Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Studium und Auslandssemester
To conclude our lecture series "Intercultural encounters in border spaces: challenges and resources" in the summer semester 2023, the last event will take place on Monday, July 3rd at 4:15 pm.
Dr. Elisabeth Venohr (DaF/DaZ, UdS), Dr. Julia Frisch (Stabstelle IKM/DaF, htw saar)will present their talk about "Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Studium und Auslandssemester" and speak to students about their experiences.
UdS, Konferenzraum Computerlinguistik Building C7.4, Room 1.17

Grenzübergreifende Lernformate etablieren – Ansätze und Herausforderungen
As part of our lecture series "Intercultural encounters in border spaces: challenges and resources" in the summer semester 2023, the next event will take place on Wednesday, June 28 at 4:15 pm.
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Jensen, Prof. Dr. Achim Schröder (Economics, htw saar), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zöller (Social Studies, htw saar) will present their talk about "Grenzübergreifende Lernformate etablieren – Ansätze und Herausforderungen."

Kulturelle Begegnungen und Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit in internationalen Team-Teaching Projekten
As part of our lecture series "Intercultural encounters in border spaces: challenges and resources" in the summer semester 2023, the next event will take place on Monday, June 19.
Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner (American Studies, UdS) will present her talk about "Kulturelle Begegnungen und Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit in internationalen Team-Teaching Projekten."
UdS, Konferenzraum Computerlinguistik Building C7.4, Room 1.17

Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Mehrsprachigkeit in grenzregionalen Kontexten: Ein Blick in Lehre und Forschung
As part of our lecture series "Intercultural encounters in border spaces: challenges and resources" in the summer semester 2023, the next event will take place on Monday, June 12.
Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Julia Montemayor, Vera Mathieu (Romanistik, UdS) will present their talk about "Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Mehrsprachigkeit in grenzregionalen Kontexten: Ein Blick in Lehre und Forschung."
UdS, Konferenzraum Computerlinguistik Building C7.4, Room 1.17

Soziale Arbeit in der Großregion am Beispiel des Kinderschutzes und der Kinderrechte
As part of our lecture series "Interkulturelle Begegnugnen in Grenzräumen: Herausforderungen und Ressourcen" in the summer semester 2023, the next event will take place on Wednesday, June 7.
Titled "Soziale Arbeit in der Großregion am Beispiel des Kinderschutzes und der Kinderrechtes", Ulrike Zöller (Social Sciences, htw saar) will give her lecture at 4:15 pm.
htw saar Campus Alt-Saarbrücken, Room 11.07.07
Lecture Series "Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Grenzräumen: Herausforderungen und Ressourcen" Summer term 2023
The lecture series carried out in the project "Intercultural Communication in Border Areas" (within the framework of the Cooperation Platform Europe) by Saarland University and htwsaar in the summer semester 2023 aims to show the diversity of intercultural communication in research and teaching, languages and mobility from different professional and institutional perspectives at the two Saarland university locations (incl. their international networks). The focus is mainly on the specifics of border regions, e.g. the professional, also multilingual, requirements in the German-French-Luxembourgian border region as a labor market.
On a total of 6 dates until the beginning of July, different formats will be offered for interested listeners (students and lecturers of all subjects, representatives of central institutions, etc.), which refer to "good practice examples" in teaching as well as additional qualifications in the field of intercultural communication. In addition to experts from UdS and htwsaar and external speakers, international students from the two universities will also have their say, presenting their intercultural experiences during their studies abroad and thus creating an awareness of the added value of intercultural encounters in border areas and beyond.
The series of lectures will kick off with an international panel discussion at the htw saar on 09.05.2023 with guests from the GLOBDIVES-Projekt (Erasmus+) and Transform4Europe.
Tuesday, May 9, 15.00-17.00, htw saar (Campus Rotenbühl, Aula)
Kick Off Panel Discussion (in English): "Intercultural Encounters: Border Regions, Diversity and Global Citizenship." (as part of the "Europe Week" of the Business School of the htwsaar).
Leszek Drong (Professor of Humanities, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia, Poland)
Jaana Häkli (Senior Lecturer, LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Kerstin Heuwinkel (Professor for International Tourism Management, htw saar)
Claudia Polzin-Haumann (Professor for Romance Linguistics, Saarland University)
Florian Weber (Junior Professor for European Studies, Saarland University)
Wednesday, June7, 16.15-17.45, htw saar Campus Alt-Saarbrücken Room 11.07.07
"Soziale Arbeit in der Großregion am Beispiel des Kinderschutzes und der Kinderrechte", Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zöller (Social Studies, htw saar)
Monday, June 12, 16.15-17.45, UdS Building C7 4, Room 1.17
"Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Mehrsprachigkeit in grenzregionalen Kontexten: Ein Blick in Lehre und Forschung", Prof Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Dr. Julia Montemayor, Dr. Vera Mathieu (Romanistik, UdS)
Monday, June 19, 16.15-17.45, UdS Building C7 4, Room 1.17
"Kulturelle Begegnungen und Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit in internationalen Team-Teaching Projekten", Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner (Amerikanistik, UniGr Center for Border Studies, UdS)
Wednesday, June 28, 16.15-17.45 Uhr, htw saar (Campus Rotenbühl, Aula)
“Grenzübergreifende Lernformate etablieren – Ansätze und Herausforderungen”, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Jensen, Prof. Dr. Achim Schröder (Economy Studies, htw saar), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zöller (Social Sciences, htw saar)
Monday, 03.07., 16.15-17.45, UdS Building C7 4, Room 1.17
"Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Studium und Auslandssemester", Dr. Elisabeth Venohr (DaF/DaZ, UdS), Dr. Julia Frisch (Stabstelle IKM/DaF, htw saar)
Student evaluation at Saarland University and htw Saar
Current student survey at UdS and htw saar (survey period: June 30, 2022 - July 31, 2022)
What we wanted to know:
Where are the needs for the promotion of intercultural communication and intercultural competence on the part of the students?
By means of an online questionnaire, the need for intercultural competence mediation at both universities involved in the project was to be surveyed in the context of the border region and beyond. On the one hand, it was about measures for the preparation and follow-up of stays abroad as well as existing study contents with reference to intercultural communication, but on the other hand also about internationalization@home.
The questionnaire was addressed to all students of Saarland University and htwsaar and reached 169 participants (mainly from the humanities and social sciences). The results show that on the part of the students in particular a desire for more international cooperation projects prevails, while internationalization@home is not yet a concept for many students. Intercultural communication is mentioned by the majority as a central (cross-sectional) topic, which should, however, be further strengthened.