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Guest Lectures
NamLitCult Guest Lecture Series
NamLitCult Guest Lecture
Prof. Jane Desmond (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
"Hunting Across Borders: Polar Bears, Indigenous Rights, and Contemporary International Relations between the US and Canada"
December 11th, 2018 - 12-2 pm
Saarland University, bldg. B3 2, 0.03
Lecture Series
Our lecture series will be concluded with a presentation by
Andreas Plöger (PopRat Saarland) / Svetlana Seibel (Saarland University)
EPIC EMPIRES - Ein internationaler LARP-Magnet aus dem Saarland / Wrap-Up
July 11, 2018
(Mainzerstraße 8, 66111 SB)
NamLitCult / Bordertextures Guest Lecture
NamLitCult / Bordertextures Guest Lecture (in German)
Carolin Leutloff-Grandits
"Migrierende Grenzen und Zeitverschiebungen: Zum Zusammenhang von Temporalitäten und Grenzüberquerungen in Europa"
June 13th, 2018, 4-6 pm
Saarland University, bldg. B3 1, 011
NamLitCult / IRTG Guest Lecture
Eleanor Ty (Wilfrid Laurier University),
guest professor in the IRTG Diversity, will give a guest lecture and present her recent publication
"Asianfail: Narratives of Disenchantment and the Model Minority"
June 5 2018, 6 pm
Campus Saarland University
Building A5 3, room 2.03.
NamLitCult / IRTG Guest Lecture
NamLitCult Guest Lecture
Prof. Dr. Marciana Popescu
(Fordham University, New York)
The Global Compact on Refugees: Implications for Local Migration Policies
20 March 2018
4 p.m.
Saarland University, Campus
Building C 5 3, room 120
On January 31st, the UNHCR released The Zero Draft of the Global Compact on Refugees. Building on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework adopted in the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (2016), the Zero Draft presents the program of action – stressing the importance of a multi-stakeholder approach, engaging global partners (UNHCR, the EU), national governments, networks of cities and municipalities, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, public-private partnerships, and a global academic alliance.
The role of universities, as active participants in shaping global, national and local migration policies was thus recognized and directly integrated in the proposed program of action. Through research, training, and advocacy, as well as policy practice, universities can be a safe space, changing the migration discourse and challenging undercurrents of nationalism and xenophobia. At a local level, universities can generate data, and work on specific aspects of policy implementation, fostering an evidence-based approach that promotes best practices. Education is a central strategy in this plan of action, with specific guidelines in regards to facilitating and increasing access to education for migrant children (asylum seekers and refugees), promoting innovative programs that will address some of the ongoing barriers (such as language, documentation, psychosocial trauma), and recognizing existing capacity, by either providing migrants with access to secondary and tertiary education, and/or engaging teachers, and researchers among refugees in educational initiatives.
Within this context, we will explore two essential questions:
- How do global policies shape national and local strategies, particularly in regards to family reunification, inclusion and integration, and overall safe migration?
- What are some the local factors contributing to effective engagement of universities in providing innovative solutions to specific migration challenges?
- What are some of the best practices of university partnerships, and how do their outcomes shape migration policies?
NamLitCult / Bordertextures Guest Lecture
NamLitCult / Bordertextures Guest Lecture
Hannes Krämer
(Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder)
will speak on
"Infrastrukturen der Grenze"
Feb. 22, 2018
3.30-5 p.m.
Luxemburg University, Campus Belval
Maison du Savoir, Salle 3.120
organized by the working group Bordertextures
Prof. Fellner will give a lecture on
What the Heck is going on? Queer Representations in Film and Television
12.30 a.m. (!) - 1.35 a.m.
21 December 2017
This lecture is part of the annual 24-hour lecture organized by AStA on Dec. 20-21, 2017.
Click here for the complete program.
Film Screening
Sacco und Vanzetti (USA, 2006, dir. Peter Miller, OmU)
Screening of the 2006 documentary film about Ferdinando Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Before the screening, Prof. Fellner will give an introduction to the film.
Filmhaus (Mainzerstraße 8)
Monday, 11 Dec. 2017
6.30 p.m.
No admission fee!
The screening is part of the lecture series "Kommentare, Kämpfe, Kontroversen. Karl Marx zum 200. Geburtstag."
Complete program of the lecture series.
Screening of Bram Stoker's Dracula
Screening of Bram Stoker's Dracula with an introduction by Svetlana Seibel.
20 July 2017
8 p.m.
Kino 8 1/2
Nauwieserstraße 19
Atelier Bordertexturen
The Work of Global Border Writing
Claudia Sadowski-Smith (Arizona State University)
June 7, 2017
4-6 p.m.
