride - From Pilgrimage to Protest (and back?)," Talk at Intersections 2019: Stonewall 50 - Getting out of the Gender and Sexuality Box, Saarland University (June 30th, 2019).
- "Experts or collective intelligence: Queering cultural and linguistic knowledge production in lexicographic reference works," Talk at the Lavender Languages & Linguistics 26, University of Gothenburg (May 2nd, 2019).
- "Weaving a lexicographic bordertexture: The development and assemblage of a trilingual, interdisciplinary, and multimodal UniGR Glossary Border Studies," Talk at the UdS American Studies Graduate Forum 2018 - Cultural Borderlands: Literatures, Film, and Aesthetic Practices, Saarland University (December 8th, 2018).
- "Das UniGR-CBS Glossar Border Studies als supradisziplinäre Bordertextur," Talk at the UniGR-Center for Border Studies Seminar #2, University of Trier (November 5th, 2018).
- "Intersections: Migration, Ethnizität, Gender und Sexualität," Talk at the Barcamp Frauen* Saar, Saarbrücken (November 3rd, 2018).
- "Omo(trans)nazionalismo nei borderlands italiani ed europei," Talk at the Colloquium Series on the Phenomenon of Displacement in Europe Flight - BORDER - Integration, Villa Vigoni, Loveno (October 10th, 2018).
- "European Homonationalism and Italian Regionalism," Talk at the Association of Borderlands Studies 2018 World Conference, University of Vienna (July 10th, 2018).
- "Das Weben einer lexikographischen Bordertextur : Entstehung und Aufbau des dreisprachigen, interdisziplinären und multimodalen UniGR-Borderglossars," colloque international Le transfrontalier. Pratiques et transfigurations. Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse (June 28th, 2018).
- "Queer*ing Translation," summer school Queer Translation: genre et traduction, University of Montreal (June 22nd, 2018).
- "UniGR-CBS Action 3.2: Glossary Border Studies," Seminar Border Studies #1: Räumliche, soziale und linguistische Grenzen/Seminaire Border Studies #1: Frontières spatiales, sociales et linguistiques, University of Lorraine (June 11th, 2018).
- "Queer Migrants in the Southern Borderlands," QuIR workshop #5:Migrations: Intersectionality, Queerness, and Diaspora, University of Naples L'Orientale (January 19th, 2018).
- "Queer qua quer & die Geschichte des Coming Outs," workshop, Zentrum für Schlüsselkompetenzen, Saarland University (January 15th, 2018).
- "Gender," Roundtable discussion Suppenküche, Sparte4, Saarbrücken (January 14th, 2018).
- "Omonazionalismo europeo e regionalismo italiano: costruzioni discorsive di "extracomunitario," "clandestino," e "terrone." Talk at the Contact Zones: space, interaction and transformation – Graduate Student Conference “Italian Cultural Studies” 2017, University of Innsbruck (November 30th, 2017).
- "What is Border Studies? An Introduction to Border Studies from a Cultural Studies Perspective," guest lecture, together with Astrid M. Fellner, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University (October 11th, 2017).
- "Border Studies and Language," Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University (October 11th, 2017).
- "Are There Boundaries to Solidarity? Queer Migration, Activism, and Coalitional
Possibilities in Germany and Ukraine./Есть ли границы у солидарности? Квир-миграция, активизм и сотруднический потенциал в Германии и Украине," together with Astrid M. Fellner, talk at the Queering Paradigms 8: Fucking Solidarity, University of Vienna (September 23rd, 2017). - "'How to Tame a Wild Tongue': Translanguaging the Borderlands. Theorizing the Multilingual Literacies of the New Mestiza." Talk at the MIS: Multilingualism as Migration, University of Luxembourg (July 3rd, 2017).
- "Frocia - un nuovo (post-)queer all'italiana?" Talk at the QuIR workshop #1: Translating Queer Historicities, University of London (June 23rd, 2017).
- "'For Colored Boys Who Speak Softly.' The Discursive Construction of Non-Western Queerness Through Translanguaging." Talk at the Intersections 2017: Queer/Migration/Legality, Saarland University (June 17th, 2017).
- "Queer Lexicography: Exposing Power Stuctures in Dictionaries." Talk at the Lavender Languages & Linguistics 24, University of Nottingham (April 30th, 2017).
- "Discrimination and (Hetero)Sexism in Dictionaries." Talk at the 10th BAAL Language, Gender and Sexuality SIG Meeting: Language, Discrimination and Conflict, University of Nottingham (April 27th, 2017).
- "The traveling Queer." Talk at the 1st CIRQUE conference: What is new in Queer Studies?, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (March 31st, 2017).
- "L'eterosessismo nei dizionari italiani." Talk at the conference Il sessismo nella lingua italiana. Trent'anni dopo Alma Sabatini. Linguaggio, diritto, politica e società, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (March 30th, 2017).
- "Out & about: Geschichte des Coming Outs." Talk at the Aktionswoche ‘Coming Out’, Saarland University (July 7th, 2016).