Saarland University, Campus,
Building C 5 3, room 119
This presentation places US-Mexico border theory in the larger context of global discourses about contemporary
human border crossings. Dr. Sadowski-Smith will discuss how a growing body of writing about bordercrossings to the United States and the European Union complicates the prevailing focus in American Studies on the relationship of a particular population to a specific geographical border.
Guest Lecture
Laurence McFalls
Université de Montréal, Département de Science Politique
IRTG Diversity
"Relire Foucault à l’époque post-libérale"
Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 2.15 p.m.
Saarland University, Campus, Building C 5 2, room 316
IRTG Spring Lecture Series
Margaret Kovach (University of Saskatchewan)
will speak on
"Translating Diversity and/or Transforming Public Spaces? The Paradox and Potentiality of Indigenous Knowledges in Post-Secondary Landscapes"
Monday, 8 May 2017
4 - 6 p.m.
This talk will take place in Saarbrücken,
Campus, Building E 1.7, room 002.
Guest Lecture
Dr. Silvia Schultermandl
will speak on
Transnationalism as Aesthetic Experience: Liberalism, Sentimentalism, and Cosmopolitanism in American Literature after the Transnational Turn
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
12-2 p.m.
Guest Lecture
Dr. Katharina Motyl
will speak on
Regarding the Pain of Brothers: Arab American Literary Challenges to the Western Colonial Project
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
12-2 p.m.
Ring-Vorlesung: Fluchtraum Europa
Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner and Dr. Sebastian Weier
9 January 2017
7 p.m.
Rathaus Saarbrücken
Guest Lecture
Prof. Marc Charron
University of Ottawa, School of Translation and Interpretation
will speak on
Narrative Identity and Translation: From Ricoeur to Adam, from Borges to Borges (re)translated
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
6 p.m.
Campus, C 5 3, room 120
Lecture Series "Representing 'the' American People"
The next talk will be by
Prof. Astrid M. Fellner
"Our good ladies, I trust, have been too wise to wrinkle their foreheads with politics": The Debate on Women in the Early Republic
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
4-6 p.m.
B 3 1, lecture hall I
Screening of Once Upon a Time in the West
Screening of Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West with an introduction by Bärbel Schlimbach.
14 July 2016
7 p.m.
Kino 8 1/2
Nauwieserstraße 19
Guest Lecture
Dr. Ingrid Puchalová
(Universität Košice / Slowakei)
„Die Dinge reden im Licht eine andere Sprache als im Dunkeln:“
Zu den deutschschreibenden Autorinnen aus dem Gebiet der heutigen Slowakei
Dienstag, 26. April 2016
16-18 Uhr
Gebäude C 5 3, Raum 120
Organisiert im Rahmen des Forums Geschlechterforschung.
Screening of The Maltese Falcon
Screening of John Huston's The Maltese Falcon with an introduction by Prof. Fellner.
13 April 2016
8 p.m.
Kino 8 1/2
Nauwieserstraße 19
Screening of Stagecoach
Screening of John Ford's Stagecoach with an introduction by Bärbel Schlimbach.
2 March 2016
8 p.m.
Kino 8 1/2
Nauwieserstraße 19
Screening of Blue Velvet
Screening of David Lynch's Blue Velvet with an introduction by Prof. Fellner.
11 February 2016
8 p.m.
Kino 8 1/2
Nauwieserstraße 19
Erfolg in Serie - Staffel III
The next talk will be by
Dr. Cornelia Klecker, Innsbruck University
The Good Wife
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
7.30 p.m.
Filmhaus Saarbrücken (Mainzer Straße 8)
Lecture series "Erfolg in Serie - Staffel III: Aktuelle Amerikanische TV Serien und die Kunst des Erzählens" (organized in co-operation with DAI Saarbrücken, VHS Saarbrücken and Filmhaus Saarbrücken).
Erfolg in Serie - Staffel III
Mag. Payman Rezwanpanah-Poshteh, Saarland University
will talk on
The Shield
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
7.30 p.m.
Filmhaus Saarbrücken (Mainzer Straße 8)
Lecture series "Erfolg in Serie - Staffel III: Aktuelle Amerikanische TV Serien und die Kunst des Erzählens" (organized in co-operation with DAI Saarbrücken, VHS Saarbrücken and Filmhaus Saarbrücken).
Workshop / Guest Lecture
Workshop / Guest Lecture by Dr. Tetyana Ostapchuk
(Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University,
Mykolaiv / Ukraine)
Tuesday, 5 November 2015
Workshop “Representations of the Chernobyl Trauma
in Modern Art: Ukrainian vs. American Perspectives”
5 November 2015, 2-4 p.m.
C 5 3 , room 408
Workshop comparing representations of traumatic events from Ukrainian
and American perspectives, e.g. by contrasting strategies of representing
the Chernobyl trauma in the Ukrainian short film “Nuklear Waste”
to Hollywood movies such as Dark of the Moon and A Good Day to Die Hard.
Guest Lecture “Imagined Ukraines: Representation of Ukraine and
Ukrainians in American Movies”
5 November 2015, 6-8 p.m.
C 5 3 , room 120
Organizied by NamLitCult and DAI Saarbrücken.
Lecture Series on "Border Cultures"
The next talk in our lecture series
"Border Cultures: Theorizing and (Con-)Textualizing Borders"
will be by Svetlana Seibel, M.A. (Saarland University) on
"Across the Medicine Line: Indigenous Border Discourses in North America"
15 July 2015
6-8 p.m.
Campus, Building B 3 2, lecture hall 003
Lecture Series on "Border Cultures"
The next talk in our lecture series
"Border Cultures: Theorizing and (Con-)Textualizing Borders"
will be by Bärbel Schlimbach, M.A. (Saarland University) on
"Cowboys and Desperados: Identity Construction and Imaginary Wests in Borderland Narratives"
8 July 2015
6-8 p.m.
Campus, Building B 3 2, lecture hall 003
Guest Lecture
Mag. Payman Rezwanpanah-Poshteh (Universität des Saarlandes)
will talk on
"Transatlantic Issues: American Popular Music"
Thursday, 2 July 2015
7 p.m.
Campus C 5 2, room 128
Organized in co-operation with the German-American Institute Saarbrücken.
Click here for more details.
Guest Lectures
Prof. Tim Conley had to cancel his lectures due to illness.
Instead of the planned talk in the Borderlands Lecture on Wednesday Prof. Fellner will talk about
Sexual Borderlands: Gender Epistemologies and Settler Colonialism
Wednesday, 20 May 2015, 6-8 p.m.
B 3 2, lecture hall 003
Guest Lecture
Dr. Katharina Motyl
(Eberhard Karls University Tübingen)
will speak on
My Only Weapon Is the Pen - Arab American Literature Since 2001
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
12 - 2 p.m.
Click here for the announcement poster.
Guest Lecture
Prof. Dr. Horst Tonn
(Eberhard Karls University Tübingen)
will speak on
The Impossibility of Social Change in John Edgar Wideman's Philadelphia Fire
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
12 - 2 p.m.
Click here for the announcement poster.
Guest Lecture
Join us for a guest lecture by
Prof. Dr. Robert Schwartzwald
(Université de Montréal)
Counter-Culture and the Rise of 'Gay-Lib' in Québec
19 Dec. 2014
2-4 p.m.
Campus, C 5 3, room 120
Click here for the announcement poster.
Lecture Series
The next talk in the lecture series
"Grenzräume, Grenzkonstruktionen und Grenzüberschreitungen"
organized by the Collegium Europaeum Universitatis Saraviensis (CEUS)
will be by
Dr. Gabriela Vojvoda-Engstler and Prof. Dr. Anthi Wiedenmayer
"Salonica and Sarajevo als Jerusalem des Balkans - kulturelle Interaktionen und Abgrenzungen"
Thu, 11 Dec. 2014
4-6 p.m.
B 3 1, lecture hall I
Click here for the complete program.
Lecture Series
The new lecture series
"Grenzräume, Grenzkonstruktionen und Grenzüberschreitungen"
organized by the Collegium Europaeum Universitatis Saraviensis (CEUS)
will start with a talk by
Prof. Dr. Romana Weiershausen and Prof. Dr. Susanne Kleinert
"Grenzziehungen in der Literaturwissenschaft: Zur Diskussion von Nationalphilologien
am Beispiel der deutschen Literatur und der Literatur des Grenzraums Südtirol"
Thu, 13 Nov. 2014
4-6 p.m.
B 3 1, lecture hall I
Click here for the complete program.
Reading Eric Dupont
The francophone Canadian author Eric Dupont will read from his best-selling novel
La Fiancée Américaine
20 October 2014
7.30 p.m.
Villa Europa (Kohlweg 7, Saarbrücken)
For more information click here.
IRTG Spring Lecture
The next talk of IRTG Diversity's spring lecture series will be by
Prof. Dr. Werner Schiffauer (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt Oder)
Monday, 14 July 2014: 4-6 p.m.
Saarland University, Campus E 1.7, room 002
Talks in Montréal will be screened either in Trier or Saarbruecken.