- "The Career of Queer." Talk at the IGALA9: Time and Transition Conference, City University of Hong Kong (May 20th, 2016).
- "Von Sodomiten und Hermaphroditen zu Queer und Gender Bender." Talk at the book presentation Gender überall!? Beiträge zur interdisziplinären Geschlechterforschung. Eds. Astrid M. Fellner, Anne Conrad, Jennifer J* Moos. SOFIE. Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung, Bd. 19. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Verlag 2014. 86-114, FrauenGenderBibliothek Saarbrücken (February 5th, 2016).
- "Un dizionario Queer - il lessico italiano della non-eteronormatività." Talk at the III. Romanistisch-Linguistisches Netzwerktreffen 2015, Saarland University (July 9th, 2015).
- "Queering lexicography: Towards a non-heteronormative dictionary." Talk at the SOLLAQI - 1st Symposium on Lavender Linguistics and Queer Idendities, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf (July 3rd, 2015).
- "Verso una lessicografia Queer: Dizionari e autorità." Talk at the Queer Italian Studies Workshop, University of Birmingham (May 14th, 2015).
- "Queering Lexicography." Talk at the Conference Queering Translation – Translating the Queer, University of Vienna (March 26th-28th, 2015).
- "Geschlechterneutrale Sprache." Talk at the FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs) XXth World Congress FIT2014, Berlin (August 5th, 2014).
- "Chasing files – Gut gespeichert ist halb gefunden." Talk at the FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs) XXth World Congress FIT2014, together with Dirk Ohligschläger, Berlin (August 5th, 2014).
- "Von Sodomiten und Hermaphroditen bis zu Queer und Gender Bender – Bezeichnungen für Heteronormativitätsflüchtlinge." Lecture given as part of the interdisciplinary lecture series Gender Überall!?, Saarland University (May 8th, 2013).
Awards & Grants
- 2023-2024: Project Innovativer Einsatz von KI in der Lehre: "AI Across Borders" Saarland U
- 2023: UniGR Project: "ON AIR - the UniGR-CBS Podcast Series," UniGR-Center for Border Studies, together with Denise Rodrigues Marafona
- 2022-2023: UniGR Project: "Dreisprachiger MOOC Intro Border Studies," together with Ines Funk
- 2019: GradUSglobal travel grant: Lavender Languages & Linguistics #26, University of Gothenburg
- 2018: ABS Association for Borderlands Studies 2018 World Conference: grad students - selected papers
- 2017: GradUSglobal workshop organization grant: Intersections 2017: Queer/Migration/Legality, Saarland University
- 2017: GradUSglobal travel grant: 10th BAAL LGaS SIG, Lavender Languages & Linguistics 24, University of Nottingham
- 2016: GradUSglobal travel grant: IGALA 9, City University Hong Kong
- 2015: GradUSglobal travel grant: Queer Italian Studies workshop, University of Birmingham
- 2013-14: Erasmus Mundus Multi II Research Grant, Dept. of English; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 2005-06: Erasmus Exchange Program: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Memberships & Projects
AAIS - American Association for Italian Studies
ABS - Association for Borderlands Studies
AG Antirassismus @ UdS
AG Populismus @ UdS
ASA - American Studies Association
BDÜ - German Association for Translators and Interpreters
Beirat für Frauenfragen der Universität des Saarlandes
Bordertextures - working group in the field of Cultural Border Studies
BoTemps - research initiative working on Border Studies and historical perspectives
CIRQUE - Centro interuniversitario di ricerca queer
DAAD Eastpartnership Program: Bridging Borders
DAAD Ukraine Digital: Ukraine-Saar StudyBridge
EURALEX - European Association for Lexicography
Forum Geschlechterforschung, Saarland University
IGALA - International Gender and Language Association
IMISCOE - (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe)
Kulturwissenschaftliche Border Studies - Sektion der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft KWG
Lavender Languages & Linguistics network & conference series
MABSis - Alumni and friends of the Master in Border Studies
Mediterranea - Mediterranea Saving Humans
UNITA Erasmus BIP "Borders" (2023-2025)
UniGR-Center for Border Studies; Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the UniGR-CBS
Past Projects
BMBF Linking Borderlands - Hybrid Borderlands
DAAD Eastpartnership Program: Borders in Crisis
EVZ Foundation MEET UP! - Borderlands Stories (2021)
Interreg V A project "European Center of Competence and Knowledge in Border Studies" (2018-2022)
Volkswagen Foundation: Borders in Crisis (2022-2023)
Editorial Board Member of the series Cambridge Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality.
Reviewer for the Journal of Borderlands Studies, eds. Sergio Peña and Christophe Sohn, Taylor & Francis.
Reviewer for the Journal of Language and Sexuality, eds. William L. Leap and Heiko Motschenbacher, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Reviewer for the journal Gender and Language, eds. Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Tommaso Milani, published on behalf of the International Gender and Language Association.
Sworn and publicly commissioned translator and interpreter for German, English, and Italian in Saarland, Germany.