Click here for more details on this talk.
Click here for the complete program.
Guest Lecture / Reading
Join us for a guest lecture / reading by
Guillermo Verdecchia
(Picador Guest Professor in Literature, University of Leipzig)
Diversity in Canada and Its Discontents
Friday, 11 July 2014
4.15 p.m.
VHS Regionalverband Saarbrücken, Schlossplatz
Room 23 ("American Space")
Organized by NamLitCult, German-American Institute, Forum Canada, IRTG Diversity and VHS Saarbrücken.
Kino 8 1/2 is screening
The Elephant Man
(D: David Lynch, GB 1980)
6 / 7 / 8 July 2014
8 p.m.
On 6 July there will be an introduction by Prof. Astrid Fellner
before the screening.
Click here for further details.
Guest Lecture
Prof. Dr. Suzanne Ferriss
(Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale)
will talk on
Chick Lit and Chick Flicks: Contemporary Popular Culture for Women
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
6.15 p.m.
Campus C 5 3, room 120
Click here for the announcement poster.
Erfolg in Serie - Staffel II
The next talk will be by
Dr. Florian Krautkrämer (Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig)
The Walking Dead
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
7.30 p.m.
Filmhaus Saarbrücken (Mainzer Straße 8)
Continuing our lecture series "Erfolg in Serie - Staffel II: Amerikanische TV Serien als Gesellschaftsdramen" (organized in co-operation with DAI Saarbrücken, VHS Saarbrücken, Filmfreunde Saar and Filmhaus Saarbrücken).
Guest Lecture
Prof. Diana Owen (Georgetown University)
will speak in Prof. Fellner's Cultural Studies Lecture on
Civic Education and the Making of Citizens in the Digital Age
Thursday, 06. June 2014
12 - 2 p.m.
Building B 3 1, lecture hall I
Erfolg in Serie - Staffel II
The next talk will be by
Lea Gerhards (Saarland University)
True Blood
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
7.30 p.m.
Filmhaus Saarbrücken (Mainzer Straße 8)
Continuing our lecture series "Erfolg in Serie - Staffel II: Amerikanische TV Serien als Gesellschaftsdramen" (organized in co-operation with DAI Saarbrücken, VHS Saarbrücken, Filmfreunde Saar and Filmhaus Saarbrücken).
Erfolg in Serie - Staffel II
The next talk will be by
Dr. Simone Puff (Karl Franzen Universität Graz / UdS)
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
7.30 p.m.
Filmhaus Saarbrücken (Mainzer Straße 8)
Continuing our lecture series "Erfolg in Serie - Staffel II: Amerikanische TV Serien als Gesellschaftsdramen" (organized in co-operation with DAI Saarbrücken, VHS Saarbrücken, Filmfreunde Saar and Filmhaus Saarbrücken).
Erfolg in Serie - Staffel II
Homeland and House of Cards
Johanna Seibert (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
7.30 p.m.
Filmhaus Saarbrücken (Mainzer Straße 8)
First talk continuing our lecture series "Erfolg in Serie - Staffel II: Amerikanische TV Serien als Gesellschaftsdramen" (organized in co-operation with DAI Saarbrücken, VHS Saarbrücken, Filmfreunde Saar and Filmhaus Saarbrücken).
American Classics: Meisterleistungen der amerikanischen Kultur
The next talk will be by
Prof. Neal Norrick (UdS)
Von Boston Brown Bread zu Tex-Mex Tacos - Essen auf Amerikanisch
Wednesday, 12th February, 2014
7 p.m.
Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken (St. Johanner Markt 24)
Organized by DAI, the city of Saarbrücken and NamLitCult.
Guest Lecture
PD Dr. Olaf Stieglitz
Die Erfindung von Basketball: Eine Geschlechtergeschichte
Friday, 31st January 2014
7.00 p.m. (s.t.!)
Building C 7 4, Room 1.17
Im Unterschied zu den meisten Sportarten entwickelte sich Basketball nicht aus traditionellen Spielformen heraus zu dem modernen Wettkampfsport, wie wir ihn heute kennen. Stattdessen wurde Basketball zu Beginn der 1890er Jahre in den USA von Reformern und Pädagogen als ausdrücklich neues Spiel entwickelt, das rasch sowohl von Männern wie Frauen praktiziert wurde.
Der Vortrag bettet diese Erfindung von Basketball ein in zeitgenössische Debatten in den Vereinigten Staaten, in denen um die Bedeutung von Sport innerhalb einer sich rasch modernisierenden Gesellschaft gestritten wurde. Entwürfe und Ideale moderner Körper wurden um 1900 herum im Sport und durch Sport verhandelt und ausagiert, und dabei kamen Geschlechtervorstellungen im Zusammenspiel mit anderen gesellschaftlichen Strukturkategorien wie "Rasse", Alter oder Leistungsfähigkeit eine zentrale Rolle zu. Die Erfindung und Entwicklung des neuen Spiels unter den Körben veranschaulicht die Bedeutung von Sport für eine Geschlechter- und Körpergeschichte der US-amerikanischen Moderne besonders nachdrücklich.
Organized within the frame of Forum Geschlechterforschung, by Prof. Dr. Anne Conrad, Dipl. Kulturwiss. Johanna Blume and Jennifer Moos, M.A.
Click here for the announcement poster.
Guest Lecture
Prof. Dr. Jorge F. Coronado
(Northwestern University, Chicago)
will talk
On Photographic Portraiture in the Andes
Dec. 2nd, 2013, 4 p.m.
Building C 5 2, Room 312
Organized by
Prof. Dr. Janett Reinstädler (Romanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)
Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner
Click here for the announcement poster.
American Classics: Meisterleistungen der amerikanischen Kultur
Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner
will talk on
Vom Weißen Wal zum Weißen Hai - Klassische Themen der amerikanischen Literatur
13th November 2013
7 p.m.
Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken (St. Johanner Markt 2)
Organized by NamLitCult, DAI and Landeshauptstadt Saarbrücken.
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series for Master Students
For details on a new lecture series for Master students from Philosophische Fakultät I and II, click on picture.

Guest Lecture
CANCELED (due to bad weather)
Join us for a guest lecture on
Nov. 11, 2013
4 p.m.
Building C 5 2, room 401
Prof. Dr. Silvia Spitta
(Dartmouth College, New Hampshire)
will talk on
Early Andean Photographic Archives
Prof. Dr. Jorge F. Coronado
(Northwestern University, Chicago)
will talk
On Photographic Portraiture in the Andes
Organized by
Prof. Dr. Janett Reinstädler (Romanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)
Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner
Click here for the announcement poster.
Guest Lecture
Canada at the Border: The Literary Image of Canada within American Literature
Prof. Paul D. Morris
(Université de St. Boniface, Winnipeg)
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
12-2 p.m.
Campus, Building C 5 1, Musiksaal
Click here for the announcement poster.
Guest Lecture
Prof. Paul Morris
(Université de St. Boniface, Winnipeg)
will talk about
After Multiculturalism? Canadian Nations and the Future of Diversity
Tuesday, 23rd July 2013
5-7 p.m.
Building B 3 1, Lecture Hall III
Organized within the framework of IGK Diversity and Forum Canada by
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dörrenbächer
Jun.Prof. Dr. Christoph Vatter
Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner
Click here for the announcement poster.
Presentation of Dissertation Project
Next week will be the last presentation for this semester:
Claire Massey
(Saarland University)
Running Hand in Hand: The Latino Renaissance and the Liberation of History
Tuesday, July 23rd 2013
6-8 p.m.
Building C 5 3, Room 119
Click here for the announcement poster.
Presentation of Dissertation Projects
Next week there will be two presentations within the research colloquium:
Lise Dilling-Hansen
(University of Aarhus)
Gaga "Feminism": On the Gender and Body Performances of Lady Gaga
Franka Heise
(Justus-Liebig-University Gießen)
(Un-)Veiling the Bride: Post-Femininities and Bridal Fictions in Popular Culture
Tuesday, July 16th 2013
Please note that we start earlier: 4-7 p.m.
Building C 5 3, Room 120
Click here for the announcement poster.
Presentation of Dissertation Project
The next presentation within the research colloquium will be by
Katja Kohler-Golly
(Universität des Saarlandes)
"Location Is Everything" (The Sportswriter): The Concept of Space in John Updike's Rabbit Tetralogy and Richard Ford's Bascombe Trilogy
Tuesday, July 9th 2013
6-8 p.m.
Building C 5.3, Room 119
Click here for the announcement poster.
Presentation of Dissertation Projects
In the next session of the research colloquium, there will be two presentations:
Katharina Doudouktsidou (Saarland University)
American Pop-Culture in the 1950s and 60s: The Rise of the Independent Woman?!
Somayeh Amin (Saarland University)
How Ibsen's Nora is changed in English, German and Persian Translations
Tuesday, July 2nd 2013
6-8 p.m.
Building C 5 3, Room 119
Guest Lecture
"Looking at the Overlooked": Stage Properties and the Table in Karl Lessing's Die Mätresse
Prof. Wendy Sutherland
(New College of Florida)
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
6-8 p.m.
Building C 5 3, Room 408
Organized by Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner and Prof. Dr. Christiane Solte-Gresser.
Click here for the announcement poster.
Guest Lecture
"Ireland and Transylvania have much in common, both are haunted by the un-dead": The Emergence of the Irish Gothic
Prof. Dr. Eamonn O Ciardha
(University of Ulster)
Friday, June 21, 2013
10 a.m. - 12
Campus, Building C 5 3, Room U 13
Click here for the announcement poster.
Guest Lecture
Obstruction by Design: Partisanship and the Contemporary U.S. Congress
Prof. Cathy M. Johnson, Williams College
Thursday, April 18th 2013
4 p.m. (s.t.)
University Campus, Building E 1 7, Room 001
Organized in co-operation with DAI Saarbrücken and Asta.
Click here for the poster.
Lecture Series: Erfolg in Serie
Von der Prime Time Soap zum Quality TV: Ein Überblick über die Entwicklung amerikanischer Kultserien
Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner
Tuesday, April 16th 2013
7.30 p.m.
Filmhaus Saarbrücken (Mainzer Straße 8)
Opening of the lecture series "Erfolg in Serie: Amerikanische TV Serien und die Kunst des Erzählens" (organized in co-operation with DAI Saarbrücken, VHS Saarbrücken, Filmfreunde Saar and Filmhaus Saarbrücken).
Guest Lecture
Dr. Ralph Poole (University of Salzburg)
Tuesday, 15 January 2012, 12-2 p.m., Campus B4 1, room 0.23
"Everybody Loves A Muscle Boi: Homos, Heroes, and Foes in Post 9/11 Spoofs of The 300 Spartans"
Guest Lecture
Dr. Marion Mangelsdorf (University of Freiburg)
Tuesday, 8 January 2012, 12-2 p.m., Campus B4 1, room 0.23
"Cyborg Figurations between Science and Fiction"
Presentations of Dissertation Projects
Tuesday, 6-8 pm
Building C 5 3, room 119
The following presentations are coming up in Prof. Fellner's research colloquium in January and February:
08 January 2013
"American Pop-Culture in the 1950s and 60s: The rise of the independent woman?!"
Katharina Doudouktsidou (Universität des Saarlandes)
15 January 2013
"Gender and Sexuality in 'Urban Fantasy': The Postfeminist Agenda of Contemporary Vampire Romances"
Lea Gerhards (Universität des Saarlandes)
22 January 2013
"The Politics of Popular Feminism in Chick lit"
Heike Mißler (Universität des Saarlandes)
29 January 2013
"Performing America Abroad: Transnationalism, Difference, Neoliberalism"
Leopold Lippert (Universität Wien/Universität Graz)
05 February 2013
"The City and the Body in Paul Auster's and Siri Hustvedt's New York"
Ilka Hofmann (Universität des Saarlandes)
For the complete program click here.
Guest Lecture
Heike Mißler (Saarland University)
Tuesday, 18 December 2012, from 12-2 p.m. in Campus B4 1, room 0.23
Click here for the poster
Guest Lecture
Katharina Wiedlack (University of Vienna)
Tuesday, 11 December 2012, from 12-2 p.m. in Campus B4 1, room 0.23
"The Anti-social Turn: From Queer Theory to Punk Activism and Back Again"
Presentation of Dissertation Projects
Tuesday, 6-8 pm
Building C 5 3, room 119
The following presentations are coming up in December:
04 December 2012
"The History of the Sleepwalker"
Guest lecture: Dr. Michael Greaney (University of Lancaster)
11 December 2012
"'We're punk as fuck and fuck like Punks' (Skinjobs): Queer-Feminist Counter-Cultures, Punk Music and the Anti-Social Turn in Queer Theory"
Katharina Wiedlack (Universität Wien)
18 December 2012
"All Shades Under the Sun: Black America and the Color Code"
Simone Puff (Universität Klagenfurt)
For the complete program click here.
Guest Lecture
Dr. Michael Greaney (Lancaster University)
Tuesday, 04 December 2012, 6pm, room 1.20 in C5 3
"The History of the Sleepwalker"
"This presentation will discuss the figure of the sleepwalker and the functions of sleepwalking in texts by Charles Brockden Brown, Wilkie Collins, Vladimir Nabokov and others. The first issue I will highlight is transgression. Sleepwalkers are notoriously transgressive figures but there can be something oddly mechanical about their transgressiveness. The sleepwalker is often both the most wayward and the most predictable person in the text. The second issue is the usefulness of the sleepwalker. Sleep is by definition a state in which we are idle, unproductive and socially 'useless' but the sleepwalker is none of these. He or she gets things done, either at the bidding of another person or at the bidding of the narrative itself. This instrumentalization of sleep, I will argue, accounts for the fascination and horror of narratives of somnambulism."
Guest Lecture
Prof. Eveline Kilian (HU Berlin)
will speak on
Judith Butler
Tuesday: December 4th, 2012, 12-2 pm
Building B 4 1, room 0.23
Presentation of Dissertation Projects
13 November 2012
"Gender Identities in Contemporary American Pop-Culture"
Viera Novakova (Universität Kosice)
27 November 2012
"How Ibsen's Nora is changed in English, German, and Persian Translations"
Somayeh Amin (Universität des Saarlandes)
Tuesday, 6-8 pm
Building C 5 3, room 119
Presentation of Dissertation Projects
Tuesday 6-8 pm Raum 1.19 Campus C 5 3
29 November 2011
"Gender and Sexuality in 'Urban Fantasy': The Postfeminist Agenda of Contemporary Vampire Romance Narratives"
Lea Gerhards (Saarland University)
17 January 2012
"Sleep and Sleeplessness in American Literature"
Jennifer Moos (Saarland University)
31 January 2012
"Shifting Paradigms of Un/Mappable Spatiality in Contemporary North American Culture"
Katrin Fennesz (University of Vienna)
7 February 2012
"This Ain't Tennessee: The Cultural Politics of New Country"
Payman Rezwan (Saarland University)
Klassiker Neu-Lektüre
Saarbruecker literaturwissenschaftliche Ringvorlesungen im Rathausfestsaal der Landeshauptstadt Saarbruecken
Montag, 9 Juli 2012 , 19:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner
"'Mondlicht und Magnolien': Suedstaatenklassiker von Margaret Mitchell, William Faulkner und Toni Morrison"
Book Presentation
"If I can make it there..."
Similarities and differences between forging an Artistic Career in New York and in Europe
Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar
Keplerstraße 3-5
7 p.m.
Entry is free
The New York artist Denise Green will discuss the differences between fashioning a career in New York and in Europe which arise from the different social structures. Denise Green will focus on the New art world as it has evolved over the last four decades. Her focus is not that of a critic, curator or art historian, but rather that of an artist right in the middle, seeing it from inside. The artist will also talk about how to develop a career in the globalized world and she will give an instructive account for any artist imagining a creative life in today?s global art scene because it demonstrates that there are many possibilities for a personalized formula.
For information on her new book, Denise Green: An Artist's Odyssey:
Presentation of Dissertation Projects
Tuesday 6-8 pm Raum 1.19 Campus C5 3
22 May 2012
"The Formula for Cool: Contemporary US-American Popular Culture and Its Shifting Notions of Coolness in Recent Representations of Science"
Judith Kohlenberger (Universität Wien)
5 June 2012
"Europäische Einflüsse im amerikanischen Musical"
Marc Bauch (Universität des Saarlandes)
10 July 2012
"Musical Subcultures in Romania, On-line Polemics and Controversies"
Loredana Ghimfus (University of Bucharest)
17 July 2012
"The Literary Politics of Sleep"
Jennifer Moos (Universität des Saarlandes)
24 July 2012
"Going Out on a Limb: Gender Identity Disorder, Body Integrity, Identity Disorder, and the Limits of Critical Inquiry"
Nora Koller (Universität Wien)
Guest Lecture
Prof. Horst Tonn (Tuebingen University)
"Americanization - Globalization - Transnational American Studies"
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
12 - 2pm
Campus, Musiksaal
Guest Lecture
Dr. Andrew Gross (FU Berlin)
"Trauma's Continuum: 9/11 After a Decade"
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Campus C 5 3, Room 1.20
sponsored by the German-American Institute Saarbruecken
Guest Lecture
Prof. Paul Morris
Université de Saint-Boniface
"Lolita's Siblings: Vladimir Nabokov and the Poetics of the Child"
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
12-2 p.m.
Guest Lecture
Aspects of Irish Cultural Studies
Dr. Dieter Fuchs, University of Vienna
Wednesday, January 26th 2011
10 am - 12
Building B 2.1, Room 002
See also the original announcement letter
Ciaran M. Berry, Trinity College, Hartford CT
Transatlantic Correspondence: Poems
Thursday, Jan. 20th 2011
10 am - 12
Building C 5.3, Room 120
Poetry Reading
Thursday, Jan. 20th 2011
5 pm
Building C 5.3, Fachbibliothek Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Ciaran Berry is an Irish poet who has spent the last decade living, writing,
and teaching in the United States. His first full-length collection of poetry,
The Sphere of Birds, was published in 2008 by Southern Illinois University
Press in North America and by The Gallery Press in Ireland and the UK. His
work has also been featured in The Best of Irish Poetry, Best American
Poetry, Pushcart Prize XXXIII: Best of the Small Presses, and Best New
See also the original announcement letter
Guest Lecture
N. Scott Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain: Survivance Strategies and the Power of the Word in Indigenous Life Writing
Dr. des. René Dietrich, Universität Giessen
The Way to Rainy Mountain (1969) by N. Scott Momaday, Pulitzer Prize
winner 1970, is a prime example of indigenous life writing from the
"Native American Renaissance" period. The work does not only depict
the rise and decline of a Great Plains Native American people, but at
the same time sketches its ongoing strategies in a struggle of "survivance"
(survival + resistance) against a US colonial rule which claims
absolute power over life and death. For Momaday, a particular strength
in this struggle arises from being aware of the subversive power of the
word, and of literature.
Tuesday, Jan. 11.1.2011
12 - 2 pm
Building C 5.1, Musiksaal
See also the original announcement letter
Guest Lecture
Developments in Asian American and Asian Canadian Literature
Prof. Eleanor Ty, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo/Ontario
Tuesday, Dec. 14th 2010
12 - 2 pm
Building C 5.1, Musiksaal
Guest Lecture
When Irish Guys Aren't Smiling: Studs Lonigan and the Irish- American Mythos of Male Violence
Prof. Timothy Conley, Bradley University, Peoria / Illinois
Tuesday, Nov. 9th, 2010
12.15 pm
Saarland University, Building C5.1, Musiksaal 1.01
Organized by Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner North American Literary and Cultural Studies.
The Irish Semester
See also the original announcement letter:
Guest Lecture
"Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?" - Immigration in America
Dr. David Goldfield, University of North Carolina
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
12.15 pm
Saarland University, Update: Building C5.1, Musiksaal 1.01
Organized by Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner and the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Saarbrücken in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy Berlin and the German-Pennsylvanian Friendship Association.
Guest Lecture
C A N C E L L E D !!
"Staging Blackness and the Construction of Whiteness in 18th- and Early 19th-Century German Bourgeois Drama"
Prof. Wendy Sutherland (New College of Florida)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
4 p.m.
Geb. B 3.1, Großer Sitzungssaal
This lecture analyzes the German bourgeois drama from a new perspective by "racing" the genre and locating both racial and class hierarchies within it. I argue that the German bourgeois drama, in presenting the racial and class other, constructs a bourgeois value system that is "German" at a time when there was German nation to speak of "Germanness", a construction itself, was in one sense, an intellectual construction and in another, a collection of regional identities. I work to show how the German bourgeois drama of the eighteenth century fits in with the seminal ideas concerning German identity and self.
Guest Lecture
"The Wilderness of Walden Pond: Emerson, Thoreau and the American Mind"
Mag.a Susanne Hamscha (FU Berlin)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
12 a.m.
Geb. B2.1, HS 0.02
Guest Lecture
"The Cultural Politics of Country Music"
Mag. Payman Rezwanpanah-Poshteh (University of Vienna, Austria)
Friday, June 4, 2010
6 p.m.
Geb. C5 3, room 1.20
Guest Lecture
C A N C E L L E D !! due to ash cloud caused by Eyjafjallajkull
"Mark Twain as a Cultural Ambassador"
Prof. Gary Scharnhorst (University of New Mexico)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
4 p.m.
Geb. C5 1, Musiksaal
2010 is Mark Twain-Year: It marks the 175th anniversary of the famous author's birth as well as the 100th anniversary of his death. Prof. Gary Scharnhorst, one of the leading experts on Mark Twain, talks about Twain's relationship to Germany.
Organized by NAMLitCult (Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner) in cooperation with the DAI (Deutsch-Amerikanisches-Institut Saarbrücken), the U.S. Embassy, and the "Deutsch-Pennsylvanischen Freundeskreis."
Guest Lecture
Reading from: The Sorrow and the Fast of It/...s'arrète? Je
Nathalie Stephens (Nathanaél), Visual and Critical Studies School of the Art Institute, Chicago
Friday, November 27, 2009
6 p.m.,
Geb. C5 3, room 120
Guest Lecture
"The Harlem Renaissance: Voicing Blackness Beyond Harlem"
Dr. Rashida Braggs (Ghaemian Junior Scholar-in-Residence; Heidelberg Center for American Studies)
Thursday, November 2, 2009
12 a.m.
Geb. B3 1, Großer Sitzungssaal